Monday, March 16, 2020

Watch As Yeshivos In Israel Stick their Thumbs in the Eyes of the Health Department and Continue defying Authorities ....

This video is from today ......Monday

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Anonymous said...

R Gershon Edelstien asked if the IDF is closing because of the Carona Virus. He was answered no.if so said R Edelstei. Why should the Yeshivos be any different.They are also needed for the Protection of the Country and Klal Yisroel at large

Dusiznies said...

That's "FAKE NEWS"

An whoever made it up knows that that is an idiotic statement ....
In Chidushei Reb Akiva Eiger (Nedarim 39) talks about a virus during his own times and he states that "police should be called if the Yesivos aren't closed down"
Look it up yoursef!


Brisker Payois said...

So does R' Edelstein think that we should let the Arabs flood in from Gaza?
Ask him in my name?

Anonymous said...


The Torah mandates an army … M'ben Esrim Shana, etc. several times .
The Jewish army fought during Moshe's time, during Yehoshua's time, during the time of neviim, during the time when we had an Urim v'tumim and shoftim, and during Dovid and Shlomo's time.
Now put down your 50 gallon pitcher of Kool Aide, especially during this crisis and get on line for water and toilet paper like everybody else. . On the other hand , you may be correct. We have greater people now than the above, and over the last 3,000 years since the Torah was given, we are much, much bigger gedolim than the ones I mentioned since we are experts in teitch, svoroh and pilpulim'lach..
Are you against the Torah mandate of a standing army, or does it not apply today because of Herzl?
In that case, why are so many yeshivos and kollelim operating in EY more than any other place in the world?
Please stop hocking your cheiniks..

assisted by Naaseh Vesh

Anonymous said...

In my aunt's name too. Zeecl mit'n fartich , who's currently on a long line like a Polish chlopak trying to buy some tzibullios for the yohch.


Dusiznies said...

To farenfer R'Gershon Edelstien Shlitah .... I would have to say Be'doichik that he would teitch up the R' Akivah Eiger with a tzarich eyun, since it doesn't fit in with his agenda
which is only if he really said it.... but I know it's Fake News

Fred said...

The story by Reb Akiva Eiger was about Cholera which when not properly treated has a mortality rate of 50%-60%. In those days for the most part it was not properly treated and people were dying like flies. That's not anything at all like the story we have today by any stretch.

Dr. Pepper said...

Fred or should I say Ferd
This virus has the potential to make the Cholera epidemic look like a child's cold!

Reb Akiva Eiger if you bothered to look, is addressing ....regulations...
and ruled that his town must follow the local regulations which was limiting gatherings to 12 people
and permitted calling police to have them arrested ...

Bais Hatalmud Bachelor said...

This wasn't a "story" it's a psak halacha in his chiddushim in nedarim..... he addresses one thing only and that is "adhering to health ordinances" of that area ............

The Real Fred said...

Hey Fred
Ok the Cholera had "a mortality rate of 50%-60%"
So how many people do you believe have to die until Reb Akiva Eiger's psak kicks in?
when do YOU think it becomes dangerous ? Fred???
Do you think that even if ONE member of your family, God Forbid" gets it ...would you then say that"would be a high percentage?"
Rabbi Edelstein if he said that ... was very irresponsible!!
Torah can be learned at home ... and until we have this under control ...Yeshivah guys should stay home...
Even a "metzorah" was isolated ..

Fred said...

Dr. Pepper, since you reverted to insults you must feel that with civil discussion you don't have enough information to engage, so i need not answer you.

Bais Hatalmud Bachelor, Your information is incorrect. Please look up the source which is an account of takanos that R' Akiva Eiger himself made. They printed them in the sefer of shaalos uteshuvos even though they were not written as part of the teshuvos or chiddushim, but rather they were instructions that he himself came up with based on his knowledge of the situation and he wrote them to be posted for everyone to see. They were not government regulation at all.

Real Fred, by your logic we should follow all of these precautions every year because the flu also has a mortality rate. But we don't. The level of danger does matter to be taken into account before such measures are enacted.

Anonymous said...

Leave the IDF alone already.
Among the many reasons given for Hashem sending this virus, I'd like to offer an additional one.
IDF soldiers were thrown out of shuls, humiliated, physically attacked and cursed upon with vile words not fit to print.
In other words , they were forcibly quarantined from going to daven in shuls.
And now, shuls and yeshivas are being forced to close, and those still open are urging congregants who are vulnerable to stay home.
The shuls from which they were thrown out are now closed.
Ya think there's a connection?
I do. Prove me wrong.
