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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Lakewood Mom Arrested For Leaving Her Child for 40 Minutes in a Hot Car While Shopping

Charged: Police were waiting for the mother to return to the car and arrested her. She has been charged with child endangerment 

I am begging mothers and fathers to see the picture above and engrave it into their heads ......
She is lucky that she is not sitting shiva today ...

A retired sergeant used a sledgehammer to rescue a baby that had been locked inside a hot car outside a New Jersey shopping center this week.

Officials say that 53-year-old Steve Eckel of Jackson and 30-year-old Sarah Mazzone on Tuesday saw the four-month-old girl crying and sweating alone inside the vehicle in Howell, which was locked with its windows closed.

Temperatures were in the upper 80s that day and Eckel said the interior of the car was way hotter.
'Well over 120 degrees, just think of what could have happened,' Eckel told CBS

Eckel broke the front passenger window using a sledgehammer he had in his trunk, and Mazzone carried the infant into an air-conditioned store.

The child's mother approached the vehicle in a panic and police determined the baby was left in the vehicle for about 40 minutes.

Police charged a 33-year-old lady of Lakewood with child endangerment. 
'I do believe in guardian angels, and I think I'm the one for this child,' Eckel told CBS.
'She was sweating, crying, eyes rolling back.'

It's not known if the lady  has a lawyer, but Eckel, as a former officer, has some advice for her.

'She should plead guilty and get probation and realize you just can't do this,' Eckel said. 
Police say the baby appeared fine after she cooled down.

The 25 questions Clinton must answer UNDER OATH on her secret server

Clinton Used BleachBit 

1. Describe the creation of the clintonemail.com system, including who decided to create the system, the date it was decided to create the system, why it was created, who set it up, and when it became operational. 

2. Describe the creation of your clintonemail.com email account, including who decided to create it, when it was created, why it was created, and, if you did not set up the account yourself, who set it up for you. 

3. When did you decide to use a clintonemail.com email account to conduct official State Department business and whom did you consult in making this decision? 

4. Identify all communications in which you participated concerning or relating to your decision to use a clintonemail.com email account to conduct official State Department business and, for each communication, identify the time, date, place, manner (e.g., in person, in writing, by telephone, or by electronic or other means), persons present or participating, and content of the communication. 

5. In a 60 Minutes interview aired on July 24, 2016, you stated that it was 'recommended' you use a personal email account to conduct official State Department business. What recommendations were you given about using or not using a personal email account to conduct official State Department business, who made any such recommendations, and when were any such recommendations made? 

6. Were you ever advised, cautioned, or warned, was it ever suggested, or did you ever participate in any communication, conversation, or meeting in which it was discussed that your use of a clintonemail.com email account to conduct official State Department business conflicted with or violated federal recordkeeping laws. For each instance in which you were so advised, cautioned or warned, in which such a suggestion was made, or in which such a discussion took place, identify the time, date, place, manner (e.g., in person, in writing, by telephone, or by electronic or other means), persons present or participating, and content of the advice, caution, warning, suggestion, or discussion. 

7. Your campaign website states, 'When Clinton got to the Department, she opted to use her personal email account as a matter of convenience.' What factors other than convenience did you consider in deciding to use a personal email account to conduct official State Department business? Include in your answer whether you considered federal records management and preservation requirements and how email you used to conduct official State Department business would be searched in response to FOIA requests. 

8. After President Obama nominated you to be Secretary of State and during your tenure as secretary, did you expect the State Department to receive FOIA requests for or concerning your email? 

9. During your tenure as Secretary of State, did you understand that email you sent or received in the course of conducting official State Department business was subject to FOIA? 

10. During your tenure as Secretary of State, how did you manage and preserve emails in your clintonemail.com email account sent or received in the course of conducting official State Department business, and what, if anything, did you do to make those emails available to the Department for conducting searches in response to FOIA requests?

11. During your tenure as Secretary of State, what, if any, effort did you make to inform the State Department's records management personnel (e.g., Clarence Finney or the Executive Secretariat's Office of Correspondence and Records) about your use of a clintonemail.com email account to conduct official State Department business? 

