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Monday, October 21, 2024

Major Security Breach: Seven Israeli Jews have been exposed as *Iranian agents* during the war.


 Seven Israeli citizens from northern Israel and Haifa have been exposed as *Iranian agents* during the war.
The seven include a deserter soldier, two minors!

They allegedly photographed critical military bases, including Nevatim and Ramat David Air Force bases, the Kirya compound, and Iron Dome battery sites.

Additionally, the suspects were given strategic maps from Iranian handlers, including the Golani Training Base, *which was attacked by a UAV two weeks ago.*

On Friday, the prosecution will file charges for serious security offenses.

Iran launched many of its missiles in the early October attack at targets identified by this group. 

Each target marked for an Iranian strike was photographed by the suspects. 

Even *after the attack*, they were sent to assess the damage and report whether the missiles hit the targets or missed, providing feedback to their Iranian handlers for improvement.

JUST IN!!!!!!

It has been released for publication that Israel’s Shin Bet, the Police’s Lahav 433 unit, and IDF’s Intelligence Security Department have uncovered a network of seven Jewish-Israeli citizens, including a deserter soldier and two minors, working for Iranian intelligence. The group, based in Haifa and other northern towns, gathered sensitive information on IDF bases, energy infrastructure, and Iron Dome systems, all for hundreds of thousands of dollars in cryptocurrency.

Over the last two years, under the guidance of Iranian agents known as “Alkhan” and “Orkhan,” the suspects executed espionage tasks such as collecting intel on military installations, including the Nevatim and Ramat David airbases, IDF HQ in Tel Aviv, the Golani training base, and Iron Dome batteries. 

The group also conducted surveillance on Israeli citizens. Investigators believe this information could have directly contributed to missile attacks. The suspects even used advanced equipment provided by their Iranian handlers to carry out their tasks.

The plot’s discovery has highlighted the growing threat of Iranian intelligence exploiting Israeli citizens to carry out espionage and terror activities.

 Israeli security officials stated that the group’s actions compromised the nation’s security at a time when the country is already engaged in conflicts on multiple fronts.

 A senior Shin Bet official commented that the network’s actions caused serious harm to national security, as they transmitted extensive sensitive material, including photos and videos of strategic sites across Israel.

A police spokesperson added, “The scale and severity of the suspects’ actions are among the most dangerous Israel has ever faced. They knowingly engaged in acts that endangered the state and its citizens for financial gain.”

Indictments against the network members are expected to be filed by Friday, as the case once again underscores Iran’s relentless efforts to recruit Israeli citizens for espionage and terror activities. Israeli security forces vow to continue their efforts to expose and counter Iranian infiltration, holding those involved accountable to the fullest extent of the law.

Ramat Beit Shemesh Hallel With Chassidim, Dati Leumi, Ethiopians, Sfardie, Yeshivish & Toldos Aaron Together


"Harris will impose a weapons embargo on Israel." Bernie Sanders


*"Harris will impose a weapons embargo on Israel."*

Jewish Senator Bernie Sanders, known for his criticism of Israel during the war, told CNN that he believes Kamala Harris will accept his proposal to impose a weapons embargo on Israel due to the war in Gaza.

Douglas Murray Sits on Sinwar's Throne ...Sinwar's Last Seat!

It is only a few days since evil Hamas mastermind Yahya Sinwar was killed in a building in Tel Sultan, Rafah, deep in the south of Gaza.

It was the area that geopolitical genius Vice President Kamala Harris said that the Israel Defense Forces should not enter.

Thank goodness their leaders ignored her. Because as they destroyed his tunnel system and fought their way house to house through Gaza for a year, this was where he was finally found.

On Sunday, The Post was given exclusive foreign media access to the site where Sinwar met his end.

I went in with the IDF along the southernmost part of the Gaza Strip, along Gaza’s border with Egypt. Here huge Egyptian watchtowers overlook the border. It was under this border that Hamas was for years able to smuggle rockets, guns and other weaponry.

As we made our way along what is known as the Philadelphi corridor, we finally came upon Rafah.

