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Monday, October 8, 2018

Mindel Shavy Panet Becomes a Christian

So here we have  a  girl educated in a Satmar Moised (daughter of the Dezher Rebbe of Flatbush) dropping her Jewishness to now embrace and bow down to a dead Jew that directly caused the pillaging, rape and murder of her grandparents. 

Another Satmar girl from Monsey with the name Leah Levy also publicly got baptized. 
And we are now getting e-mails that there are tens of Satmar girls  publicly getting baptized. 
I don't know if this is a trend in Satmar, but if it is .... then Satmar better abandon their anti-Zionist craziness and start investigating why this is happening .
This is not a story of girls going off the derech... this is about girls joining a religion that is the antithesis of Judaism.


Ma Rabbi said...

This is crazy. Why would a girl from a Yichusdike family want to become a Goy?

Anonymous said...

Oy gut in nu

shmendrik said...

Vey is unz

frum but normal said...

Not sure what is worse being a Satmar Jew hating and Israel hating Kapo bastard who denies the right of the Jewish people to their land and is out to destroy our one and only God given Eretz Yisroel and it's six and a half million Jews, or being a decent christian who loves every human being and believes in God and what the bible says that Israel belongs to the Jewish people as written in the TORAH,

maybe just maybe "Mindel Shevy"s switch wasn't such a bad choice

Frum but normal said...

Just read the very next post on this blog and watch that disgusting video,and tell me if she isn't better off leaving this murderous Jew hating KAPO cult of murderers and gangsters

Anonymous said...

When you go thru a lot in life you loos your Saichel Hayusher and you do stupid things just to show revenge

Unknown said...

Tens maybe hundreds.

Unknown said...

Zionist are much worse than this

Anonymous said...

Here I fixed it for u, your welcome
And we are now getting e-mails that there are tens of Satmar girls publicly getting baptized.
I don't know if this is a trend in Satmar, but if it is .... then Satmar better start investigating why this is happening .
This is not a story of girls going off the derech... this is about girls joining a religion that is the antithesis of Judaism.

Anonymous said...

You might have stumbled onto something important good luck in finding the root cause and turning it around. since these girls are public and not hiding,you might be able to get a feel for it by contacting them and asking them directly

jancsibacsi said...

2:58 AM-You mean anti zionists at least the zionists are living in the real world not like the antis who live in a make beleive world

Anonymous said...

My guess is these women did it to hurt their parents as much as possible.

concerned said...

Now that they are Evangelical Christian, they will finally love Israel!!!

cyrano said...

To my horror and dismay, I have just been informed that the Paneth woman is a distant relative. She is descended from my great grandfather. It is but a poor consolation that many great and illustrious Jewish personalities in our past also had to deal with such torment.
The Ba-al Ha-Tanyah also had a son who was a meshumad, rachmonah ltzlon, to the everlasting anguish of Lubavitch.

Rabbi Yonason Eibishitz had a son who was undoubtedly an adherent of Shabbatai Zvi a fact which cast a shadow on his own father's legitimacy.

Unfortunately, there is no insurance policy against raising insane and evil children. To this day you find good families with troubled children who wind up becoming mass murderers of schoolchildren.

I feel no animus toward the Paneth family, only commiseration, for there, but for the grace of G-d go I.

Anonymous said...

Not true, I am x-satmer I'm still Jewish and love Israel, this girl will never be happy in her life and she will definitely come back to Juedism

Unknown said...

Btw. Her grandparents were rescued during the holocaust by godfearing Christians who risked their lives hiding their whole family. Just saying.

Yitzchak said...

better a christian than an atheist

Anonymous said...

You do have a sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

The journalist who wrote this article has to do some fact checking. Jesus did NOT cause the direct murder of her grandparents. That is a false statement. Jesus lives two thousand years ago and her grandparents lived within a hundred years ago. Also, Jesus did not kill Jews or advocate killing Jews. The Church killed Jews. Now for some facts. These young ladies are angry. They live in a disgusting bubble and they eventually burst. It's true that it makes no sense to forsake the real God for a dead one. But Satmar was also dead for them. How about a little Yiddisheh mercy for the girls. Stop pointing your fingers and point within. Jewish kids HATE school. And who can blame them? Growing up in Monsey, Flatbush, Lakewood, is horrific experience for any Jewish boy or girl. Actually, it's worse for the girls. The pressure on girls is brutal. We all know this. And yet we're surprised when the poor girls go off the deep end of "off the D." Hashem help us, please! And help the young girls!

