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Monday, March 16, 2020

Reb Chaim Kanievsky Says that he "Never Heard of the Corona Virus"

This is crazy....

I'm not talking about the fact that Reb Chaim said that he "never heard of this deadly virus...."..looks like he didn't know ..it's not like he reads this stuff...

But what is crazy, is that right after the guy hears this from R' Chaim's own mouth, he says that 
"this is proof that "Corona" doesn't exist! "
Because if the Rav didn't hear about it .... how can it possibly exist?

How insane is this guy???
Who is he?

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Ma Rabbi said...

Perhaps Rav Chaim was trying to mitigate it by saying he never heard of it. The story is told that prior to World War Two someone asked the 6th
Lubavitcher Rebbe Z"L if there was going to be a war and he said no.
People everywhere knew by that time that war was coming. The explanation given is that by saying no the Rebbe was trying to mitigate it.

Anonymous said...

Religious FANATICS