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Monday, March 16, 2020

In Ashdod ....Yeshivishe Couple Try to Circumvent Ban on Weddings .... so they make the Wedding 4:30 in the morning!

Mazal Tov! Nice way to start a Jewish home by violating regulations and infection the guests ..

Police raided a wedding taking place Sunday morning and dispersed the guests after new regulations took effect Saturday night prohibiting gatherings of over 10 people in one place. 

The wedding was set for 4:30 in the morning in an attempt to circumvent the new regulations and hold a large gathering. However police arrived at 8 A.M. and dispersed the guests.

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שוטרים הגיעו לחתונה, ולא לאחר השעה 23:00 בגלל המוזיקה, אלא בשעה 8:00 בבוקר כדי לפזר את החגיגה שהחלה כמה שעות קודם. אולמי האצולה באשדוד. צילום: משה פחימה

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