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Monday, October 29, 2018

Two Girls Beaten by a Black Lady in Crown Heights

Two Jewish girls were victims of a senseless attack in broad daylight, just hours before Shabbos.
The incident occurred just after 3pm on President Street between Utica and Schenectady Avenues. 
Two Jewish girls were walking to their house, when a black female in front of their house approached them, and punching one of the girls in the face, as well as hitting her with a rock.
The assailant fled down President St. toward Schenectady Ave, and turned down Schenectady towards Carroll St.
911 and Shomrim were called, and although they arrived quickly, were unable to locate the assailant.
The girl assaulted sustained injuries to her face, and was treated on scene by Hatzolah. The other did not sustain any injuries.

1 comment:

Joe Putz said...

Where is de Blasio who stuck his face in front of tv cameras yesterday at Temple Emanuel to say he will not allow any anti-Semites to harm Jews in his City?

And where is the other big talker Andy Cuomo?