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Sunday, October 14, 2018

The "Token Negro" Kanye West

Kanye West
In the beginning, it was safe to ignore Kanye West and his growing bromance with President Trump. After all, West is a performer, which makes it easy to discount his political talk, and he is married to a Kardashian, which, well, enough said.
But recent events demand attention. First came West’s Sept. 29 appearance on “Saturday Night Live,” where he rapped in his red Make America Great Again hat and praised Trump in a speech, most of which NBC cut from its telecast.

Then there was Thursday’s spectacle in the Oval Office. Once again, his stream-of-consciousness commentary veered from nonsense to common sense and included references to the 13th Amendment, which forbids slavery, and his feeling of being “programmed” as a black man to support only liberal politicians.
There was no denying those events were intriguing and entertaining, but I still didn’t regard any of it as politically significant — until the left-wing media went absolutely bonkers on him.
Their extraordinarily venomous and personal attacks on West reminded me of the left’s unhinged smears of Brett Kavanaugh and Trump.
Some sunk to citing West’s documented mental-health issues and many invoked his race in pejorative terms, making them especially outrageous.
A black anchor on CNN accused West of putting on a “minstrel show,” a black pundit on the same panel called him an “attention whore” and “the token Negro of the Trump administration.”
Another chipped in with, “Kanye West is what happens when Negroes don’t read.”
A black New York Times columnist said the White House scene was “white supremacy by ventriloquism” and a white MSNBC anchor called it “an assault on our White House.”
Whoa, Nellie. What nerve did he touch?
The first thing to notice are the double standards. If conservatives criticized a black liberal in those words, the liberal media would let loose a chorus of “racism” and ­demand that every Republican ­denounce the commentators.
But this time, it was the liberal ­media itself making the offensive comments, so Democratic politicians were not required to take a stand. Naturally, none did.
Yet it was the sheer volume of the hatred, and the uniformity of it, that really got my attention. What’s this really about?
My conclusion is that the outpouring of wrath suggests the answer. To wit, if Kanye West is important enough to be targeted by so many in the media for character assassination, he must also be dangerous.
And if he’s dangerous, it’s in the same way that conservative speakers are dangerous to college snowflakes. Any dissent from the ruling coercive liberalism might be contagious, and therefore must be silenced. Diversity of thought cannot be permitted.
So we can assume the left fears West could be a leading indicator that Trump’s appeal to the working and middle classes is cutting across racial barriers.
And precisely because Democrats are making a fetish of race, gender and identity politics, a prominent racial and cultural force like Kanye West leaving the fold could be the start of a movement toward conservative values. Which is why he must be silenced by any means necessary.
It may be too late, for there are clear reasons why he and others would dissent from the coercive orthodoxy. Consider that black unemployment has reached historic lows because of the Trump economic boom, and one report says about 800,000 more African-Americans have jobs now than had them at the end of Barack Obama’s presidency.
These changes are giving rise to new, confident voices such as Candace Owens, a black commentator and activist, who supported West and blasted his critics.
“The paradigm has shifted,” Owens said on Fox News. “Black conservatives will no longer be fearful. Black conservatives are willing to speak out. We are excited. It ­finally feels like it’s our time.”
It’s also possible, of course, that West is a one-off, a disrupter of no real political consequence. That would not be surprising given the hard facts of racial politics for the last 40 years.
Democrats, regardless of their race, generally count on getting ­upwards of 90 percent of the black vote. And the election of Obama seemed to seal party allegiance for years to come.
Black antipathy toward Trump was especially strong, stemming from his “birther” campaign against Obama. Many viewed the attempt to delegitimize the first black president as inherently racist, a view Obama did not discourage as he campaigned for Hillary Clinton.
Trump’s feuds with black athletes, especially LeBron James, also feed the negative narrative.
Not surprisingly, exit polls from the 2016 presidential contest showed Clinton getting about 89 percent of the black vote, and Trump just 8 percent.
That dramatic tilt confirmed that black voters remain the most reliable group in the Dems’ coalition, outpacing Latinos and Jews, with those groups generally giving the party about 75 percent of their votes.
Still, recent polls show Trump gaining support among black voters, with his approval rating as high as 36 percent in an August Rasmussen survey. Others, including Gallup, show he has gained, but have him topping out in the low to mid-teens.
We will know more after the midterms, but I generally believe the willingness of individual voters to buck historic group trends is a hopeful sign. Fundamentally, America is a nation of free individuals, not of tribes or groups, and our republic is healthier when both parties are forced to compete for every vote.
Any vote taken for granted is a vote not earned and leaves politicians free to break their promises without suffering any consequences. Surely we’ve all had enough of that.

by Michael Goodwin 


Mordy Tendler said...

This is Camp Merockdim which has one campus in my neck of the woods


The owners of a Ramapo summer camp claim Rockland and its Health Department targeted their business based on their religion and an agency inspector made sexual comments toward the camp owner's wife, according to a federal lawsuit.

