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Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Ben Gvir celebrates: Time for us to return to being the landlords of our country


The chairman of the Otzma Yehudit Party, MK Itamar Ben Gvir, spoke on Tuesday night at the party's headquarters at the VERT Jerusalem Hotel, after the Religious Zionist-Otzma Yehudit slate won 14-15 seats in the next Knesset, according to the results of the exit polls.

Ben Gvir said, "We still don't know if the bloc won 61 seats. I remember the celebrations of the last elections, which ended in a government with Ra'am. But what is certain is that we must give thanks for the great achievement of Religious Zionist-Otzma Yehudit, and for the great connection to the people of Israel.”

“I think the great achievement came, among other things, due to the fact that we represent everyone; secular and religious, haredim and traditional, Sephardim and Ashkenazim, city and village people, farmers, teachers, self-employed, policemen and soldiers, and all of them are all asking for real change. They want to walk safely on the street. They ask that the hands of our soldiers and policemen not be handcuffed.”

They want to make a complete separation between those who are loyal to the State of Israel and we have no problem with them, and those who undermine the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish state, and those who throw rocks and firebombs, hurt female prison guards and behave as if they are in charge.”

“The public wishes for a leadership that will protect the Land of Israel, that will develop the Negev and the Galilee, that will protect our capital Jerusalem and settle Judea and Samaria.”

“The public wants changes in the judicial system and independent judges, but more judges with a Jewish Zionist agenda.”

“It's still too early to summarize, but we have dreams and I promise even those who didn't vote for me, from distant parties, that we are brothers.”

“The time has come for our boys and girls to be able to walk safely in the street, it is time for the IDF soldiers and Israel Police officers to receive support. It's time for us to return to being the landlords of our country."

Yitzhak Wasserlauf, number 5 on the Religious Zionist-Otzma Yehudit slate, said, "We are happy about the result, we hope that these will be the true results, that we can establish a real right-wing government that is good for the people of Israel. We will work in cooperation with our friends in religious Zionism, I believe that this will continue. That the people of the left and the Arabs will continue to be afraid

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ben Gvir shoulud remember the lessons of history - lots of parties make 1-time breakthroughs and then disappear in the next election. In fact, other than Yesh Atid, that's what happens to all of them.