12. During your tenure as Secretary of State, did State Department personnel ever request access to your clintonemail.com email account to search for email responsive to a FOIA request? If so, identify the date access to your account was requested, the person or persons requesting access, and whether access was granted or denied. 

13. At the time you decided to use your clintonemail.com email account to conduct official State Department business, or at any time thereafter during your tenure as Secretary of State, did you consider how emails you sent to or received from persons who did not have State Department email accounts (i.e., 'state.gov' accounts) would be maintained and preserved by the Department or searched by the Department in response to FOIA requests? If so, what was your understanding about how such emails would be maintained, preserved, or searched by the Department in response to FOIA requests? 

14. On March 6, 2009, Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security Eric J. Boswell wrote in an Information Memo to your Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills, that he 'cannot stress too strongly, however, that any unclassified BlackBerry is highly vulnerable in any setting to remotely and covertly monitoring conversations, retrieving email, and exploiting calendars.' A March 11, 2009 email states that, in a management meeting with the assistant secretaries, you approached Assistant Secretary Boswell and mentioned that you had read the 'IM' and that you 6 'get it.' Did you review the March 6, 2009 Information Memo, and, if so, why did you continue using an unclassified BlackBerry to access your clintonemail.com email account to conduct official State Department business? Copies of the March 6, 2009 Information Memo and March 11, 2009 email are attached as Exhibit A for your review. 

15. In a November 13, 2010 email exchange with Huma Abedin about problems with your clintonemail.com email account, you wrote to Ms. Abedin, in response to her suggestion that you use a State Department email account or release your email address to the Department, 'Let's get a separate address or device.' Why did you continue using your clintonemail.com email account to conduct official State Department business after agreeing on November 13, 2010 to 'get a separate address or device?' Include in your answer whether by 'address' you meant an official State Department email account (i.e., a 'state.gov' account) and by 'device' you meant a State Department-issued BlackBerry. A copy of the November 13, 2010 email exchange with Ms. Abedin is attached as Exhibit B for your review. 

16. Email exchanges among your top aides and assistants in August 30, 2011 discuss providing you with a State Department-issued BlackBerry or State Department email address. In the course of these discussions, State Department Executive Secretary Stephen Mull wrote, '[W]e are working to provide the Secretary per her request a Department issued BlackBerry to replace her personal unit which is malfunctioning (possibly because of her personal email server is down). We will prepare two versions for her to use – one with an operating State Department email account (which would mask her identity, but which would also be subject to FOIA requests).' Similarly, John Bentel, the Director of Information and Records Management in the Executive Secretariat, wrote, 'You should be aware that any email would go through the Department's infrastructure and [be] subject to FOIA searches.' Did you request a State Department issued Blackberry or a State Department email account in or around August 2011, and, if so, why did you continue using your personal device and clintonemail.com email account to conduct official State Department business instead of replacing your device and account with a State Department-issued BlackBerry or a State Department email account? Include in your answer whether the fact that a State Department-issued BlackBerry or a State Department email address would be subject to FOIA affected your decision. Copies of the email exchanges are attached as Exhibit C for your review. 

17. In February 2011, Assistant Secretary Boswell sent you an Information Memo noting 'a dramatic increase since January 2011 in attempts . . . to compromise the private home email accounts of senior Department officials.' Assistant Secretary Boswell 'urge[d] Department users to minimize the use of personal web-email for business.' Did you review Assistant Secretary Boswell's Information Memo in or after February 2011, and, if so, why did you continue using your clintonemail.com email account to conduct official State Department business? Include in your answer any steps you took to minimize use of your clintonemail.com email account after reviewing the memo. A copy of Assistant Secretary Boswell's February 2011 Information Memo is attached as Exhibit D for your review. 

