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Thursday, November 3, 2022

Satmar Yiddish Newspaper "DER GOY" Call Israeli Elections "Tumei"


Reading "Der Goy"s byline, I burst out laughing!

The byline reads:

"Tens of thousands of those affiliated with the Eida Hachreidis in the Holy Land are making a Kiddush Hashem by NOT voting in the "tumidika" elections  for the Knesset Heretics!"

I am curious, don't they see the irony and sheer hypocrisy in this byline? Are their readers so naive and stupid not to see thru these obvious sick shenanigans?

Just so that you know, the Eida Hachreidis are in a civil war themselves. The followers of the late Rav Tuvia Weiss z"l the "Gaavad" and the followers of Rav Shternbach Shlitah the "Raavad" are in constant battles who hate each other's guts. 

The "tumidika elections" are actually in New York, where a shiksa that allows murderers and violent criminals to roam the streets with impunity is running for governor and is being endorsed and embraced by R' Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe of Monroe

His brother-in-law the Skvere Rebbe embraces a publicly declared gay, a backer of LGBT causes, and endorses him all for the $$$$$$ promised him.  

Where are their Torah values? 

They call Israeli elections "tumidik?" These elections are backed by 98% of the Israeli Gedoilei Hador. 

Who do these Rumanian barbarians running "Der Goy" think they are?

 Hundreds of Torah leaders say that it is a "mitzvah" to vote in Israeli elections, yet these "ama-ratzim" call the elections, "tumedik."  Because your SHIT"eh is not to vote, that makes the elections that Gedoilie Yisrael say is a "mitzvah," "tumei?"

Turns out that there is another brother-in-law, the Belzer Rebbe, that says to vote is a mitzvah.

The Headline of "Der Goy" reads:

"We have only one issue, the erliche chinuch"

Oh yeh?

 Is R' Aron's endorsing a woman who believes and advocates that an LGBT curriculum should be mandatory in all schools including Yeshivois, an "erliche chinuch?" 

What should we "Joe Shmoes" say when the "erliche yeedin" are corrupt? When for a couple of dollars, Chassidishe Rebbes are throwing all Torah Values down the proverbial swamp?

I relaize that "Der Goy" is a Zaloinie paper; "Der Bloteh" is R' Aron's Newspaper. To me it's all the same.


LES AYM said...

"DER YID" is R' Zalman, didn't he endorse Zeldin?
I thought only R' Ahron endorsed Hochul?

Zalman Leib Zeldin said...

He didn't endorse Zeldin and didn't endorse Hochul, but the gist of the article remains.

Sabra65 said...

These 2 clowns and the Chief Skverer clown all endorsed Hochul.
She must have promised them alot of kessef.