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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

קול דודי דופק

הרב מרדכי ליבוביץ

הקליפה בראותה שמא
יתפעלו ישראל מעוצם גילוי אלוקות בהראות חסדיו לעמו ישראל הרבה הלביש
עצמו בקליפת הקנאות.
ועל אלו אמר הכתוב ״וכסילים מתי תשכילו״

אילו זכינו היינו מתאספין בבתי כנסיות ובבתי מדרשות להודות לה׳ על חסדיו.
שהציל עם ישראל מכליה, ועוד ועיקר שהחזיר ירושלים ומקום המקדש לעמו

 ומאז כמה מיליוני תפילות וכמה נודאות של דמעות של אהבה נשתפכו אצל
כותל המערבי!
 כמה תפילות התפללו בקבר אמנו רחל!
 כמה מיליונים ביקרו אצל
אבותינו בחברון!

האם אין זה גילוי אלקות!!
היינו צריכים להקהל ולהודות על חסדיו של אבינו שבשמים.

ועוד ועיקר הקידוש שם שמים היותר גדולה מאז אלפיים שנה!!
הבטחת התורה נתקיימה!

ואחרי כל התוכחה שנתקיימה במילואה באה הבטחה האחרונה של ״ והארץ אזכור״.

הניסים של ששת הימים הוא המשך של קיום הבטחתו של התורה שישובו ישראל על אדמתם.
והמציאות הוא שיש כיום ששה מיליון יהודים בארץ הקודש!!
זהו מציאות של קיבוץ גליות!
ועל מציאות לא שייך לחלוק.

ותחת שיפרסמו בינינו הניסים והנפלאות ויחזקו האמונה בישראל, באה קליפת
הקנאות והסתירה זאת!!!
ועל דא קא בכינא.

כיום גם הקנאים המזוייפים בונים בתים וקריות בארץ הקודש.
רובן שולחים בניהם ללמוד בישיבות בארץ הקודש.
הרבה מהצעירים מבית קנאים הולכים היום לכותל מערבי. זהו מציאות ידוע לכל.

ובכן מה שצריכים עוד לתקן הוא שני דברים!
א. סליחה מהגאון והקדוש הכהן הגדול מאחיו רבי אברהם יצחק הכהן קוק זצ״ל.
שראה כל זה בבחינת חכם עדיף מנביא.
ב. צריכים לומר הלל והודיה להשם יתברך שהחיינו והגיעני לזמן הזה.


Unknown said...

Right on target ... Rabbi Mordechai Leibovitz ...

Anonymous said...

And who's this leibowitz anyway? Amazing you idiots are digging in some toilet sewers to find something that will satisfy your losing ideology, and btw i BH did it more than once whenever passing the "kevuras hakelev hatameh" of this "oyf tameh" i always spit so i gave him already on his mechilla... can leibowitz please come up with something else?

Anonymous said...

to mr. satmar anonymous piece of shit. after your 120, Rav Kook will be the first to line up and flog your smelly cholent fressing anti semitic ass. You should be ashamed of yourself. You have no clue how stupid you are, to have grown up listening to the constant bullshit fed to you by the satmar ignoramuses, instead of appreciating what the Ribono Shel Olam gave us. There is a reason why Satmar has the most OTDs. Except in there case its going "On the derech", not off.

Unknown said...

Rabbi Mordechai Leibovitz is the great grand son of Rav Boruch Ber very choshuv Rav & Magid Shiur ...

Anonymous said...

Well since i have a choice to choose between his ideology and that of his great grandfather the holy Reb Boruch Ber obviously i will choose his grandfather's, besides if he had the chutzpah to write something which is totally in contradiction to the daas Torah of Reb Boruch Ber (his gf) so he's meshana of mesoras avoisuv so he's irrelevant altogether, I'm BH proud to stick and follow daas Torah of the REAL gedoilei yisroel not some dudes who are more monkeys than human

Anonymous said...