18. On June 28, 2011, you sent a message to all State Department personnel about securing personal email accounts. In the message, you noted 'recent targeting of personal email accounts by online adversaries' and directed all personnel to '[a]void conducting official Department business from your personal email accounts.' Why did you continue using your clintonemail.com email account to conduct official State Department business after June 28, 2011, when you were advising all State Department Personnel to avoid doing so? A copy of the June 28, 2011 message is attached as Exhibit E for your review. 

19. Were you ever advised, cautioned, or warned about hacking or attempted hacking of your clintonemail.com email account or the server that hosted your clintonemail.com account and, if so, what did you do in response to the advice, caution, or warning? 

20. When you were preparing to leave office, did you consider allowing the State Department access to your clintonemail.com email account to manage and preserve the official emails in your account and to search those emails in response to FOIA requests? If you considered allowing access to your email account, why did you decide against it? If you did not consider allowing access to your email account, why not?

21. After you left office, did you believe you could alter, destroy, disclose, or use email you sent or received concerning official State Department business as you saw fit? If not, why not? 

22. In late 2014, the State Department asked that you make available to the Department copies of any federal records of which you were aware, 'such as an email sent or received on a personal email account while serving as Secretary of State.' After you left office but before your attorneys reviewed the email in your clintonemail.com email account in response to the State Department's request, did you alter, destroy, disclose, or use any of the email in the account or authorize or instruct that any email in the account be altered, destroyed, disclosed, or used? If so, describe any email that was altered, destroyed, disclosed, or used, when the alteration, destruction, disclosure, or use took place, and the circumstances under which the email was altered, destroyed, disclosed, or used? A copy of a November 12, 2014 letter from Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick F. Kennedy regarding the State Department's request is attached as Exhibit F for your review. 

23. After your lawyers completed their review of the emails in your clintonemail.com email account in late 2014, were the electronic versions of your emails preserved, deleted, or destroyed? If they were deleted or destroyed, what tool or software was used to delete or destroy them, who deleted or destroyed them, and was the deletion or destruction done at your direction? 

24. During your October 22, 2015 appearance before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi, you testified that 90 to 95 percent of your emails 'were in the State's system' and 'if they wanted to see them, they would certainly have been able to do so.' Identify the basis for this statement, including all facts on which you relied in support of the statement, how and when you became aware of these facts, and, if you were made aware of these facts by or through another person, identify the person who made you aware of these facts. 

25. Identify all communications between you and Brian Pagliano concerning or relating to the management, preservation, deletion, or destruction of any emails in your clintonemail.com email account, including any instruction or direction to Mr. Pagliano about the management, preservation, deletion, or destruction of emails in your account when transferring the clintonemail.com email system to any alternate or replacement server. For each communication, identify the time, date, place, manner (e.g., in person, in writing, by telephone, or by electronic or other means), persons present or participating, and content of the communication. 

Erev Shabbos Cool Down


Target Cries 'Uncle,' Begs Shoppers to Come Back after allowing Men in Ladies Bathrooms

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Target is launching a first-of-its-kind one-day sale to try and boost back-to-school shopper traffic amid a boycott over its bathroom policy. The retailer is offering a 10% discount on everything in its stores and online on Sunday. Target is calling the event #TargetRunDay.
It marks the first time Target has ever offered a 10% discount both in stores and on its website. The sale comes after Target last weekreported its first quarterly traffic decline in more than two years.
This is what happens when you blindly hop on the social-justice bandwagon without consulting your customers, understanding their morals, or giving a damn about what they think. Serves Target right. Drive by any Target store since the "transgender" policy went into effect and witness an ocean of empty spaces in their parking lots.
Target's same-store transactions, which is how traffic is measured, fell 2.2% in the second quarter. Overall, sales fell 7.2% to $16.2 billion. "In the second quarter, our No. 1 challenge was traffic, which affected sales in all of our merchandise categories," Target CEO Brian Cornell said last week on a call with analysts.
Shopper traffic is falling amid a boycott over Target's new policy, announced earlier this year, that welcomes customers to use any bathroom or fitting room that matches their gender identity. The announcement triggered an immediate backlash. Critics said the policyopened the door for sexual predators to victimize women and children inside the retailer's bathrooms, and more than 1.4 million people signeda pledge to stop shopping at Target unless it reversed the policy.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

16 year Old Har Nof Bochur Missing ...wend on a hike

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A16 year old Bochur who lives in Har Nof, went on a hike to Nachal Darga and is now reported missing!

