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Tuesday, January 5, 2016


What is amazing is that Reb Yehuda Ha'chasid in his summary of his sefer Sefer Gematria, predicted that the Aschalta De'Geula would start in 1967 when Yerushlayim would be in Jewish hands! This contradicts the Satmar SHIT'ah that attributes the conquest of Yeruslayim to the "Samach Mem" , the Satan!
Satmar believes that Hashem cannot do any miracles to Zionists, so according to Satmar, Hashem sends his "partner" the Samach Mem do the miracles! The Satmar Shit'ah is Christianity 101, which also believes that Hashem has chas ve'sholom a partner.

Judah Ben Samuel was a legendary and prolific German rabbi of the 12th century who made some astonishing and specific predictions about the future of Jerusalem and Israel that came true.

Judah Ben Samuel, also known as Judah he-Hasid (Judah the Pious), lived and worked from the end of the 12th century until the beginning of the 13th century in Regensburg, authoring a number of books in the German language.

Following the Christian crusades to the Holy Land, between 1096-1270, a regular correspondence developed between the Jews in the Holy Land and the Christian West. Thus, for example, the rabbis in Worms and Regensburg in Germany knew that Saladin’s Ayyubids had been ruling in the Holy Land since 1187.

At this time, Judah Ben Samuel published the results of his biblical calculations (Gematria) and astrological observations and summarized as follows: 
“When the Ottomans (Turks) – who were already a power to be reckoned with on the Bosporus in the time of Judah Ben Samuel – conquer Jerusalem they will rule over Jerusalem for eight jubilees.

Afterwards Jerusalem will become no-man’s land for one jubilee, and then in the tenth jubilee it will once again come back into the possession of the Jewish nation – which would signify the beginning of the Messianic end time.”

One jubilee is 50 years (Leviticus 25). It is the 50th year after seven times seven years, the year in which each person should regain ownership of his or her land. 

Ben Samuel’s calculations were purely theoretical; there was absolutely no sign at that time of their being fulfilled. He himself was not able to experience their fulfillment, for it was only 300 years after his death that the first of his predictions were to come true.

The Mamluks, who had been reigning in Jerusalem since 1250, were conquered in 1517 by the Ottoman Turks. They remained for eight jubilees (8 x 50 = 400 years), that is to say they were in Jerusalem for 400 years. Exactly 400 years later, in 1917, the Ottoman Turks were conquered by the British. The League of Nations conferred the Mandate for the Holy Land and Jerusalem to the British. Thus, from 1917, under international law, Jerusalem was no-man’s land.

Then, when Israel captured Jerusalem in the Six Day War of 1967, exactly one jubilee (50 years) after 1917, Jerusalem reverted to Jewish-Israeli ownership once again. Thereby, according to the prophecies of Judah Ben Samuel, the Messianic End Times began.

Many scholars have studied and made reference to Judah Ben Samuel’s writings in an effort to understand how he reached his conclusions. 

Among those referencing Ben Samuel were Rabbi Isaac Ben Solomon Luria, a mystic dealing with the messianic world (Jerusalem, 1531-1572, Safed); Joseph Solomon Delmegido (1591 Candia – 1655 Prague), a mathematician and astronomer (“Mazref le-Chochma”), Azulai I (1724-1806), a famed bibliographer; Samuel David Luzzatto (1800-1865), a Bible scholar; historian Heinrich Graetz (1817-1891); and Torah scholar Jacob Epstein (1925-1993).

The secret of how Judah the Pious arrived at such accurate predictions has less to do with the actual calculations than it does with the fact that he had consecrated his life to G-d. His pupils Rabbi Isaac ben Moses (Vienna), Rabbi Baruch ben Samuel (Mainz) and Rabbi Simcha (Speyer) testify that Ben Samuel was a model of abstinence and selflessness and was awaiting with a burning desire the coming of the Messiah.

Ben Samuel was often called “Light of Israel.” Even bishops came to him for advice. If anyone asked him where his wisdom came from he would answer, “The prophet Elijah, who will precede the Messiah, appeared to me and revealed many things to me and emphasized that the precondition for answered prayer is that it is fueled by enthusiasm and joy for the greatness and holiness of G-d.”

But to recap the astonishing predictions
In AD 1217 this scholarly and pious rabbi prophesied that the Ottoman Turks would rule over the holy city of Jerusalem for eight Jubilees. Now, keep in mind, he made this prediction 300 years before the Ottoman Turks seized control of Jerusalem in 1517. If indeed 1217 and 1517 were jubilee years as Judah Ben Samuel believed, then his prophecy was exactly right, because exactly 400 years after the Turks took control of Jerusalem they were driven out of the city and the holy land in 1917 by the Allied forces under the command of General George Allenby – on Hanukkah, by the way.

But it gets more interesting still.

The rabbi also prophesied that during the ninth Jubilee Jerusalem would be a “no-man’s land.” This is exactly what happened from 1917 to 1967, due to the fact that the Holy Land was placed under British Mandate in 1917 by the League of Nations and literally “belonged” to no nation.

Even after Israel’s war of independence in 1948-49, Jerusalem was still divided by a strip of land running right through the heart of the city, with Jordan controlling the eastern part of the city and Israel controlling the western part of the city. That strip of land was considered and even called “no-man’s land” by both the Israelis and the Jordanians.

It was not until the Six Day War in 1967 when the entire West Bank of the Holy Land was conquered by the Israeli army that the whole city of Jerusalem passed back into the possession of Israel. So once again the prophecy made by the rabbi 750 years previously was fulfilled to the letter.

