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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Chareidie Extremist Suddenly Very Quiet About The IDF Draft! No Protests???

No protests against the draft ..... not a word .. silent ....
Satmar Chassidim in Yerushalyim, Bnei Brak and Bet Shemesh ... quiet .. silent 
The Auerbach extremists  .....???
Sha .... shtil ...... not a peep ....

Where are the Kenaoim who protest the Draft in Kikar Ha'shabas?????

Where are the American "Tuchis Lekkers" like the Lakewood Roshei Yeshivois .... the Satmar Newspapers screaming against the draft???????

Is there no issues now with the draft?????

No More Draft??????

Guess What???? 

 A student of the Kol Torah Yeshiva of the Nahal faction was detained for a week and a half after not appearing at the recruitment center. His detention was extended until the end of the proceedings.

But still no protests ....... No blocking roads.... Nope ... 
"Let him rot in jail"..... "but we will not protest until after the elections!! 

Why isn't Satmar organizing huge protests against Voting in the elections of the Zionist State of Israel????
Every time there were elections, Satmar managed to produce tens of thousands against voting ..... 

Now???? SHaaaaaaaaaa Shtil,......................
👀 .??   .  👀 . ?? .👀??

I know your'e dying to know the answer ........

The truth is that Satmar, the kinoaim ... the Auerbach extremists .... are all fakes, phonies, and frauds .... 
they are not against the elections... it was all show .... 
Yes its true that they are against the draft, because they don't want to do anything but kvetch the seats in shul!
So why not protest aginst the draft ... now ... before the elections??
Because as I said .... they are all by in large two faced liars! 
It's all Sheker ......

Until this election, the Chareidim were by and large together, the "Gedoilim" would put up their candidates and compromise and agree on a slate .... 
Degel and Agudah with the rest of the fake Chareidie parties were all on the same page ..

So no matter what happened .... the Satmar phonies and Auerbach Extremists frauds would benefit ... because the more Chareidie guys came in  ... the more benefits to the Chareidim, so even if  Fake Satmar/Auerbach screamed and protested against voting ...
they benefited from the Charedie winning the elections...
and even though they scream "chai ve'kayom" that they don't take money from the medinah, everyone and his cat knows that it's all a bunch of lies!
At the end of the day it was all good ... they officially protested, and the  bottom line was that they got what the rest of the Chareidim got ...

The elections in Israel this year is different .....
The Chareidim themselves are split ... The Gedoilim are no longer on the same page .... and now all Frum candidates in all municipal districts are in danger of losing seats .... 
Because instead of agreeing on one candidate and all vote for that guy, there are now from 2 to 3 frum candidates running in the same
city!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Against each other!
This will now endanger the frum parties, because it will split the vote and the chilonie and "dati" guys who are waiting in the bushes like a cat waiting to pounce on the mouse, will now pounce and may actually win the municipal elections in all cities!

So if Satmar and the Auerbach fanatics make any sound about the "draft" ..... protest against the draft ... stop traffic etc ...
guess what happens ....
they lose the elections! 
and if that happens ... Satmar will finally be telling the truth .. that they "don't take money from the medinah" .... because they "takeh" won't get any!

So now at least till next week Tuesday ... you can drive anywhere in Israel and get wherever you need to go ...on time!

Now... if they really believed in their cause .... why would they stop their protests???? 
Isn't it "Yeherag Ve'al Yaavoir???
Liars ... frauds ....
they don't believe in their own SHIT'ah


Kavod Hatorah said...

This post is incorrect & disrespectful of the Lakewood roshei yeshiva.

Only R' Malkiel has been an Auerbach supporter & sort of a half hearted one at that. He is the youngest of the roshei yeshiva.

Rachel Dolezal said...


Now DIN will have someone else with a fake identity to bash for a change.

DIN gets results said...

Cab driver Farrukh Afzal, caught on video savagely beating an elderly Jew in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, was charged with a hate crime Friday.

Afzal, a 37-year-old Muslim and resident of Staten Island, assaulted Orthodox Jew Lipa Schwartz, 62, at an intersection on October 14 at approximately 7:30 a.m., while Schwartz was on his way to synagogue for morning prayers.

Afzal, who has eight previous arrests, according to police, was initially charged with attempted assault in the second degree, assault in the third degree, menacing and harassment.

Schwartz said that throughout the beating, his attacker shouted “Allah” repeatedly and howled that he wanted to “kill all Jews,” as well as making references to Israel. If not for a passerby who intervened, the victim likely would not have survived the attack, he added.

The charges were upgraded Friday during a presentation at the District Attorney’s Office, the local WABC radio station reported.

Anonymous said...

15 confirmed cases of measles in Monsey & another 6 that are probable.

At least the Skverrorist ordered all his robots to get vaccinated after DIN gave him hell on this website. Viznitz is cracking down on their flock also.

