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Thursday, October 11, 2018

Neturei Karta Wants You to Daven for their Leader Moshe Beck Who Needs a Refuah Sheliemah


Anonymous said...

I hope the bastard suffers both Here and Beyond

Anonymous said...

I know what we should all be davening for. His slow painful passing.

Anonymous said...

Let them go to Khomeini THE muslim bastard Will Pray For his brother

Frum but normal said...

Hope this filthy anti-semitic KAPO bastard dies a most painful death,and burns in hell for eternity

Anonymous said...

I pray that after he dies, he spends eternity with the animal that he kissed, arafat.

Anonymous said...

Isnt he the one braying at the kever of his rebbe, Arafat, ym"sh? Let them send a minyan there.

Yes I have a picture of it