The city is destroyed. Hardly a building is left unmarked by the scars of war. Many homes have been blown open along the sides.

Many have the marks Hamas leaves for other Hamas members to tell them they have booby-trapped the building. Many multi-story buildings have crumpled like a deck of cards from airstrikes after the IDF told civilians to leave the area.

It is a scene of unbelievably intense fighting.

After Sinwar, the ICC and Sen Schumer Stand Exposed


The death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has left many so-called moderates in grief. The Palestine Liberation Organization’s executive committee, led by President Mahmoud Abbas, offered condolences on Sinwar’s “martyrdom,” calling the mastermind of the Oct. 7 massacre a “great national leader.” Does anyone think this group, which the Biden Administration would have rule postwar Gaza, would thwart terrorism?

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also saluted Sinwar—while receiving Iran’s foreign minister and Hamas’s top terrorists-in-suits for meetings. Another day in the life of a NATO ally.

Hardest hit by Sinwar’s death, however, should be Karim Ahmad Khan, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. Recall that Mr. Khan had claimed to be evenhanded by seeking arrest warrants for a trio of Hamas leaders—Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh and Mohammed Deif—alongside Israel’s Prime Minister and Defense Minister.

The moral equivalence was offensive, but now that all three Hamas chiefs have been killed, Israel has stripped Mr. Khan of his fig leaf. He is prosecuting Israelis alone for their defensive war to free hostages and defeat the death squads who want to repeat their Oct. 7 attack.

There was never any chance of Sinwar standing trial in The Hague or being deterred by the prospect. While an ICC indictment means something to a democracy like Israel, it is meaningless to terrorists who have no respect for international opinion, and already live in hiding to escape being killed as illegal enemy combatants under the traditional rules of war.

Mr. Khan knows all of this. He rushed to seek arrest warrants, before seriously investigating or even talking to the Israelis, as he had promised U.S. Senators he would, for its effect on Israel. When Mr. Khan was dangling his threat, the goal seemed to be to deter Israel from entering Hamas’s stronghold of Rafah. After Israel went in, Mr. Khan made his announcement to try to stop the tanks.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proved him wrong by safely evacuating Rafah’s civilians. Then Israel uncovered tunnels to Egypt, hostages and now Sinwar in Rafah. The Hamas No. 1 seems to have been flushed out of his tunnels by Israel’s military pressure.

Mr. Khan was wrong about Rafah, as were President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, who said she had “studied the maps.” They blocked arms to Israel over it. But Rafah’s centrality to Israel’s mission and to the chance of peace in postwar Gaza is now clear.

Yet the White House is still protecting the ICC. Over Mr. Biden’s objections, 42 House Democrats joined Republicans in early June to pass a bill sanctioning the ICC. The measure likely could pass the Senate, but Sens. Chuck Schumer and Ben Cardin have done the White House’s bidding and sat on it, despite pressure by Sen. Jim Risch and other Republicans.

Mr. Schumer promised bipartisan negotiations on an ICC sanctions bill. He never delivered, so the U.S. does nothing as the ICC expands its jurisdiction and stands poised to take up Hamas’s political struggle against Israel.

Wall Street Journal 

Prominent Donor to the University of Pennsylvania Will Donate to Israel Universities Instead!

Immediately after the terrible events of October 7, 2023, American college campuses were turned upside-down by dramatic anti-Israel protests and campus encampments that seemingly formed overnight. Antisemitic incidents became widespread as Jewish students and staff at major universities reported harassment, verbal and physical altercations, and more.

 Already in mid-October, David Magerman, a venture capitalist, investor, and computer scientist who had been a prominent donor to the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Engineering, publicly announced that he was withdrawing his grants to the school over the administration’s handling of the situation. He was one of several major donors to Ivy League schools to withdraw his donations.

But Magerman, an Orthodox Jew with long-term business and philanthropic interests in Israel, did more than that. He later announced that, through his Tzemach David Foundation, he would redirect funding intended for UPenn and donate $5 million dollars, divided among five Israeli universities, with the express intent of creating degree tracks for English speakers.