He met up with two friends and they took a bus to Nachal Darga and after two hours, he  asked them to get help, and when they returned he disappeared...

Mock Satmar Rebbe Monument Set Up in Yerushalayim to Celebrate Yurzeit of Samar Founder

There is no limit to the idiotic craziness  of the Satmar Shventz..... the lunatics set up a mock matzeivah in the heart of Yerushalyim to commemorate the Yurzeit of R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l and to brainwash the toddlers to hate Israel. R' Yoel is buried in chutz le'aaretz.....in Monroe ....

Crazed "Principal" Fired Betar Illit Teacher because she got a Drivers License To Assist Disabled Daughter

Guys ????? Can someone explain why a lady needs permission from Rav to get a drivers license?
Have we totally lost our collective minds????
If the family made a decision that she get a drivers license, what business is that of the Rabbonim??

Read this and laugh!!!!!

A chassidish woman who lives in Betar Illit got a drivers license in the hope of making her disabled daughter’s life easier. The woman has been employed in education in the chareidi community for years and she is well known in the community. However, after she received her license she was dismissed from her teaching position. 

The woman consulted with a prominent rav and their rebbe before going for her license, which she explains is simply to transport their young daughter who has been classified by Bituach Leumi as “100% disabled”.
After her case was reviewed the husband was told to get a license but after encountering difficulties, he was told to instruct his rebitzen to get a license to permit her to address the special needs of their daughter.

Despite the fact a rebbe instructed her to get the license, the decision was made to fire her from her teaching position. Kikar Shabbos News quotes someone close to the case quoting the principal of the school, who is familiar with the details surrounding the case saying “It doesn’t interest me. I will not tolerate a teacher with a drivers license”.
The teacher and her family refuse to comment on the story explaining they do not wish to cause a Chilul Hashem. Regarding the principal, she too has declined comment.

This Frum Jew sold Arms to Iran!

Aryeh Eliyahu Cohen 
 Photo credit: Courtesy of Behadrei Haredim
Can you believe it?  ... a frum Jew with a big white beard sells out his brothers and sisters for a couple of kopeks ...

An ultra-Orthodox Israeli-American man suspected of selling military equipment to Iran will soon be extradited to the United States, where he will face illegal arms trade charges, the Supreme Court ruled on Sunday.

The U.S. filed an extradition request for Aryeh Eliyahu Cohen, 66, in April 2014. He was arrested at Ben-Gurion International Airport the following month on his way to London, and was placed under house arrest. Cohen had appealed the extradition request, but his appeal was denied.

Cohen faces an arms trafficking indictment filed against him with a federal court in Connecticut. The indictment, which also names several other defendants, concerns the operations of three companies with which Cohen has ties.

50 "fake" Orthodox leaders, led by Rabbi Irving “Yitz” Greenberg condemn Trump

Hillary Caught Lying
This group never once condemned Hillary for surrounding herself with the anti-Semite, Sid Blumenthal, the self-hating Jew! 

They never condemned Hillary for surrounding herself with Huma whose mother belongs to the Arab Brotherhood! But they are afraid of Trump!

Rabbi Yitz (the 80 year old alter Kacker still calls himself "Yitz") Greenberg leads these group of stooges, don't represent Orthodox Jewry, nor Reform Jewry or Conservative Jewry ... they represent a bunch of morons ...

A group of 50 high-profile Open Orthodox leaders, led by Rabbi Irving “Yitz” Greenberg, released a joint public “rabbinic” condemnation of Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump this past Erev Shabbos. (Readers may recall that Greenberg has previously compared the Christian deity to Avrohom Avinu and written that the Torah is no longer binding after the Holocaust, but he is viewed as an elder sage in Open Orthodoxy.)

