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Thursday, October 18, 2018


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Ezra "The Kapo" Friedlander, the back stabbing Jew that encouraged Holocaust Survivors to vote for Fat Nadler who voted to hand nuclear weapons to Iran, is back! 
This time to encourage our President to renew ties with the terrorist supporting nation of Qatar. 
Qatar has very close ties with Iran a nation that has vowed to "wipe Israel off the map." 
What this depraved animal Ezra would do for money is unbelievable! 
Qatar is a funder of Hamas, Ezra "The Kapo" Friedlander is now lobbying for HAMAS!!! 

The following is via Al-Arabiya:
The Qatari government urgently dispatched several individuals to the United States two weeks ago.
Among them was Hassan Ali bin Ali, an important Qatari regime insider and businessman.
Bin Ali is believed to have met with several American and non-American media personalities.
This information, corroborated by an insider source speaking to Al Arabiya English on condition of anonymity, revealed that these media meetings were so important to Bin Ali, that he “hastily canceled pre-scheduled meetings with the staff of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee.”
A congressional source told Al Arabiya English, on condition of anonymity, that Bin Ali had hired the New York City lobbying firm Friedlander Group, founded by Ezra Friedlander, to mend the bilateral relations between Qatar and the United States.
A Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) application submitted by Ezra Friedlander had listed Bin Ali as a foreign principal hiring the Friedlander Group for $50,000 per quarter, according to US government records.
The duties of the Friedlander group are to arrange meetings with Congressional members to discuss bi-lateral relations between the United States and countries across the Middle East and ways to achieve peace and regional stability. (Laughable if it wasn't so tragic.)
A luncheon or reception would be hosted every six months in Congress; once in the Senate and the another in the House to allow members of both chambers to meet Bin Ali in a social setting.
Congressional staff, Jewish leaders, and diplomats would be encouraged to participate to discuss relevant legislative issues that Congress is working on.
Hassan Ali bin Ali is well known by his ties with Tehran. He enjoys close business and personal relations with Iranian parties.
An outside source who works closely with members of the House Foreign Relations Committee told Al Arabiya English that Bin Ali had, in fact, been a front for the Qataris for a number of years.
“He’s the one who whitewashes the whitewashers of the Qatari regime. Not only in the United States but all over the whole world,” he said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What else is new? It's an old and well known fact that hes the worst of the worst and the biggest self hating money hungry ...... in town