In June, the first of these donations was announced as a $1 million dollar grant to the Jerusalem College of Technology, and last week, it was announced that Tel Aviv University was the second recipient of the same amount. The funds are to be paid out over a five-year period.

Aviezer Wolfson Composer Of “Ma Ashiv”, Niftar At 87


We regret to inform you of the petirah of R’ Aviezer Shimon Yosef Wolfson zt”l, a respected talmid chochom and former rebbi at Yeshivas Toras Chaim in Moscow, who was niftar today in Yerushalayim at the age of 87. He was the father of Rav Daniel Wolfson, Rosh Yeshivas Netivot Chochma, and philanthropist R’ Uri Wolfson.

R’ Aviezer spent most of his days immersed in Torah both in Israel and abroad. Known for his humility and kindness, he was deeply admired for his anivus, generosity, and his ability to connect with both young and old.

Throughout his life, R’ Aviezer was renowned for his kiruv efforts, inspiring countless individuals to strengthen their connection to yiddishkeit. He often shared stories of his father’s miraculous survival during the Holocaust, noting his father’s steadfast dedication to donning tefillin daily despite the dangers.

The niftar was a close talmid of Rav Shlomo Wolbe zt”l and Rav Moshe Shmuel Shapira zt”l of Yeshivas Be’er Yaakov. He also played a key role in facilitating the donation of the Bais Midrash building of Be’er Yaakov, funded by his uncle, Sir Yitzchok Halevi Wolfson.

R’ Aviezer gained fame for composing the widely sung “Mah Ashiv” melody, famously performed by Reb Leibele Hashel z”l, which has since become a staple in shuls worldwide.

On Sukkos, R’ Aviezer was seen praying with great kavana at the Minchas Chinuch shul in Shaarei Chesed, and on the day of his petirah, he spent the morning learning in the shul’s sukkah, deeply engaged in limud hatorah until his final hours.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

Legendary Jewish Music Pioneer Yigal Calek Passes On At 84


Yigal Calek, the visionary composer, choir director, and founder of the London School of Jewish Song, was niftar today at the age of 84. Yigal z”l, whose contributions to Jewish music revolutionized the genre beginning in the early 1970s, had been seriously ill in recent months.

Yigal began his career as a sixth-grade rebbi, but his deep passion for music led him to create the London Pirchim Choir, later known as the London School of Jewish Song. His debut album, Ma Navu (1970), featured iconic songs such as “Sali Umetzudasi” and “Al Zeh Hayah Daveh Libeinu,” and marked the beginning of a groundbreaking era in Jewish music. He followed it with Borchi Nafshi in 1971, and later collaborated with Neginah Orchestra to produce timeless hits like “Ashira,” “Ko Amar,” “Chamol,” and “Children of Silence.”

His innovative approach not only elevated the musical standards within the Jewish world but also helped shape the frum concert scene, taking Jewish musical performances from shul basements to prestigious venues like Brooklyn College and Lincoln Center. His concerts were known for their theatricality, with choreographed performances and costume changes that enthralled audiences around the world.

Beyond his musical genius, Yigal z”l was beloved for his genuine warmth and commitment to yiddishkeit. His music reflected a deep love for Hashem, which resonated with listeners, young and old, for decades. His energy on stage, combined with the sincerity he brought to his compositions, left an indelible mark on Jewish music.

On the last night of Chanukah 2021, alumni of Yigal’s choir gathered for a reunion at his home in Golders Green to once again sing some of the songs that made the London School of Jewish Song a worldwide sensation.

Nova Festival Survivor Takes Her Life On Her Birthday

 Nova festival survivor Shirel Golan was found dead in her home in Moshav Porat in the Sharon on her 22nd birthday in an apparent suicide.

Shirel was supposed to join her parents for a trip to the Kotel and Me’arat Hamachpelah but cancelled the trip and was later found dead in her bed. Shirel, the youngest of five brothers and sisters, is survived by her parents and older siblings.

“Since she was saved, I had seen that she was suffering from symptoms of post-trauma but the state did not treat her,” her brother Eyal said.

