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Friday, November 4, 2022

Rabbanim & Askanim Sing “Laasois nachas ruach laBorei Yisborach Shemo” (contentment for Hashem) to an open LGBT Candidate

 Tell my guys, how are we different than the goyim? 

We no longer have any values? I mean Torah values.

We have asifas against the Zionists, we have asifas against the internet, we have asifas against long shaitlach, but we have no problems voting for someone who blatantly flaunts his abominations. 

To sing to a goy " we are giving nachas to Hashem?" To this pathetic creature?

Have we no shame?  How low have our leaders sunk?


Anonymous said...

Why is Gehenim 60 times larger than Gan Eden? Because it needs a big Mizrach Vahnt!

Anonymous said...

Correct, Judaism has been replaced by tribalism. The tribe comes first. When everything is secure or when it suits them, then values come into play but when the tribe needs something badly enough, those values cannot interfere with the survival of the tribe.

Anonymous said...

While I do NOT condone them endorsing such a candidate, I also don’t condone your DISHONEST reporting. They are not “ singing to the goy”. They are singing about following rabbonim

Anonymous said...

Even Worse!

Ben Gurion said...

"They are singing about following rabbonim"
Yes follow them like the naive Jews that listened to them and didn't make Aliyah and then were gassed to death! yes! Let's follow them with song.

Anonymous said...

Its always nice to hear from ppl that will cherry pick one thing in the history of a nation that goes back thousands of years and belittle them because of it

Anonymous said...

Are you trying to imply that they wanted these ppl to die? Or they just made a mistake? Everyone makes mistakes. And that doesn't mean never to listen to the rabbis

Survivor said...

People with integrity do not double down but humbly admit their mistakes. They don't go ahead and write sefarim and call those who disagree with them "meenim & apikorsim. This wasn't "stam" a mistake, this "mistake" caused tens of thousands to be murdered and slaughtered.

Survivor said...

We are not "cherry picking" on one thing in history, this happened not too long ago, in fact that are still survivors that will never forget. If you are a rabbi and don't know say "I don't know" don't go ahead and mislead your flock.

Anonymous said...

The point is that in every group in the world you listen to leaders, because the regular layman on the street does not comprehend the issues facing them, because most issues aren't relevant to them, so they look to public figures and leaders to tell them how to act, in our case it's rabonim that we hope will look at each case from all angels and make a decision, based on their experience dealing with issue daily, And these decisions are made daily for the past thousands of years. And one bad decision, and probably many others, as bad as it could get, doesn't change this phenomenon

Survivor said...

Spoken by a guy who probably never lost anyone in the Shoah!
The regular "layman on the street" knew in his heart to get out of Europe before the crap hit the fan, but because they had your naive attitude and listened to the advice of the anti-Zionist Hungarian Rabbanim they perished. And most of those Hungarian leaders escaped leaving their sheep to be slaughtered. Don't lecture us about leaders, I lived thru hell on earth. And it wasn't one "bad decision" they were hundreds of examples. Just one example.... that leaders didn't know what the hell they were talking about, R' Yaakov Emdin in his "sulam" says that it was the "gedoilim and Leaders" that converted to Christianity during the inquisition, the regular "pusheter yid" gave up his life. Learn your history before blabbering nonsense

Zalman Leib Zeldin said...

Now with the internet, any shmeggegi knows just as much as any leader, and that is the primary reason the leaders are against smartphones, they want to keep the sheep in the dark. In fact, the regular guy has a lot more info at his fingertips than any rabbi. The rabbis listen to askanim who cherry pick what they want the "gadol" to know. Your assumption that " regular layman on the street does not comprehend the issues" is laughable! The post that DIN posted shows the naivete of the "rabbanim" willing to sell their Torah values for a couple of shekels.

Anonymous said...

The gemmarah states: פני דורו כפני כלב
in other words, the gemarrah predicts that in the times of Moshiach the "leaders will be like dogs" in other words there won't be any leaders with their own minds, they will be like dogs led by their masters, the Askanim.

Anonymous said...

What “leaders?” Rebbes? Rosh Yeshivois?
Ger is in a civil war, Sadegera Rebbe is in secular court trying to evict his mother, Satmar is in a civil war, The Satmar Aronim are in a war amongst themselves , the Litvishe Gedoilim hate Belz and Belz hate them all. Ponivetz is divided and police are called on a weekly basis, the followers of the late Rav Auerbach are constantly using violence, The Eida Hachreidis is in a civil war between the followers of the late R Weiss and Rav Shternbach, most Chassidim hate Chabad and Chabad itself worships a dead guy.
So enlighten us! What leaders?

Anonymous said...

It means that ppl would look to dogs etc. as their leaders and spew hate an venom upon the real rabbis and leaders

Anonymous said...

Nice pshat but you are arguing with Rashi and every single mefurash! So you are in fact saying that our leaders and "gedoilim" are "dogs" .A lot of people would agree with you

Brisker Payois said...

פני דורו refers to the leaders of the generation, you amhaaeretz