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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Pre War Europe Video


Unknown said...

העולם שהיה ונעלם לעינינו ...

Anonymous said...

I am sure all of us watching these videos, are thinking to ourselves and asking "oy vey why didn't these poor Jews leave the European killing fields when they were still able to,
Well RABOISAI i got news for you,in 50 to 75 years when the U.S.A and all of Europe will be Judenrein and Jews in Eretz Yisroel will be watching some old videos of Jewish life in Monsey Boro park,williamsburg,lakewood,london,antwerp,etc,etc,they will ask themselves exactly the same question "GEVALD,GEVALD why didn't these idiots leave in time when they were still able to ? after all they had their God given country waiting for them with open arms.


Anonymous said...

Yeah unfortunately thanks to the Zionist Amalekim

Abe said...

In the first video at 40 sec, a woman walks right through a bunch of what like highly esteemed rabbeim and they didn't even flinch.
The tayva (toevah?) must have been especially weak in those days.

Anonymous said...

Many Jews were poor in Europe and did not have the means to leave. Many did not want to leave family members. It's very hard to leave ones family. Many Rabbanim advised against leaving because the dangers of becoming "Frei" (Non religious). It's not so simple. The question remains, Why did the Holocaust happen? We as a people must understand how could this happen. Besides just antisemetism. It was a message from G-d. This doesn't free the Nazis from guilt for their ruthlessness. The churban (destruction of the Temple)happened for a reason. We are still in exile. The Arabs and the World do not leave us alone.

Unknown said...

The poor European Jews from Poland even if they wanted to leave to Eretz Yisroel the British mandate had a quota anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 Jews annually. Even during the war some ships were sunk by the British to prevent Jews fleeing the ovens of Europe.

Anonymous said...

They couldhave left before the quotas just as many did years before, for example the millions who came to the US at the turn of the century from Russia. They didn't want to leave, and when they wanted , it was already too late.
@10;08, manywere poor but there were many who were rich who could have helped. Anyway, they lost all their money and were deported and their money didn't help. It's true that it's hard to leave because of family or money, but in the end you'll leave anyway one way or another, let this be a lesson for Jews everywhere.

David said...


Or Jews in America will watch videos of mea shearim and bemoan the fact that they didn't leave before Iran dropped a nuclear bomb.

I'm glad we have a Navi in our time. Idiot.

Anonymous said...

%David the Navi, You have it backwards, Meah Sheorim will watch on illegal smartphones how American Jews get kicked around and start to rent apts. on Rechov hanviim to the American refugees.

6/23/16 ADL
Anti-Semitic incidents in the United States up more than 60%

ADL audit finds anti-Semitic incidents on American campuses nearly doubled in 2015, and increased 60% across the country.In addition, the number of anti-Semitic assaults across the country increased by more than 60 percent last year, the organization's audit found.

David said...

There will always be anti semitism.
The difference is.....in my neighborhood....anti Semites don't have nuclear weapons....

Get it?

Anonymous said...

david doean't realize that so any wars klling millions were fought without nuclear weapons over the last 7o years,and Israel can and will take out Iran if they have to, and Israel has its own arsenal too. He also doean; trealize that G-d is making it dangerous for Jews in America and allover the world without nuclear bombs and doesn't believe in G-D's power to help protect Israel especially after motivating mass aliya there and helping the country grow. So obviously he believes in God's protection of Israel, just playing games with Jewish minds, but believes He wants us to live in riches and Lexuses in golus forever and will protect us here.So obviously he doean't like Israel like so many others .

Anonymous said...

David is afraid of nuclear weapons and thinks G-D is too. Do we get it? Doeas 'chazakh hoo mimenu' ring a bell?

David said...

I'm afraid it's you who is putting to much faith in the IDF. Don't make this about God. God is capable of anything and everything. God has brought about destruction in the past in the land of Israel and the exile alike.

I've lived in Israel and in America and while I abhor the Lexus's as much as you do....I think the machlokes that one finds in Israel is 100 times worse.

Dusiznies said...

You speak "be'inyomei D'eyoime" mammesh like the meraglim!

David said...

I'm more like klal yisroel trudging through the midbar...al pi hashem yachanu...al pi hashem yisau....
You're more like the meraglim....needing to feel "in control".....

Anonymous said...

%david, you're right about the machlokes, which by the way is here also. Glad you didn't blame it all on the secularists. You're also right about the midbar which is chutz laaretz and so you'll do nesiya and chaniya as well as nesiya from midbar America, but not in eretz Yisroel, and yes, I'm making it about G-D, and wish the machlokes crowd would do the same.

Anonymous said...

Everything al pi Hashem, so how come when pi Hashem said to go into the Land they refused?