In an article written by Greenberg and by Yeshivat Chovevei Torah graduate Daniel Goodman, posted on Cleveland.com and then reported by the Jewish Telegraph Agency and the Forward, among other media sites, the Open Orthodox clergy singled out and attacked Mr. Trump’s perceived attitudes toward Muslims, Mexicans and women, and wrote:
(W)e are troubled by candidates who signal authoritarian tendencies and pursue personal vendettas that come across as a dismissal of constitutional rights and legal processes. Protection of the law, equality before the law, and respecting democratic political processes (though they may fall into gridlock or frustrate us from time to time) are the bedrocks of democracy. Democracy is the system most protective of human dignity. Upholding it and protecting its processes is of the highest religious value. The fact that these dangerous tendencies have been coupled with statements of admiration for authoritarian dictators has aroused our conscience.  
“All these behaviors, taken together, have led us to make this extraordinary statement in the name of our religious principles. Our core religious values and essential theological beliefs require us to condemn Donald Trump’s hateful rhetoric and intolerant policy proposals in the strongest possible terms.”
The open letter was signed by Dov Linzer and Jeffrey Fox, the roshei yeshiva of both Open Orthodox seminaries (YCT and Yeshivat Maharat, the latter of which ordains female clergy), as well as by “Rabba” Sara Hurwitz, dean of Yeshivat Maharat, Dr. Dov Lerea, mashgiach ruchani of YCT, and 36 other Open Orthodox leaders, including YCT rabbeim, several Open Orthodox female rabbis, and a man who advertises that he is an Orthodox rabbi who publicly adheres to a to’eivah lifestyle.

Frum 9-year-old child has just been airlifted to a trauma center after falling off a cliff in the mountains

Catskills Hatzolah received calls at around 3:40PM Monday afternoon for reports of a child that fell off a cliff at the Minnewaska State Park in Kerhonkson, NY.

Paramedics rushed to the scene, and a Medevac was requested. The child suffered head, chest, and arm injuries.

The child was extricated by rescue personnel from the bottom of the cliff, and was flown by the chopper to the Westchester Trauma Center.
Please say tehillim for Yehoushu ben Alter Chaya Devorah.

Located in Ulster County, NY Minnewaska State Park Preserve is situated on the dramatic Shawangunk Mountain ridge, which rises more than 2,000 feet above sea level and is surrounded by rugged, rocky terrain. The park features numerous waterfalls, three crystalline sky lakes, dense hardwood forests, incising sheer cliffs and ledges opening to beautiful views, clear streams cut into valleys, 35 miles of carriage roads and 50 miles of footpaths on which to bike, walk, hike and simply enjoy.

Visitors to the Park also enjoy hiking, biking, swimming, picnicking, scuba-diving, rock-climbing, bouldering, boating and other activities.
Sam’s Point Preserve is located on the highest section of the Shawangunk Mountains, is the most southerly section of Minnewaska State Park Preserve.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Shooting on New Utrecht Avenue kills 1

A man was injured in a shooting in

(Heshy Rubinstein/Dee Vouch)
A person was shot in Boro Park on Monday afternoon.
The shooting happened at the intersection of New Utrecht Avenue and 46 Street just before 12:30PM. The victim an Hispanic, was the driver of a van. He was shot possibly while driving.

The NYPD requested a Level 1 Mobilization response, and a crime scene was being secured.

FDNY EMS were on the scene treating the victim who was in critical condition.
An NYPD source said that the “victim was likely to die”.
The NYPD was looking for two black males that fled heading towards 8th Avenue. One was wearing a purple tee-shirt, and one was wearing a black tee-shirt.

Police were looking for a 2015 red Nissan Rogue Plate GYU9536
Boro Park Hatzolah was called to this scene to transport an eye-witness who may have been a passenger in the van.

It was a targeted shooting 

Hotel in Greece Distinguishes Israelis From Other Tourists With Blue Wrist Bands

Israeli visitors are tagged differently from other guests at a five-star resort in Rhodes, Greece Israel’s Channel 10 reported on Sunday.

