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Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Authorities are searching for a missing person from North Miami Beach, FL.
Missing is Sammy Kissel, age 30. He was on his way from his home in Jade Winds condominiums around 195th Street and 17th Avenue to Khal Chassidim on NE 10th Avenue for a Malavah Malka he occasionally attends. Unfortunately, he never made it there. He was last seen on NE 10th Avenue at about 173rd Street.
At the time, he was wearing a white shirt, dark navy blue pants and black leather shoes. He left his home wearing a black kippah. At the time he was seen, his head was uncovered. He has a reddish-brown beard. He is in need of his medication.
Chesed Shel Emes of Florida is coordinating the search.
Sammy is an alumnus of Toras Emes Academy of Miami.
Please say Tehillim for Dov Shimshon ben Penina Sarah.
If you have any information about his whereabouts or you saw him after 6:15 PM on Shabbos, please call 911 immediately.

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