Unknown said...

Do these girls get any love from their parents and siblings?

Anonymous said...

New style mikvah dip?

Anonymous said...

I know Midel Shavy's family on a personal level. She is not Dezher Rebbe of Flatbush's daughter.

San fracisco said...

i am still waiting to hear this is all a bad joke since nobody but nobody else seems to report it

Unknown said...

Anon you are correct, Jesus did not cause the death of her ancestors any more than did our belief in HaShem-it is up to human beings as to how they treat one another. I am not intimately familiar with Satmar, bit from what I hear and read, it sounds like a nightmare. They are about as close to my ancestral brand of Judaism as are Sabbateans. It seems the more anti-Israel rhetoric poured on along with disdain for those who believe differently-the more you set your children up to fail. We have nothing to fear from educating our future generations on what others believe-making them sound like forbidden fruit will cause more people to wonder what is the reality. Rabbi Teitelbaum claimed that the Zionist movement had brought the Holocaust upon the Jewish People by violating the oaths incumbent upon them. Yeah=there's a man I trust with choosing a path for my relatives.

yomtov said...

ive noticed that you post inaccurate things on your blog, some ,like the stuff you take off of shaulzons nonsense have no whiff of truth.So firstly her father is from boro park, secondly what "tens of girls" are you talking about>?
a satmar person who leaves the fold, does not choose a different faith, this is a very unusual case, something else must be behind this story

Dusiznies said...

You scribble:
"ive noticed that you post inaccurate things on your blog, some ,like the stuff you take off of shaulzons nonsense have no whiff of truth"

Hey Yomtov botchie.... this is not a "news site" its a blog! Hellllllllllow?
So Yes, I make take stuff off another blog or news site ....I blog about stuff I find interesting and that's why I have at least 10,000 people a week reading what I find i interesting ...
This particular story I got directly from a family member way before I saw it anywhere ...I was sitting on it until I verified it ... the family member wasn't sure whether the Father was the Dezger of Flatbush or was he the faker from Boro-Park ... that was not the gist of the store so I didn't care which faker father was... the story illustrates the tragedy of Satmar education .... as far as your idiotic stupid remark questioning the amount of Satmar girls becoming Christians ... let me tell you that I now have over 30 videos of Satmar girls converting to Christianity ... but Im in the midst of verifying whether they are actually from Satmar .... 3 I already verified are from Neturei Karta .... but either way ... even one girl is a lot .... and you scribble that's "unusual" ....
Hey Dumb Kup ... it it wasn't "unusual" it wouldn't make the news ...

Diary of an otd Girl said...

What’s the big deal? Let her lead her life the way she wants. Calm down people. There are pedo rabbis that I’d be more outraged about. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

If you believe a little water makes you anything.....

Anonymous said...

Y'all are a bunch of idiots who know nothing about this individual

Anonymous said...

Why so defensive man? Have you nothing better in your life than shitting on people you know nothing about?

Shira Batya Lewin Solomons said...

This post is faked. Shame On you trying to get revenge on a poor girl who just wanted to go to university

Anonymous said...

Not really.

Dvora.rotenberg44@gmail.com said...

Maybe because the cult she came from didn't give her the tools to navigate the secular world. And the secular world is primarily Christian. I was brought up with a strong Jewish identity and never was interested in another religion until i was brainwashed by Charedim. I left university, lost all my friends and was married to an abusive man. In the last 12 years of healing i have explored Buddhism, native sweats, made a drum had it opened by a grandmother smoked a peace pipe. In the end i came back finally to a place of Jewish culture. I was lucky. But i understand it. There is a certain mystery to church especially Catholic and the Baptists sing joyous praise to god with beautiful voices.

Dvora.rotenberg44@gmail.com said...

And go back to her life sucking cult?

judy said...

from one fairy land to another.yet coming from that group the satmar i guess she must think anything is better

Anonymous said...