According to the report, the plastic wrist bands given to guests at the Imperial Hotel – to enable them unlimited entrance to the spa and other facilities – are color-coded (in blue) only for customers from the Jewish state.
When asked about this procedure, a representative of the hotel told the network’s Orly Vilnai and Guy Meroz that the colors simply identify the country of the guest’s origin. However, an investigation into the matter by the TV duo revealed that this was not the case – and that only Israelis were given a specific color to wear, while tourists from various European countries were given bracelets of all colors.
An Israeli airline adviser said he was unaware of this practice.
“When it happens and everyone keeps quiet, nothing changes,” said Yehuda Zafrani. “This story has to be told.”
According to Channel 10, hotels in the southern Israeli resort town of Eilat also distribute different-colored wrist bands to guests, but only according to the date of their arrival at the hotel.
At Israel’s International Tourism Fair in February this year, Rhodes Tourism Deputy Mayor Marisa Chatzilazarou called her country “the favorite destination of Israelis,” claiming that in 2015 alone, 102,705 Israelis visited the island. Israel, according to data revealed at the tourism fair, is Rhodes’ 5th largest tourism market, surpassed only by England, Germany, Sweden and Russia.
It takes approximately an hour and a half to fly from Tel Aviv to Rhodes.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

How a Holocaust survivor and a 39-year-old fell in love

Jack Garfein, 86, and Natalia Repolovsky, 39, in their Upper West Side apartment.

Holocaust survivor Jack Garfein celebrated his 86th birthday on July 2 in his Upper West Side apartment surrounded by friends, eating chocolate cake, sipping champagne — and getting engaged to his 39–year-old girlfriend.
“I just told her ‘I can’t live without you. Will you marry me?’ ” Garfein told The Post. “She said, ‘Of course I will. What took you so long to ask?’ ”
When Natalia Repolovsky first met the charismatic acting coach at a Manhattan social gathering on April 28, 2012 — shortly after she arrived in the United States from Russia — she was instantly smitten.
“He gave me one of those overly firm handshakes,” Repolovsky ­recalled. “I thought ‘This guy has some nerve.’ ”
But she also felt oddly possessive of him.
“There was a lot of actors and actresses there who knew each other — a very flirtatious crowd,” Repolovsky recalled. 
Garfein, an Auschwitz survivor and part-time Paris resident, was equally taken with her.
“My first impression of Natalia was what a beautiful girl,” said Garfein. “I am a man.”
The pair exchanged phone numbers and agreed to go to dinner the following week.
“When I got home that night I said, ‘God, I can’t believe you sent me an 82-year-old man to fall in love with. I’m only 36,’ ” said Repolovsky, a technical writer for a software firm.
She feared “people [were] going to look at me so differently when I’m with him . . . I called my friend in Moscow who said, ‘The way you feel now, you should take all of it and enjoy every minute. If it lasts a day, enjoy it. If it lasts a month, enjoy it. Who cares what people think?’ ”
Five days later the pair met at Frankie & Johnnie’s Steakhouse in Midtown for a dinner of filet mignon and calf’s liver.
“In the taxi ride home after our first date, I talked about very personal, intimate things,” remembered Garfein. “I immediately thought ‘This is a person who gets me.’ I just felt a closeness that I’ve never felt in my life. I felt a connection. I felt at home.”
And it didn’t stop there.
“We kissed,” Garfein added. “I would call it an explosion.”
“I thought, ‘How dare she?’ ”
Garfein, an Auschwitz survivor and part-time Paris resident, was equally taken with her.
“My first impression of Natalia was what a beautiful girl,” said Garfein. “I am a man.”
The pair exchanged phone numbers and agreed to go to dinner the following week.
“When I got home that night I said, ‘God, I can’t believe you sent me an 82-year-old man to fall in love with. I’m only 36,’ ” said Repolovsky, a technical writer for a software firm.
She feared “people [were] going to look at me so differently when I’m with him . . . I called my friend in Moscow who said, ‘The way you feel now, you should take all of it and enjoy every minute. If it lasts a day, enjoy it. If it lasts a month, enjoy it. Who cares what people think?’ ”
Five days later the pair met at Frankie & Johnnie’s Steakhouse in Midtown for a dinner of filet mignon and calf’s liver.
“In the taxi ride home after our first date, I talked about very personal, intimate things,” remembered Garfein. “I immediately thought ‘This is a person who gets me.’ I just felt a closeness that I’ve never felt in my life. I felt a connection. I felt at home.”
And it didn’t stop there.
“We kissed,” Garfein added. “I would call it an explosion.”
Having seen so much suffering in his life, he certainly knows to appreciate sheer joy.
Garfein was born in then-Czechoslovakia to a well-off Jewish family who owned a lumber yard. His mother, sister and father perished in Nazi gas chambers, but he managed to survive 11 concentration camps, including Auschwitz.
When the English army liberated Bergen-Belsen death camp in northern Germany on April 15, 1945, Garfein weighed 48 pounds.
He arrived in the United States a year later and eventually became a central figure in the Actors Studio.
Garfein collaborated with Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe, Paul Newman, Elia Kazan and James Dean, and is credited with discovering actors Ben Gazzara, Steve McQueen and George Peppard. He also directed two movies: 1957’s “The Strange One,” starring Gazzara and the 1961 Carroll Baker drama “Something Wild.”
These days, when Garfein, twice divorced and the father of four, isn’t teaching acting in London or Paris, he and Repolovsky spend weekends taking long walks through Central Park and enjoying leisurely breakfasts in bed.
The couple plan to wed next month. Repolovsky has no problem getting married in City Hall but Garfein wants no part of a quickie wedding.
“I want a real wedding. I belong to the Fifth Avenue Synagogue,” said Garfein. “It’s going to be a big party!”