Anonymous said...

You make it sound as if protests in Israel against the draft is a daily occurrence. No, it's not. The fact that there are no protests now has nothing to do with elections. It's only when someone gets arrested for not joining that tamei army that they go protest, making a huge kiddush Hashem thereby. Why do you hate chareidim so much, DIN?

BTW, commentator #1, Rav Malkiel shlit"a IS a full-fledged follower of Rav Auerbach zt"l. Nothing to be embarrassed about, Kavod H.

Dusiznies said...

Besides being a naive fool .. you are also a liar!
Just last Wednesday they arrested a "peleg" draft dodger in Yerusalayim in full daylight!
No protests ..... in fact Hapeles the newspaper for the Auerbach terrorists asked that their followers make Shabbos 10 minutes before the Zman and say special kapitlach tehillim and they didn't call a protest ...
Because they are fakes ... they do not want to jeopardize the elections even though they are against voting in the elections....
The Aurerbach terrorists sold their souls because of the elections ...
"let the bochrim rot" but we wont jeopardize the elections ..
If it's Yehereg Ve'al Yaavor ... then why are they not protesting?
Because they are fakes and frauds like you ....

Interesting that you say that "Rav Malkiel shlit"a IS a full-fledged follower of Rav Auerbach zt"l. "
The Briskers hate Malkiel Kotler because he married another women with Heter Meah Rabbonim and left his first wife "a Brisker" an Agunah, according to them ... they don't recognize the Heter.... as a viable alternative!
R' Shmuel Auerbach considered himself a "Brisker"
BYW R' Shmuel was a pro Zionist when I was growing up but turned when R' Shach was niftar and he had hoped to replace him as the Gadol Ha'Dor when they chose Rav Shteinman instead he had a hissy fit and became agitated and established the Terrorist movement called "Peleg"
So deep down R' Malkiel hates the Auerbachs and the Briskers ....
But he chose to sit on his comfortable couch in Lakewood while he supports Bochrim "Leidegeirs" holding up traffic so that regular people can go to jobs and yes to learn ...
Shame on you and your ilk!

Anonymous said...

DIN, you're right that one of their bachurim was arrested after a Degali informed on him. Forgot about it. But you obviously don't know much of the truth - or you don't want to know the truth. The reason their's no protest now on behalf of that bochur is because Gedolei Yisroel said not to. One of the reasons and perhaps the main reason is because the Degalim are extremely violent these days in BB and all over Israel. Police are after them. Let them take care of them first. Litvish Yerushalmim (Peleg) are brilliant! You can't deny that!

The Brisker are indeed no big fans of Rav Auerbach's talmidim. However, regarding Rav Malkiel you apparently don't know or don't want to know the truth.

Anonymous said...

DIN- you should know your facts before you spew ignorant comments. Satmar vyoel moishe “yahurig Val yavor” Applies only to the national elections! Not the local (eriya) votes which is now the issue!!

Dusiznies said...

You lie!!!!!!!!
In fact that was te difference between Satmar and Brisk
Briskers vote in local elections and Satmar says "Yeherag ve'al Yaavor" even on local elections....
In 1956 or was it 1957 the Satmar Rebbe met the Briskar Rav and asked him
"I see that you say that it is a "Mitzvah" to vote ... is it a mitzvah like lulav?"
The Briskar Rav cleverly replied "Its a mitzva like marror."
I live in Bet Shemesh and all the Yellow signsin Ramat Bet Shemesh Bet ... quote the Satmar Rebbe that it is prohibited to vote in local elections..
And please don't school me in the Vyoel Moshe... I was familiar with this stuff way before you were born!

Anonymous said...

Hello if you know all the facts like you know this -you know nothing!! This is the known fact that satmar rebbe DID NOT asser the local elections in contrary to Neturei Karta and some in Eida Hachreides.who put pressure to ASSER, which he never did. In regards to Brisk, it’s a known fact he never signed the issur nor the chov to go to elections. And all his children and close talmidim knew his shita was with satmar and don’t vote NATIONAL elections till today!!!!!!

Dusiznies said...

I am aware that you don't want to be confused with the facts .... but Satmar in Israel do not vote in local elections ... Just because you put your words in CAPS, doesn't change the facts ...
I live in just blocks away from Satmar Bet Shemesh and they post all over that the shit'ah of the Rebbe (Va'Yoel Moshe) was not to vote in today;s local elections ...
and as far as Brisk goes... the Brisker have nothing, absolutely nothing with Satmar ... and all Briskers hold that the Satmar Chassidim are as they put it "ah banda amai-ratzim." they consider them ignorant fools and are in no way associated with them ..
In this particular respect I dont agree with the Briskers because I personally know many Satmar Chassidim who are huge Talmeidei Chachamim that would put any Brisker to shame.