“She reached a state of depression and was committed twice to a psychiatric hospital in Pardesiya, because nobody from the state noticed her. They didn’t recognize her as post-traumatic. The state murdered Shirel,” Eyal claimed.

He said that he saw her for the last time on Thursday in the Sukkah. “I asked her how she felt, and she said she was fine. I gave her a hug and kiss, never imagining it would be the last one ever.’

Eyal said that when Shirel did not respond to messages or phones, a former boyfriend was sent to see what was wrong. He found her lifeless in her bed.

The ministry of welfare and social security claimed that “Shirel was treated by social services even before Oct. 7th and especially afterwards and was recognized by the health system. Unfortunately the family’s claims that she did not receive a response from authorities is unbased. For discretionary reasons we cannot add more details.”

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Israel Will Be Bombing Hezbollah Financial Building in Lebenon in the coming Hours


"In a few minutes, we will issue early evacuation warnings to residents of Lebanon in Beirut and other areas, to evacuate from sites used to finance Hezbollah's terror activity," Hagari says.

"I stress here, that whoever is near the sites, which are used to finance Hezbollah's terror activity, is required to distance themselves from them immediately," he says.

"We will strike many sites in the coming hours, and more sites overnight. In the coming days, we will reveal how Iran finances Hezbollah's terror activity using civilian institutions and associations as a cover," Hagari continues.

"We will strike them tonight, and update on the results in the coming days," he adds.

The Chareidie Hero Soldier who eliminated the evil Yahya Sinwar

The hero who eliminated the evil mastermind of the October 7th attacks, Yahya Sinwar, is a 19-year-old soldier from the 97th Netzah Yehuda Battalion, previously known as Nahal Haredi, a unit in the Kfir Brigade of the IDF.

 The purpose of the battalion is to allow ultra-Orthodox Jewish men to serve as combat soldiers in the IDF, by creating an atmosphere conducive to their religious convictions and strict observance of Jewish ritual laws.

In April 2024, Axios reported that the U.S. government plans to sanction the battalion under the Leahy Law for alleged human rights violations. The sanction would prevent the battalion or any of its members from receiving U.S. aid or entering the United States. Israeli leaders, including Benjamin Netanyahu, Yoav Gallant, and Benny Gantz, criticized the sanction plans, arguing that Israel’s justice system independently and adequately addresses human rights concerns.

MSNBC shows entire panel of Arab-American voters refusing to back Harris: Host Completely Embarrassed!


Experts Say Netanyahu’s decision to ignore Biden, Harris warnings not to invade Rafah responsible for Sinwar’s death


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to ignore dire warnings from President Biden and Vice President Harris not to conquer the last major stronghold of Hamas terrorists in Rafah proved to be correct, according to military and Middle East experts.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the country’s Shin Bet intelligence agency announced Wednesday that “soldiers from the Southern Command eliminated Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the Hamas terrorist organization, in an operation in the southern Gaza Strip.”

Biden and Harris congratulated Israel over the death of the Hamas terror chief, but, earlier this year, both warned Israel about going into Rafah, where Sinwar met his end.

Sinwar oversaw the massacre of nearly 1,200 people Oct. 7, 2023, including over 40 American citizens.

In March, Harris declined to rule out “consequences” for Israel if it moved forward with an invasion of Rafah in Gaza.

US Can NO Longer be Trusted With Israeli Intel ...US docs show Israel preparations for airstrike in Iran and leaked online


US intelligence documents showing Israeli military preparations for a looming strike on Iran were leaked online, according to reports.

Federal intelligence officials confirm the authenticity of the top secret documents that were leaked by Telegram user “Middle_East_Spectator.”

There is an active investigation into who had access to the alleged Pentagon document, according to CNN.

The document is marked top secret and is only meant to be seen by those with proper clearance in the US and the “Five Eyes” – Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.

The documents describe military preparations by Israel – including the amount of various kinds of missiles – at Ramat David Airfield on the dates of October 15th and October 16th.

There are multiple agencies compelled to conduct investigations into leaked intelligence reports – including the FBI and the Pentagon, CNN reports. 

This leak comes as the region waits with bated breath for Israel to respond to the October 1st missile barrage Iran launched into the country.

