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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

DIN .... Why Hashem Sent the Virus

What .... ??

DIN are you crazy???? 
Did your staying 24/7 cooped up make you go insane????

You know why Hashem sent the virus? You arrogant am-ha'aretz!

Calm down folks..... it's true I'm nothing, and I don't know anything..

But since everybody with a hat and a beard has an opinion ... 
I also have a hat and a beard and so why am I not qualified??

So we heard that it is because of Tznees....
We heard it's because of the Chinese shaitlich...
We heard it's because of "vachnachts" "vorts" extravagant Bar-Mitzvas ...Bat-Mitzvas,  extravagant Brissim, "Loshon Hara"...
someone even mentioned that it's because of going to Uman and Lizensk, and other countries populated by the murderers of our relatives ....
Others mentioned Chillul Shabbos and gay parades in Israel!

So I don't know if that's true ... could be it is...

But I want to add some other things to the list ....
these same "prophets" throw Jewish children out of their yeshivos.......
Maybe Hashem closed the Yeshivos now to everyone??
"You don't want my children as bad as they are....well, I'm their Father in Heaven and I don't want your "good" children either."

These same "prophets" that know why Hashem is doing things...
order their talmidim to disrupt the lives of other erlicher yiddin by protesting and blocking traffic to innocent people trying to go to work, to children coming home from school, from pregnant ladies rushing home to feed their Kollel husbands ...
Well, maybe Hashem is saying ... 
"I'll make sure no one goes out ..so now ...let's see you protest ..
if if its really  Le'shem Shomayim...
Why aren't you out now?"

These same "prophets" that stood by silently ... when a frum soldier in uniform went to chap a Mincha in shul ...and was threatened with his life ...spat on and rocks thrown at him ....
no .... not by Arabs... but by the silver and gold bekeshes..
Maybe just maybe Hashem says:
" I'll close the shuls to you too!
If you won't let my child in to talk to me , then I don't want to hear what you and your children have to say... 
and you know what?
I'll close your "tourist traps" stores in Meah Shearim for good measure"

And finally .... Why did Hashem send it to the entire world including the USA?
If it's because of what some of the "prophets" are saying that it is because of "Chillul Shabbos and Gay Parades in the Holy land"
then why didn't Hashem send it to Israel only ....
I'll take the liberty to speculate .... 
wait a second.... let me find my hat...

maybe ....just maybe Hashem is saying ....

"The Talmud says that there is a non-kosher bird that is called "Reah" ....meaning "seeing"...
This bird can see a carcass ...a "neveilah" in Eretz Yisrael all the  way from Bavel....he such great vision...

Asks the Baal Shem Tov ...if this bird has such a great characteristic that it can see such great distances, so why did Hashem make it an unkosher bird?
So the Baal Shem Tov answers .... anything living in Chutz Le'aaretz that sees bad things in Israel .....can never be kosher"

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Philly Kaminetzkys get results said...


“A Fake Pandemic”: Antivaxxers Are Spreading Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

yidlmitnfidl said...

Each sentence nails it!
But the Reah bird one is the best!
Rather than give Chizuk in these hard times, some of these hat & beard people are Melamed Chovah.

Anonymous said...

Some of the only places in Israel to get together to daven and learn together may be the army bases.

Warning to Fressers said...


A bee meh Fresst said...

One impetus for the Agudah Fresser-Modern Ortho joint communique assering travel to Florida Pesach programs was they knew a bunch of their own, both heimish & moderner, were going to try to weasel around the decree the Gov of Florida already made which would have ended in tremendous bizyonos & chilul Hashem


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he will issue an executive order requiring anyone flying into the state from New York, New Jersey, Washington, or California to undergo a “mandatory 14-day self-isolation” period in response to the coronavirus, The Orlando Sentinel reports. During a press conference, DeSantis said there were currently over “190 direct flights from the New York City area” to Florida, and he believed there was at least one positive case per flight.

(Could this be a sign from Shomayim that it is disgusting that there has been at least one molester in almost every yeshiva?)