It certainly would be significant if both 1917 and 1967 were Jubilee years, considering the significance of what happened in Jerusalem on those years. 

But it gets even more interesting, because Judah Ben Samuel also prophesied that during the 10th Jubilee, Jerusalem would be under the control of the Jews and the Messianic “end times” would begin. If he’s right, the 10th Jubilee began in 1967 and will be concluded in 2017.


Salted Pretzel said...

Please don't make a fool of yourself. By all means disprove Satmar but do not use the meshumod to Jews for Yoshka, Ludwig Schneider yms.

If there is a mekor for this in Rebbi Yehuda heChossid, please link to the original on HebrewBooks.org & erase this excerpt

Anonymous said...

DIN,please don't insult the Christians by comparing them to the Satmar Romanian gypsy
Israel hating antisemitic bastards,most of these Christians especially the fundamental ones they are the biggest supporters and lovers of Israel as opposed to these ignorant savage hungarian and romanian Jew hating antisemitic barbarians

Yossele fun Krakow said...

I won't dispute the description of the Gypsies but don't get carried away singing praises of the people of the cross.

There are some nice ones that believe in dual covenant and are chassidei umos haolam but many of the fundies are dangerously sly. They want all of us in Israel so that it's easier to destroy all the Jews in Armegeddon if they are in one place. Even worse are some fanatical groups who, believe it or not, Presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann is affiliated with, who want to impose a Xtian version of Shaariah in America with the death penalty for non-believers in Yoshkie. The Washington Post figured this out about Bachmann very early on but somehow the report never got traction and the Agudah met with her not realizing this.

Harry said...

Can you point me to where Rav Yehuda Hachasid says this?

Dusiznies said...

Soif Sefer Ha'Gematria

Yosh55 said...

Please photo the page and print it

Dusiznies said...

Please go to your nearest bookstore and buy the sefer

Yosh55 said...

Did you see it inside? It would be more beleivable if you printed, since orhers questioned the truth of it

Harry once quoted an outrageus thing... When i asked for a source , he said he saw it on the net, from a liar like him

Mreld said...

I own a Sefer gematrios but I cannot find what you are quoting. Please reference a page number, siman, or something.

Dusiznies said...

Calm down! If you have the sefer .. take some time and look it up....
and then share with us the "page number siman or something"

I will look at it when I get the chance.... right now I don't have the time, dont you see im busy bashing the anti_jewish Satmar barbarians!

Mreld said...

Um... I'm quite calm... Just asking for a reference...
My edition even has a mafteach, and I still can't seem to find what you quote.
So if this truly exists please supply an accurate reference as soon as you can. Thank you

Dusiznies said...

You don't have the sefer...you liar!
This sefer doesn't have a "Mafteach" ...
How can a Sefer Ha"gematria have a "mafteach"?

Mreld said...

Wow your really in over your head.
The Sefer gematrios (not ha"gematria like you said) of R' Yehuda hachasid, was printed in two volumes in תשס״ה by Yakov Yisrael Setel with extensive notes, and yes a mafteach.
I even have a link for you here to otzar hachochma.http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?155410

Mreld said...

So far I think the only liar is yourself as you can't produce the source which you claim exists...

Dusiznies said...

If you have it like you said, then read and find it ,because it's there,.... no one denies except for you ...
If the Two Volume set doesn't have it then Setel took it out ...he must be a re-writer of history, and a revisionist...
The new re-writers also took out a Teshuva of R' Shlomo Zalman Auerbach because R' Shlomo argued with the CC...
and it didn't look good .... so they waited till R' Shlomo Zalman went to the Olam Ha'emes and then took out the Tshuvah in the latest edition
In the old edition of the Sefer Ha'Gematria at the end by R' Yehuda Hachacsid you see it with no problem

Mreld said...

I see. So for those of us that don't have your edition, would you kindly produce a photo of said reference. Or if for some reason that is beyond the scope of your abilities at least give us the exact edition you are referring to, when and where it was printed and by who.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Joe, when did you become such a BIG liar (and hater)?

Unknown said...

As i remember , the only thing the Satmar rebbe was saying is that if there was a miracle,it was not for the medina .There can't be 'miracles' for 'sinners.'
But , the fact is there have been 'ehrlich' yidden i Israel for generations , and the number has been growing , boruch haShem.
I don't remember , now, but when I learned the Malbim's peresh in Daniel, it seems he prophesied the Balfour Decleration.
But when it happenned, the Holy chafetz chaim was quoted as saying , it seems like the 'pekida' (HaShem's remembering us,the time is coming),
but he was afraid the irreligous would catch it for themselves.

Unknown said...

Dusiznies ...
I do not have the old Sefer Gematria, where it contains the text of Reb's prediction. Could you post or send a print to my email ricardoselva940@hotmail.com? I thank you!

Unknown said...

Dusiznies ...
I do not have the old Sefer Gematria, where it contains the text of Reb's prediction. Could you post or send a print to my email ricardoselva940@hotmail.com? I thank you!

Anonymous said...

We are all waiting for your source

Dusiznies said...

Just because you keep asking as if you don't know doesn't mean its not there ...
I wrote the source in the very first sentence "his summary of his sefer Sefer Gematria"
However, we really don't need any source ... even a blind man living in Israel can see the "aschalteh"
The Meraglim were great gedoilim but didn't believe, they like you kept asking "where is the source?"