The irony of people who believe in fairytales freaking out when someone choose to beleive in different fairytales.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it has something to do with how Satmar treats its women.

Unknown said...

Nebach, she was brainwashed into a cult. I hope she can return to Yiddishkeit.

San fracisco said...

I totally agree that everything about this post is totally fake too. It must be so. Because it is not reported than any other website weather Jewish whether Christian whether Protestant or otherwise. This seems to be simply a Revenge issue nothing more nothing less

Dusiznies said...

San fracisco
So tell us .... we are all ears .... waiting with bated breaths ....
What "Revenge?"

San fracisco said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dusiznies said...

San fracisco
It is always better to remain silent and be judged a fool than speak up and remove all doubt.

goombash said...

Rebelion - a bit unusual (most just go OTD without any religion). Square esp gets more than it's fare share of OTD. Chassidim in partícular need to understand that not everyone is geared to become a Chossid. And certainly not extreme. I knew a lady (ultra religious non-chassidic) who went OTD among other things a) parents found portable TV and threw it in garbage and B) parents did not allow her to go horseback riding even though other Beis Yaakov goths did (skirt + pants)
Huge mistake to think it's just Satmar or Primarily Satmar. Albeit this is more in the news because in Satmar it is even more rare

Anonymous said...

As a trauma therapist in the heimishe community, I can verify that this is an epidemic. My issue is not the kids converting, but rather the tens and tens of mature adults I see who are wearing the levush and yet believe nothing and keep nothing in private.I actually applaud the current OTD generation for finally bringing public awareness to a festering wound that has been bubbling under the surface for decades. We must take a long hard look at our society, community structure and school systems and ask why so many of our own are either dead inside or leaving the gold. The lack is not in Torah, it's in the dogmatic, judgmental, and egotistical society we have built and allowed to thrive.

goombash said...