“If it is true that Israeli tactical plans to respond to Iran’s attack on October 1st have been leaked, it is a serious breach,” Mick Mulroy, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for the Middle East told CNN.

“Trust is a key component in [the US-Israel] relationship, and depending on how this was leaked that trust could be eroded,” Mulroy added.

In a statement posted to X, Middle East Spectator wrote, “We have no connection to the original leaker, and we are not aware of his identity. We also have no knowledge on the authenticity of the documents.

“Furthermore, we assumed that the documents had been floating around elsewhere on Telegram, making them a part of the public domain.”

The Middle East Spectator statement added the self-proclaimed “open-source news aggregator” was “not aware of any additional leaked classified US documents.”

Earlier Saturday, Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu’s vacation house was struck with an explosive drone that launched from Lebanon in an apparent assassination attempt. Netanyahu was not at that residence at the time of the attempt.

Kamala Harris publicly agrees with protestor accusing Israel of genocide: ‘What he’s talking about, it’s real’


Vice President Harris publicly agreed with a protestor this week who interrupted her to accuse Israel of committing “genocide.”

The moment went down during a campaign stop Thursday at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, when a pro-Hamas UWM student began yelling out while the Democratic presidential nominee was speaking, video of the exchange showed.

“I am so invested in you all, in every way,” Harris can be heard saying as the interruption began.

“And in genocide right?” the heckler said.

“Billions of dollars in genocide. Billions of dollars in genocide.”

Someone off-camera can be heard whispering “shut up,” but the outburst continued.

“I’m speaking right now,” Harris said before launching into her now well-worn response to similar interruptions.

“I know what you’re speaking of. I want the ceasefire. I want the war to end. And I respect your right to speak but I am speaking right now.”

“But what about the genocide? What about the genocide though?” the protestor, wearing a keffiyeh, yelled.

The man was then escorted out of the hall while yelling, “19,000 children are dead, and you won’t call it a genocide.”

In the silence that followed his exit, Harris turned back to the audience.

“Listen, what he’s talking about, it’s real. That’s not the subject that I came to discuss today, but it’s real and I respect his voice,” Harris said.

The vice president has never previously suggested that Israel’s defensive war in Gaza amounts to a genocide of Palestinian people.

“Kamala Harris just publicly validated the false and vicious accusation that Israel is engaging in genocide,” David Friedman, a former U.S. ambassador to Israel, told The Post Saturday.

“Many, including myself, always suspected that she held this warped, antisemitic view of Israel’s self-defense against Hamas barbarism. But the cat is now out of the bag,” he added.

“Her view is as ignorant as it is malign. … To give credence publicly to this disgusting blood libel disqualifies Harris from holding any public office, let alone the presidency,” he said.

The behind-closed-doors event at the school’s Lubar Entrepreneurship Center was closed to journalists, but video of the moment was posted online. Harris’ motorcade was also met with pro-Hamas protesters when she arrived on campus, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.

The heckler appears to have been affiliated with the group UW-Milwaukee Popular University for Palestine Coalition, which posted a first person account of the confrontation to their Instagram page Friday.

Harris’ family has also been public about their sympathies.

Both Harris’ stepdaughter Ella Emhoff and niece Meena Harris, have raised cash for the Palestinian cause.

Ella Emhoff’s activism has included soliciting funds for the UN’s Palestinian relief agency, which the United States cut funding to over staffers’ potential involvement in the Oct. 7 attacks.

The incident comes as Harris has faced growing skepticism from Jewish voters, with poll after poll suggesting their support for the Democratic party is eroding.

Harris’ comments seemingly endorsing the position that Israel is committing genocide took place just one day after the country killed Hamas terror leader Yahya Sinwar.

“That is not the view of the Biden-Harris Administration or the Vice President,” A Harris campaign official said. 

Israel’s success has humiliated its critics


Opinion by Telegraph View
In the words of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the 
death of Yahya Sinwar marks the “beginning of the day after Hamas”. After a year of fighting in Gaza, the architect of the October 7 massacre has faced justice. It is a triumph for the Israel Defence Forces, a grievous blow to Hamas and Iran’s terrorist network – and a chastening moment for London and Washington.

