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Thursday, November 3, 2022

Simcha "langeh reckel" Eichenstein's Extreme Leftist Voting Record

 This is only a sampling of some LGBT, end of life bills, abortion, and other terrible bills that Simcha Lange'Reckel voted for, we have many more in the 2019 year alone, plus numerous more in the 3 year since. 

Tell LangeR'eckel that they represent the Orthodox Community not our enemies. They must know they can never vote for these types of bills again and must do everything in their power to undo all the damage they already did.

1. Voted for a law that recognizes same sex "marriage" (as is made explicitly made clear in the bills official memo) for the purpose of giving gays the ability to adopt children. (On Feb/04/19 he voted for A00460)

2. Voted for a law allowing patients (and worse their health care agent) in a old age home the "right" to refuse medication, treatment or services. This makes it much easier for nursing homes to murder patients, by withholding critical care, and even food and water. (On Feb/12/2019 he voted for A01084)

3. Twice he voted for a constitutional amendment that makes it illegal to treat women different from men, and nullifies all law that go against this. Meaning if this would have become law as far as New York State is concerned "discrimination" against women would be the same level of law as religion. This law under the concept of "separate but equal" could endanger single sex camps, schools, and possibly even mechitzas. Not to mention could have possible put transgender into the NY Constitution.. (On Feb/26/19, and Jan/13/20 he voted for A00271, )

4. Voted for a bill that had numerous terrible changes to the law by changing the term "sexual harassment" into "discrimination" (which specifically added LGBT in the bill) , in approximately 30 locations in the law. The definition of "discrimination" here includes, of course, "sexual orientation." The worst of which requires LGBT "discrimination prevention training to all employees" making all workers in NY to get taught LGBT propaganda. (On Feb/27/19 he voted for A05976 (if one looks this up make sure you don't check A05976A or A05976B))

5. Voted for a law that mandates every single worker who works with homeless youth learn LGBT propaganda. From calling boys "she" and girls "he", to how to propagandize to the family of a LGBT youth to accept homosexuality. (On May/30/19 he voted for A03619A)

6. Twice he voted for a bill which would allow transgenders to be placed in the wrong prison. Meaning that a man pretending to be a woman will be roommates with a real woman. (On Jun/03/19, and 02/10/20 he voted for A07394)

7. Voted for a law that requires an LGBT propaganda class for those who work for or providers who contract for the office of aging. This means that workers who work with aged are required to get an extreme LGBT propaganda that includes the "history, unique needs, and concerns of" LGBT older people. (On Jun/18/19 he voted A07593)

8. Voted for a law gives lgbt a special protection that no other group gets, in regards to how courts are allowed to rule when someone killed someone under the influence of extreme emotional disturbance. NY law for decades gives the ability to a defendant who killed someone, to prove that they had a "reasonable explanation or excuse" as to why they were "under the influence of extreme emotional disturbance". This new law makes it that LGBT can no longer be a factor. So for example if lets say someone killed someone because they discovered their "spouse" was Jewish, then they could use this excuse for their trial. However if let's say they discovered than the woman they just "married" was not a woman but a man, they could not use it. This law is a promotion of LGBT Eliteness over any other group in the world, only LGBT has the special protection, Killing Jews, Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Muslims, Christians etc. one can still try to prove to a jury that this passion defense law is applicable, but not LGBT . (On Jun/19/19 he voted for S06573)

9. He cosponsored and voted for a law that has numerous terrible things, including making all "Exceptions to and exemptions" to the LGBT "rights law "be construed narrowly in order to maximize deterrence of discriminatory conduct". Meaning that if there 10 different ways to interpret the gay rights law when challenging religious rights, 9 of which side with religion and 1 which sides with the LGBT, the judge will be required to rule in favor of the LGBT. A similar language was just interpreted by a court in NYC in the NYC Law, to require Yeshiva University to have a gay club. This would also make the anti discrimination law apply to all businesses regardless of how many employees thus making many potential yichud problems, of being forced to hire a member of the opposite sex even where there will be yichud problems. (On Jun/19/19 he voted for A08421)

10. Voted for a law that physician assistants to execute orders not to resuscitate a patient, making it even easier to pull the plug on patients. (On Jun 06/20/19 he voted for S04841)

1 comment:

אוי חנפים said...

אוי לרשע אוי לשכנו

דעם זידיטשויבער בנש"ק איז א שכן און תלמיד פון ליסקע בנש"ק פנחס עזרא פריעדלענדער