The vast majority of Gedolei Hador.. Even Sefardi & Lutvish were anti Zionism.
Here's a partial list
Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum - Satmar Rebbe (1914-2006)
Rabbi Refoel Blum - Kasho Rebbe (1910-2005)
Rabbi Yisroel Yaakov Fisher - Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (1928-2003)
Rabbi Avigdor Miller - Rav of Bais Yisroel Torah Center (1908-2001)
* Rabbi Mordechai Gifter - R' Yeshiva of Telshe (1915-2001)
* Rabbi Boruch Kaplan - Principal of Bais Yaakov (1911-1996)
Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund - Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (1904-1996)
Rabbi Avraham Yitzchok Kahn - Toldos Ahron Rebbe (d. 1996)
Rabbi Shimon Schwab - Rabbi of Khal Adas Jeshurun (1908-1993)
* Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky - R Yeshiva of Torah Vodaas (1890-1986)
* Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira - The Baba Sali (1890-1984)
* Rabbi Shneur Kotler - R' Yeshiva Beis Medrash Govoha of Lakewood (1918-1982)
* Rabbi Yitzchok Hutner - R' Yeshiva of Chaim Berlin (1906-1980)
Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum - Grand Rabbi of Satmar (1887-1979)
Krasner Rav - Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein - (d. 1979)
Rabbi Moshe Yitzchok Itzikel Gewirtzman - Pshevorsker Rebbe (1881-1976)
* Rabbi Yosef Kahaneman - The Ponevezher Rav (1886-1969)
Rabbi Shimon Yisroel Posen - The Shoproner Rav
* Rabbi Aharon Kotler - R' Yeshiva of Lakewood, NJ (1891-1962)
* Rabbi Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik - Brisker Rav (1887-1959)
Rabbi Yonasan Steiff - Rabbi of Adas Yereim Vienna (1877-1958)
* Rabbi Michoel Ber Weissmandl - Nitra Rav (1903-1957)
* Chazon Ish - Rabbi Avrohom Yishaya Karelitz - (1878-1953)
Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis - Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (d. 1953)
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn - Lubavitcher Rebbe (1880-1950)
Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky - Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (1867-1948)
Rabbi Yisroel Zev Mintzberg - Rabbi of the Old City of Jerusalem (c. 1948)
Rabbi Ahron Roth - Shomer Emunim Rebbe (1894-1946)
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich - The Shimloyer Rav (1863-1944)
Rabbi Yitzchok Weiss - The Spinker Rebbe (1875-1944)
Rabbi Mordechai Rottenberg - Rabbi of Antwerp (1872-1944)
Rabbi Ben Zion Halberstam - Grand Rabbi of Bobov (1874-1941)
* Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman - R' Yeshiva of Baranovitch (1875-1940)
Rabbi Shaul Brach - Rabbi of Kasho, Hungary (1865-1940)
Rabbi Chuna Halberstam - Kalashitzer Rebbe (d. 1940)
Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky - Chief Rabbi of Vilna (1863-1940)
Rabbi Boruch Ber Leibowitz - R' Yeshiva of Kamenitz (1870-1939)
Rabbi Yisroel Hager - Grand Rabbi of Vizhnitz (1860-1936)
Rabbi Yosef Rosen - The Rogatchover Gaon (1858-1936)
Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld - Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (1848-1932)
* Rabbi Chaim Shaul Douek - Leader of the Sephardic Kabbalists of Jerusalem
* Rabbi Shlomo Eliezer Alfandri - Leader Sephardic community of Jerusalem (1826-1930)
Rabbi Yosef Leib Bloch - Rav and R' Yeshiva of Telshe (d. 1930)
Rabbi Solomon Breuer - Rav of Frankfurt (1850-1926)
* Rabbi Meir Simcha of Dvinsk - Author of Ohr Somayach (1843-1926)
Rabbi Shmuel Borenstein - Author of Shem Mishmuel (1856-1926)
Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach - The Belzer Rebbe (1854-1925)
Rabbi Moshe Hager - The Kossover Rebbe (1860-1925)
Rashab Rabbi Sholom Ber Schneersohn - 5th Lubavitcher Rebbe (1860-1920)
Zichron Yehuda - Rabbi Yehuda Greenwald - Rav of Satmar, Hungary (1845-1920)
* Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik - Rabbi of Brisk (1853-1918)
Chiashenover Rebbe - Rabbi Simcha Yissocher Ber Halberstam - (d. 1914)
Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Meisel - Rabbi of Lodz (1821-1912)
* Rabbi Naftali Hermann Adler - Chief Rabbi of the U.K. (1839-1911)
Avnei Nezer - Rabbi Avraham Borenstein (1838-1910)
* Ben Ish Chai - Rabbi Yosef Chaim of Baghdad (1832-1909)
Rabbi Shmuel Salant- Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (1816-1909)
* Sdei Chemed - Rabbi Chaim Chizkiyahu Medini (1833-1904)

Bob said...

You get more communal support by becoming Christian then just going OTD without any religion which can leave you feeling isolated. One of the warnings given to those going OTD is that they will not be able to cope alone in an uncaring and alien world. However you can cynically use the Christians to get this support. Once you have settled down and learn to cope by yourself, you can leave the Christians and live OTD without religion

loczi bacsi said...

all these comments ... not one person said .. no matter what this girls does .. no matter what water she dips in .. she is still a tayre yidenne .. she still has a yidishe neshomo that is a part of ein sof boruch hu and no water and no youtube is gonna get rid of that. its hidden away right now thats all. with blessings that we all are able to see truth in this fake world.
legyen szép napod

Dusiznies said...

Most of the gedoilim you mention lived before the establishment of the State ... after the State was established most Gedoilim accepted the State albeit reluctantly

For example:

* Rabbi Mordechai Gifter - R' Yeshiva of Telshe (1915-2001)
Rabbi Shimon Schwab - Rabbi of Khal Adas Jeshurun (1908-1993)
Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky - R Yeshiva of Torah Vodaas (1890-1986)
Rabbi Shneur Kotler - R' Yeshiva Beis Medrash Govoha of Lakewood (1918-1982)
* Rabbi Yosef Kahaneman - The Ponevezher Rav (1886-1969) * Even flew the Israeli flag on the building of the yeshivah on Yom Hatzmeot
Rabbi Aharon Kotler - R' Yeshiva of Lakewood, NJ (1891-1962)
Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis - Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (d. 1953)
Avnei Nezer - Rabbi Avraham Borenstein (1838-1910) * He actually dismissed the entire concept of the Shalosh Shevuot