After all, if Sir Keir Starmer and President Joe Biden had got their way, Israel would have been forced into accepting a ceasefire months ago that would have left Sinwar at large, and Hamas’s military network considerably more capable.

Indeed, at one point Mr Biden stated that he would cut the supply of arms to Jerusalem if Israeli forces entered the city of Rafah. His justification was that America would not be “walking away from Israel’s security”, but Israel’s ability to “wage war” in heavily populated areas.

Given the proclivity of Hamas and its terrorist cells for hiding among civilian populations, the flaws in such a position should have been obvious. And indeed, Rafah is where Sinwar was eventually caught and killed.

Predictably, Sir Keir and Mr Biden have seized on this triumph to once again attempt to pressure Israel into negotiating with Hamas. Mr Biden has declared that he will discuss “ending the war once and for all” with Mr Netanyahu, while Sir Keir has said “an immediate ceasefire” is “long overdue”.

Humility, apparently, is not a characteristic either leader greatly values. Despite the mounting evidence, neither appears to be willing to accept the clear fact that Israel knows how to prosecute its own conflicts better than they do. Then again, the advice of these so-called allies is not given with Israel’s well-being uppermost in mind. In the case of Sir Keir, his stance appears to be at least partly the result of electoral considerations, with the Labour Party having suffered unexpected setbacks in heavily Muslim constituencies in this year’s general election.

The result has been a series of decidedly unfriendly gestures, including withdrawing opposition to highly politicised efforts by the International Criminal Court to issue arrest warrants for Mr Netanyahu, and suspending a set of arms exports licences to Israel. The absurdity of these actions has been amply highlighted by the fact that while our Government is piling criticism and pressure on Jerusalem, our own Armed Forces are having to intervene to protect the Jewish state from Iran.

Rather than once again assuming that we know better than leaders in Jerusalem what is best for Israel, or what military action might achieve, we should simply offer our support to an ally in its fight for freedom and democracy.

Rabbi Katz who signed a "heter meah rabbanim" to a Monsey Get-Refuser Retracts His Position! Case now reaches Israel!

This has been loosely translated from Hebrew! 

The Get-Refuser came to Israel before Sukkos for a short visit,  his wife an Israeli citizen found out about this and managed to get an order not allowing him to leave the country until he gives her a proper divorce! 

His family came to Israel to be with him for Sukkos, after they realized that their dear beloved Get-Refuser would not be able to leave the country and may even face Jail, even though he is an American citizen! He is already married to another woman with the help of a bunch of rabbanim who got paid to sign a heter meah rabbanim! 

So the husband's family started a campaign, hanging and distributing peshqvils all over Yerushalayim, on the eve of Sukkot, which was written and signed by three rabbanim explaining on what basis they gave the "heter meah rabbanim" ," thus dragging Rabbi Katz the Tosher Dayen in Monsey into this mess!

 Rabbi Katz had sent letters to the Bais Din previously, stating that he was retracting and acknowledging the fact that he made a mistake and that it was really forbidden to have given the permit of "heter meah rabbanim" to the get-refuser!

 His family, the enablers, want to prove to the frum public in Yerushalyim that the heter meah rabbanim was done according to halacha!

Family members tried to get the U.S. Embassy involved but found out that there was nothing they could do because the woman is an Israeli citizen and has every right to sue him in Israel, and he will be forced to stay in Israel as long as there is no solution to the problem. 

Attempts to argue that the Israeli court and the rabbinical court do not have jurisdiction to hear this case have been rejected, and it is now clear to them that they will be forced to go through the process in Israel, which means that without convincing the Israeli rabbis that he has a legitimate heter he will be forced to stay in Israel, and it is possible that at some point when it turns out that he is the actual cause of this situation he will even go to prison as happened in another case. where the husband spent a long time in prison, even though they were both residents of the United States

Many askanim have gotten involved in the matter because this situation is not getting any better but getting more complicated because the wife has had enough of these rabbanim who just sign without knowing the issues just to get a couple of thousand dollars, and decided to file lawsuits against them in the US!

