See my previous Daf Yoimie Snippets ....
דף ע''ב ..ברית מילה בשבת
Page 72 Mesectas Menachois
"Brit Milah That Is Done On Shabbat "
The Halachah is that if a baby is born on Shabbat, the Brit Milah (circumcision) will also take place on Shabbat, since the Torah explicitly writes that the day that a Brit Milah takes place is on the 8th day.
Since the 8th day in this case falls on the Shabbat, we do all that needs to be done to make sure that the Brit takes place, since a Brit in the correct time (8th day) takes precedence over the laws of Shabbat. In this case the Mohel may bring all the necessary paraphernalia on Shabbat that would be required for the Brit.
Press "read more" below to continue to the rest of the dafim!
דף ע''ג ..גנבת כסף מגר צדק
Page 73 Mesectas Menachois
"Stolen Money From A Convert"
The Halacha is, that if a thief swears falsely that he didn't steal, he has to return the money to his victim and bring a sacrifice to the Temple, called a "Korban Asaham."
In the case when the thief stole from a righteous convert, and the convert subsequently dies without anyone to inherit him, the Halacha is that the money gets returned to the Kohanim.
דף ע''ד ..כהן מקריב את הקרבן של עצמו
Page 74 Mesectas Menachois
"A Kohein Can Offers Up His Own Sacrifice "
A person that sinned inadvertently, must bring a Korban Chatas, a sacrifice to the Temple and the Kohein then offers up this sacrifice on the alter.
We learn on this daf that if a Kohein himself sinned, he can offer up this sacrifice himself without having another Kohein do it.
He can bring this sacrifice anytime he wishes, and it doesn't have to be necessarily his shift at the Temple at that time.
דף ע''ה ..שהחינו
Page 75 Mesectas Menachois
"Shehecheyanu "
The Talmud on this daf, discusses a unique case where a Kohein can make the blessing "shehecheyanu" on matza and it's not on Pesach.
The Mincha offered in the Temple was made from Matza and not bread. A Kohein who offered up a Mincha for the very first time in his life makes two blessings:
A "shehecheyanu", and the blessing of "Hamoitzei."
Here we have a case where one makes a bracha of "shechyanu" on matza!
"דף ע''ו ..''שיפה'' ו''בעיטה
Page 76 Mesectas Menachois
"Rubbing & Pounding "
The Mishna on this daf describes the great effort it took to prepare the Mincha sacrifices to Hashem.
The Mishna states:
"All Menachos required 300 rubbings and 500 hundred poundings."
What does "rubbings" and "poundings" mean?
Rubbing= The wheat is rubbed by hand while the wheat is lying in a utensil.
Pounding= The wheat is pounded by closing the hand as in making a fist. The wheat was then pounded 500 times so that the husks of the wheat separated from the wheat ...
![]() |
"Pounding" illustration on left, "Rubbing" illustration to the right |
"דף ע''ז .."פיקוח על המחירים
Page 77 Mesectas Menachois
"Controlling the Price "
The talmud on this daf discusses the Halacha of not overcharging.... the prohibition of charging for an item more than the going price, when the customer isn't aware of the going rates.
There is in fact cases where the customer can ask that the deal be nullified and that is if he was overcharged with more than a 1/6 of the regular price.
However, if the seller tells his customer up front...
"listen, I bought this item for $10.00 but I'm selling it for a $100.00" and the customer agrees to this deal ....
then the Halacha is that the seller hasn't committed a sin, since the customer knows that he is over paying.
The Rambam rules in Hilchos Mechirah, that Bais Din must appoint inspectors to see that sellers don't overcharge.... but the Rambam indicates that this applies only with food, ie. wine, oil, and flour.
"דף ע''ח .."מנחת חינוך
Page 78 Mesectas Menachois
"The Mincha of Initiation"
The Halacha is that a Kohein who started working in the Temple for the very first time would be obligated to offer a "Minchas Chinuch" a Mincha of Initiation, and this Mincha was a *"Chavittin" Mincha, and was nicknamed "Minchas Chinuch" because it initiated the Kohein to this important and honorable job.
When the Temple will be re-built, hopefully in our day, all Kohanim will be considered "New" Kohanim and will therefore have the obligation of offering a "Minchas Chinuch"
Was there ever a case that a Kohein offered a "Minchas Chinuch" twice in his lifetime?
Absolutely .....
First .... When the very young Kohanim that lived at the end of the Second Temple era offered a "Minchas Chinuch" when they were inaugurated ....
Second ..... 70 years after the destruction of the First Temple, the Second Temple was re-built, when these Kohanim returned to the Newly built Temple, these Kohanim were obligated to bring a second "Minchas Chinuch" offering... since it was a different temple..
*The Minchas Chavitin (which is also referred to as the Minchas Kohen Gadol, or the Minchas Kohen Mashi'ach) is brought by the Kohen Gadol every day. Half of it is offered with the Korban Tamid of the morning and half with the Korban Tamid of the evening. The Minchas Chinuch is brought by every Kohen upon the commencement of his service in the Beis ha'Mikdash. The laws of the two are identical (Vayikra 6:13).
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