Rabbi Avigdor Miller - Rav of Bais Yisroel Torah Center (1908-2001) ... was the one who translated all the vicious anti-Israel crap of the Neturei Karta into English

The rest that you listed above died decades before the establishment of the State and we will never know if they would have changed their mind once the State was established in 1948

The following Rabbis that you listed above would in retrospect have wished that there was a State to run to as they were murdered by the Nazis

Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich - The Shimloyer Rav (1863-1944)
Rabbi Yitzchok Weiss - The Spinker Rebbe (1875-1944)
Rabbi Mordechai Rottenberg - Rabbi of Antwerp (1872-1944)
Rabbi Ben Zion Halberstam - Grand Rabbi of Bobov (1874-1941)
* Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman - R' Yeshiva of Baranovitch (1875-1940)
Rabbi Shaul Brach - Rabbi of Kasho, Hungary (1865-1940)
Rabbi Chuna Halberstam - Kalashitzer Rebbe (d. 1940)
Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky - Chief Rabbi of Vilna (1863-1940)
Rabbi Boruch Ber Leibowitz - R' Yeshiva of Kamenitz (1870-1939)
Rabbi Yisroel Hager - Grand Rabbi of Vizhnitz (1860-1936)
Rabbi Yosef Rosen - The Rogatchover Gaon (1858-1936)

I could list thousands of Rabbonim pre-war WW2 that either directly supported a State or accepted after the fact ... i.e. The Belzer, The Gerer, Bobove, Vizniter, Seret Viznitzer who was an IDF Soldier .... Rav Shach, Rav Eliyashv, R' Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, The Tziz Eliezer etc .

Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum - Satmar Rebbe (1914-2006) was a closet Zionist while he was the Sigheter Rav in Boro-Park until he became Satmar Rebbe ... in fact he married off his son, Aron, present Satmar Rebbe of Monroe to the Viznitzer Rebbe's daughter ... R' Yoel Teitelbaum founder of the Satmar dynasty despised the Viznitzer because he was a Zionist and took money from the medinah, and R' Yoel couldn't stand R' Moshe after that, and that's why he didn't want R' Moshe to succeed him .. even though R' Moshe was the rightful heir ..
I love the way you snuck in your hateful anti-Zionish crap into this thread ....

The State of Israel is a fact... a beautiful country .... a miracle ... a country that houses the greatest Jewish population in the entire world, with an assimilation percentage of approx 1% as opposed to the US population that has an assimilation of close to 85% according to the latest PEW Study
More Torah learning in Israel than the entire Jewish world put together ....
Wake up you hateful Jews because the train is moving and you guys will be left behind with the rest of the goyim ......
Where will you run when the civil war breaks out in the USA and they start murdering Jews?
To Israel of course ... you sick fool!

Jewishgirlinnyc said...

If she were converting TO Judiasm you would be celebrating. What makes you think Jews have it right?

Bob said...

Prior to WW2, the majority of Western politicians believed that appeasement of Hitler was the best policy. I could prepare a long list of their names, but the very length of this list would not prove that this policy was proved correct but rather would show how so many eminent and educated people could get things so wrong. For you, the long list of gedolim who held anti-Zionist views is an argument against Zionism, but for many it is evidence of how wrong gedolim can be and that the consequences of taking their advice can be disastrous. You have to remember that for every Jew whose life experience led him to reject the views of the long list of gedolim you give and became a Zionist, many more decided (like Miss Panet) to give up on Judaism in its entirety, find a non-Jewish partner and raise their children outside of Judaism. Only last week, a commemoration service took place in Denmark to remember the 7,000 who escaped the Nazis. Today there are less than 2,000 in Denmark. Why do you think this community shrunk so drastically?

Anonymous said...

She will stay a yid always a dip in pool dsnt count its good for social media she gets attention that way 1 day with hashems help she will come back she just needs our prayers

San fracisco said...

Until I see it in the news somewhere else I'm going to assume this is all just a bad dream

Toras emes said...

