Sunday, November 27, 2022

How a Tehilim saved Jerusalem bombing victim's life


A 62-year old man who was seriously injured in the Wednesday, November 23rd bombings in Jerusalem reported to his doctors and guests at Shaare Zedek Medical Center that his life had been saved in part due to the Tehillim (Psalms) book which was in his pocket when the explosion occurred.

On Wednesday morning, the man was travelling from his Jerusalem home to Meron in northern Israel, when he was struck by the force of the explosion.

While he was injured by the blast and several fragments of shrapnel from the bomb, he later discovered that one potentially lethal fragment had penetrated the rear cover of the book of Tehilim he was carrying.

The fragment made its way all the way through the pages of the book before coming to a full stop at verse 7 of Chapter 124. The verse reads Nafsheinu K’Tzipor Nimlata MiPach Yokshim: Hapach Nishbar, V’Anachnu Nimlatnu “Our soul has escaped like a bird evading the grasp of its captors. The grasp is broken and we have escaped.”

After several procedures to remove other fragments that had entered his extremities, the man is now recovering. While requesting to remain anonymous, he asked that the message be shared of his remarkable story of the Tehillim book saying, “This is what helps.”

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