The county denied the allegations made by Ephraim and Rivka Weissmandl in the lawsuit accusing County Executive Ed Day of inspiring discrimination against ultra-Orthodox Jews and violating the couple's religious rights.

Ephraim Weissmandl, a newly elected member of the East Ramapo Board of Education, has owned the camps for two decades.

The couple's lawsuit claims the Health Department conducted arbitrary inspections, issued violations, inspected at the request of the Pomona mayor, and involved the power and water companies. The Health Department routinely inspects camp before the summer seasons.

The county's actions cost the couple thousands of dollars as inspectors intimidated them with threats of violation notices and closure, their lawsuit states.

The couple are seeking more than $25 million in relief and legal costs as well as declaring the county code declared constitutionally vague.

The county government denied the allegations in a legal document filed in response to the 37-page lawsuit scheduled for discussion with a federal judge in White Plains on Nov. 16. The couple filed the lawsuit in July in federal court in White Plains, where the case will be heard.

The lawsuit names Day, Health Commissioner Patricia Ruppert, and senior Public Health Sanitarian John Stoughton.

Dennis Lynch, the South Nyack attorney representing the Weissmandls, said Day has a history of using the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community as fodder for political gain.

Day has long denied allegations he’s targeted the religious community.

The lawsuit cites allegations by the former county human rights commissioner that the administration wanted to curtail and contain the growth of the religious community.

Lynch had been the attorney in that case and several other legal actions against the county, including private schools that opposed the county conducting state fire inspections in deference to choosing their own inspectors.

"County government should advance the public interest of all and not the political interests of the county executive," Lynch said. “The county Health Department should be equally enforcing the law, not selectively enforcing discriminatory animus."

Mordy Tendler said...

Part 2


The couple operate two camps in Rockland since 2003, after going into business  in New Jersey during 1998.

The camps cater to the religious Jewish children mostly from Rockland, with 2018 income topping $100,000 from New Jersey campers alone, creating a federal interstate commerce issue, the lawsuit states.

The lawsuit focuses on Health Department actions involving a boys camp run on the contested Pomona property owned by the Congregation Rabbinical College of Tartikov. The owners moved the facility to West Clarakstown Road in Clarkstown a couple of years ago and changed the name to Camp Merockdim.

Pomona Mayor Brett Yagel said he was unaware of the village's involvement but recalls being told there was electrical issue and code violations.

The lawsuit also alleges a "metoo" scenario involving Rivka Weissmandl, also known as Dina, and an Health Department inspector named only as "Andy."

The lawsuit claims the county employee sexually harassed her in 2011 by stating “if only she was younger and not married," asking her how she maintained “such a good body after so many kids,” and telling her to “spin around for him.”

Weissmandl, the mother of 10 children since getting married in November 1994, felt forced to to comply, the lawsuit claims. The legal action says the inspector also asked for her personal telephone number.

The lawsuit claims the worker said chief housing inspector John Stoughton told him all the male inspectors want “to do the Weissmandl Summer Camp inspection” because “Dina” (Rivka) was there and “she was pretty.”

In 2014, Pomona Mayor Brett Yagel asked for inspections of the Tartikov-based camp and the county also arranged for Orange and Rockland Utilities to inspect. The lawsuit said the O&R review led the camp owners to spend $30,000 on electrical equipment after a decade without problems.

A year later, Stoughton pressed for inspections by the Pomona building inspector even though Ephraim Weissmandl told him the village had no right to inspect. Although the Pomona inspector didn't find any problems, according to the lawsuit, Stoughton then pressured the camp owners to hire a licensed inspector.

The Board of Health fined the owners $23,250 — up from the $15,000 recommended penalty — for not having water services, though the owners said there was a misunderstanding with the utility. The lawsuit said Ephraim Weissmandl told the health board the utility had failed to shut off the water after the previous camp season ended.

The Health Department also inspected the camp's three pools, finding one violated the chlorine levels.

Fresser Developer said...

It makes sense that Effy is now on the East Ramapo School Board & not just because he's in our back pocket. There were mishpochos who wouldn't send to the camp because of how they do business. Not providing required refunds until the end of the secular calendar year and it's all true & worse about the filthy pool because they are too karg to splurge on chlorine & maintenance. Kids have gotten sick from that cess pool in it's various nausea inducing colors.

Anonymous said...

Above - comply with codes, be legal and you won't be fined.

Anonymous said...

my daughter got sick from going in weissmandl's disgusting pool even though she wasn't even a camper in merockdim because they rent out to other camps during hours that they don't use the pool themselves

on the merockdim website effy weissmandl looks either modern orthodox or very watered down yeshivish-lite. how is he related to the slimy chassidishe weissmandl who is also a big shot with the east ramapo board?