The Baal Hataya’s son never converted, this has been thoroughly debunked. Recently an entire well researched book was published on the life of Reb Moshe.

Chafraud-Depravitch said...

This is such a great story.
It's an epic "up yours" to the so-called "authorities" of her former haredi cult.
The public display resulting in the shame of Satmar makes it all that much sweeter (but it would be just as sweet happening to any haredi cult).
And it just keeps getting better with the reactions from all the ignorant fundamentalist extremists who ask 'what went wrong?' As if to ask 'why didn't she enjoy being treated like Jewish crap?'

However, there is hope for those of you in the Judeo-centric bubble bemoaning your "loss." With Chabad's neo-Christian brand of "Judaism" it's very likely that it will be fashionable to be a (neo)Christian and a Jew simultaneously again soon. First Century retro style at its finest!

Anyway, I'm very happy for this woman (even if her escape was to another fairy-tale religion - maybe she'll grow out of that too). At least she has a better shot at finding some happiness in life outside of her Satmar cult jail.

I hope she enjoys leaving Orthodox Judaism as much as I have. Life is great. It shouldn't be wasted and screwed up by a bunch of sick haredi control freaks who believe they speak for God.

Chafraud-Depravitch said...

Dvora Rotenberg and Anonymous trauma therapist in the heimishe community,

Thank you for your insightful comments. If only the haredi community could learn from what you have to say. Unfortunately it's far more likely that these cults will see a greater exodus as younger generations leave their toxic environments.

Bob said...

Recently evidence of the circumstances surrounding the conversion of the son of the Ba'al HaTanya have been discovered.


Anonymous said...

anyone who is curious, the one who baptized her was a Gehr - https://gracefellowship.com/about-us/staff/i/brian-gehr/

Unknown said...

If you know any history and are truthful and honest with yourself you find the truth within you no need to run elsewhere......

Anonymous said...

1)When others posted and removed this video, dusiznies had the courage to keep it up. I respect the family who are shamed by this and dont want to cause more pain, but feel it is important to see, to know what is going on-- bc without seeing it, it is too difficult to believe it is real.I am only shocked that it took a trip to Israel and more if this isn't happenign here in the US, here in NY where Justin Bieber's church has over 10,000 worshippers every Sunday.

2)For the Anonymous commenter who said..."If you believe a little water makes you anything".... I suppose lots of people converting to Judaism might say the same to the Israeli Rabbinical Courts who give them a hassle, But obviously a dip in water is transforming and without it, you don't qualify unless born to a Jewish mother. So it means alot to alot of people.

3) Instead of being gleeful that such a tragedy happens in a Satmar family (them and not me) bc you don't like Satmar, look a little deeper and ask-- what the hell was going on -- that a girl brought up in Boro Park goes to such an extreme??? Must have been a lot of pain there. What happened int he family, what is the history, what happened in school/camp, who are her friends? Who else is at risk?

San fracisco said...

Very very confused girl. There is a picture of her going around just this past succhos making a bracha on a lulav and esrog at the chabad house on campus i think she just wants to be loved.

San fracisco said...

By the way that is the results when you're parents force you into a marriage that you don't want. Which was the results by her. Her parents Forced into marrying a family from London who She did not want to marry.

San fracisco said...

All she wants is some attention poor girl

Anonymous said...

Good for her, it's a free country.
How does Mindel converting hurt anyone.
She was probably tired of the satmar circus. The obsession with married women shaving their heads, the absurd smartphone rules and all of the other cult-like behaviors of this group.
It's hard to understand why we don't have 400 girls converting verses only 4

Anonymous said...

Who said that Christians are not good and kind people? Whats your point.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about. They hate school. Who is they??...who are you talking for? Yourself, perhaps

Pinchas said...

Maybe is Satmar hadn't squashed the messianic spirit of Chabad so harshly this wouldn't have happened...

Anonymous said...

Youre still jewish? You can never undo your jewishness. A little water didnt make her a goy!

Anonymous said...

Theyre not anything. Theyre jewish kids still. A little dip dont change that! Once a jew,always a jew.

Anonymous said...

Speak for YOURSELF.. who are you to speak for all the girls in these places. Who do you think you are?