 The problem according to those in the know is that family members on the husband's side will not agree to enter any discussions unless the wife gives him millions of dollars. The question is, that now that these rogue rabbanim who signed the heter are getting sued, if the  new legal situation will create pressure on them to withdraw their signatures and join Rabbi Katz to say that the whole heter was a fraud!

The Rabbinate of Israel has already ruled that there can be no talk of money at all, the divorce must be given to the woman without ant strings attached , and the husband must meet all her other demands.

 A group of hundreds of women are demonstrating in front of their husbands' house, and others are now starting protests and exposing the rabbis who signed the heter!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Ramat Beit Shemesh Rabbis Goldstein and Kupshitz Prohibit Going to MBD Concert on Chol Hamoed Sukkos!

Why you ask?
Answer: Because it is being Sponsored by the City of Beit Shemesh! 

The concert by MBD will be separated by gender but that doesn't stop these 
"Kill Joys" from prohibiting people from going there! 

The MBD concert tickets are going for 20 Shekel and the rest is being sponsored by the city! 
6,000 tickets have already been sold, and there are only a few left! 

I wasn't planning to go, but now that these "English Speaking" Rabbis have issued a "fatwa" I decided to go! 

The "Fatwa" reads even though the concert is separating the genders, it has been prohibited by all "Gedoilei Yisrael" though only these two English Speaking Rabbis, Rabbi Goldstein and Rabbi Kupshitz,  signed the Kol Korah! 

The Chabad concert featured below also sponsored by the city, is also prohibited by these extremist Rabbis! 

My kindergarten teacher harbored the Nazis' Angel of Death - and was haunted by her secrets

One of Betina Anton’s earliest memories growing up in Brazil in the 1980s is of her kindergarten teacher, the kindly ‘Tante’ Liselotte.

But the slim German woman with permed hair and a halting Portuguese accent - who she lovingly referred to as ‘aunt’ - was hiding a horrific secret, one that would take decades to unravel.

Liselotte Bossert and her husband Wolfram harbored the notorious ‘Angel of Death’ Josef Mengele - arguably the most wanted Nazi of all time.

Mengele lived with them and their two children - who called him 'Uncle Peter' - at their home in the Brooklin neighborhood of SĆ£o Paulo for 10 years, enjoying barbecues and taking regular vacations to the beach, all while being hunted for his evil war crimes.

It was said that the doctor enjoyed his sadistic work - selecting which prisoners would die in the gas chambers and who might live another day - so much, he would even show up on his days off.

A step-by-step rundown of how Israel eliminated Yahya Sinwar


The drone spotted a man sitting in a chair.

Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar was taken out in a chance encounter Wednesday after a relentless yearlong hunt — which took Israeli troops by such surprise that one of the soldiers involved in the operation even joked about it.

The Israel Defense Forces had been hunting Sinwar, 61, since the terror organization’s deadly attack on southern Israel on Oct. 7, 2023.

In recent weeks, the Israel Defense Forces believed their top target was hiding out in the Tel al-Sultan area of Rafah — but his exact whereabouts were unknown until soldiers sifting through the rubble in the wake of this week’s strike found an eerily familiar-looking corpse.

News quickly began to spread that the mastermind behind the single deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust was dead.

But it seemed so unlikely that the terror chief was taken out in a routine raid by chance, that troops in the IDF unit that unknowingly opened fire on Sinwar joked about it.

“When we heard he was killed, we joked around saying, ‘How crazy would it be if it was us?’” a soldier involved in the Rafah operation told Israel’s Channel 12.

The remains were later confirmed to Sinwar through DNA testing.

Here is how the luckiest terror mission played out.

A regular patrol

map of the area where attack happened
The IDF believed Sinwar was hiding out in Tal al-Sultan.

A unit from the Israel Defense Forces’ 828th Bislamach Brigade was patrolling the Tal al-Sultan area of Rafah on Wednesday.

The unit is a training battalion that was on a regular patrol in Rafah searching for Hamas tunnels