Rav Edelstein and Rav Shternbuch: Was Ben Gurion Worse Than Hitler?

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Guys ...Listen to this .... You want to know what children are learning in Cheder?

The rebbes are teaching toddlers that Ben Gurion was worse than Hitler .....

Hitler YM"S killed more than 6 million Jews .... put millions in concentration camps, where they were tortured ... and yet Ben Gurion, who founded a State where over 100,000 Jewish Boys are learning Torah ...is "worse than Hitler????"

And there are "gedoilim" out there agreeing with that outrageous sick preposterous statement!

Who is the "gadol?" that agreed with this brainwashing technique?  .... He is a Rabbi that lives in safety  in  Israel, the state that Ben Gurion founded!
Rav Moshe Sterbuch ga'avad of the fanatical corrupt Eida Hachreidis!

Rav Yaakov Edelstein, rov of Ramat Hasharon, wrote a letter stating that he was shocked to hear that a cheder rebbi told his pupils that former Prime Minister David Ben Gurion was worse than Hitler because Ben Gurion destroyed Jews’ souls, while Hitler only destroyed their bodies.
Rav Edelstein noted that it is indeed said in the name of the Chazon Ish that “There was a Holocaust in Europe and there was also a Holocaust in Eretz Yisroel where hundreds of thousands of innocent Jews from Asian and African countries drank the cup of bitterness because of the government in the first years of the state, and left the religion of Moshe and Yisroel in a spiritual Holocaust.”
Nonetheless, Rav Edelstein maintained, the Chazon Ish was writing of those who were harmed. But regarding the Jews who harmed them, it is obvious that Hashem loves even Jewish transgressors. Rav Edelstein cited three sources to prove this concept including Rabi Yehuda’s statement (Kiddushin 36a) that Jews are called sons of Hashem even when they do not behave like sons.
Rav Moshe Sternbuch, ga’avad of the Eidah Hachareidis, disagreed with Rav Edelstein’s opinion. He supported his view with Dovid Hamelech’s statement (Tehillim 139:21-22), “I hate those who hate you, Hashem, and I fight those who fight You. I hate them with extreme hate, they were enemies to me.”