If you throw a coin into the Zionist “Jewish National Fund” collection box, you become a threat to the Jewish people. You bring misfortune upon the Jewish people.
He would speak angrily about the Zionists. His voice actually changed when he spoke about them. Many times in the yeshiva, he spoke while he went for a walk to rest from the work of the day, or on his way home. Every time he spoke about them, he was angry and said with a groan, “Those wicked ones!” Many times in the middle of the study hall of the yeshiva, he would call over several students and cry out before them regarding the Zionists. He would let out his pain, and then he would rest and continue his studies.
In his last years, several activists decided to found a “Tarbuth” Zionist school in Kamenitz. Immediately, Rabbi Boruch Ber gathered the townspeople in the town synagogue and cried out with a tearful voice, “Woe to me that such has happened to me in my old age! They are bringing an idol into Kamenitz. What will I answer on the Day of Judgment when they ask me why such a thing happened in my city?” At the end of his speech, he took off his shoes as a sign of mourning, and he sat down on the floor. The spectacle shook up all those present, and because of the impression he made on the people, the Zionists were not able to carry out their plan.
Upon hearing of the 1937 Agudah Knessia discussion over a Jewish state, Reb Boruch Ber said that we may not establish a state because a Jew may not place himself in a possible danger. When he was told that his great teacher’s son, the Brisker Rav, had said the same thing, he was very pleased. (Moshian Shel Yisroel v. 7 pp. 128-129)
Once Rabbi Boruch Ber came into his yeshiva and saw that someone had carved a Star of David on one of the desks. He immediately reacted and said, “Who scratched an idol on the Holy Ark?” (Sh’al Avicha Veyagedcha,

Dusiznies said...

"which is totally in contradiction to the daas Torah"
What a crazy foolish statement ....
you obviously did not read the rabbi's post because if you did ..you would see, that everything he wrote is 100% true ...
"how many tefillos from millions of Jews were said at the Kotel?" BTW, R' Chaim Kanievsky was there this morning! ...
only two people in the entire jewish histore forbade people to go to the kotel ..... Yerovam ben Navot and the Satmar Rebbe

Dusiznies said...

Im reading your comment with a bunch of people near me , and we are laughing our heads off ...if I were you I wouldnt repeat that nonsense!
Because the facts and reality on the ground negate every word he said ....
he was obviously wrong ,....he faced could have changed a million times and he was still wrong!
All his tears were for naught ...if he would have told his townspeople to pick themselves up and make Aliyah, R' Boruch Ber would be smiling in his grave now!
Your Quote "Once Rabbi Boruch Ber came into his yeshiva and saw that someone had carved a Star of David on one of the desks. He immediately reacted and said, “Who scratched an idol on the Holy Ark?” (Sh’al Avicha Veyagedcha,"
Is so sick and perverted that I cannot believe a Talmud Chachem would say something out of his ...
B"H over 6 million Jews under the Star of David have a home and over 50,000 bochrim learn Torah including the children of Kaminetz in Yerushalyim!
All thanks not to R' Boruch Ber but to Ben Gurion z"l

Anonymous said...

Star of David is othousands of years old and a Jewish symbol and were forced by the Nazis on Jews for them to wear and they put a star of David at the entrance of the Treblinka gas chamber. It's now the proud symbol of Israel. If it's an idol, then millions of us worship it, you insane fool

Anonymous said...

The navie says, before Moshiach there will be left only a very little amount of real Jews maaminim, so it's a honor for the Satmar Ruv and all his followers to be amongst the few leftovers, and regarding the "btw bla bla bla was there this morning" and? And btw who does he represent besides a bunch of crooks aka the degel chavrei bais haminim or the dementia community, in normal times he would've been admitted to a mental institution for all his statements bimechilas k"t

Dusiznies said...

The "Satmar Ruv" is as you put it so great, "leftovers"
He breeded a sect that is by in large going off the derech and don't believe in a G-D, R"L!
He was wrong when in 1956 he said that he is positive that in "20 years there will no Torah in Israel"
He was wrong when he bizarrely said that the "Satan performed miracles in 1967" but at the same time said that G-D was behind the murder of 6 million Jews... so this "smart Ruv" believed that when it comes to "murder" Jews it's G-d, but when it comes to "save" Jews its the Satan?!!!
what a crazed insane way of thinking ...
at any rate everything he said ...makes no sense ...since the State of Israel is here and houses over 6 million Jews!

Anonymous said...

The Jewish National Fund reforested the land over the last 8o years, drained the swamps that caused typhus and other sickesses and beautified the entire land.How can any sane person call this miracle a misfortune.Yo're such a sick creature.

Salted Pretzel said...

Is Mordechai Leibowitz that Left Wing Modern Ortho dude who is trying to undermine Rabbanut kashrus? That is not a bad idea except that his substitute is also very lacking.

R' Boruch Ber was very ideological. In the last piece of his Birkas Shmuel on Shas he writes that it was ok when RSR Hirsch was kovea Torah im Derech Eretz when there was less than a minyan of shomrei Shabbos left in Germany as a horaas shaah but that Yekkes today are no longer allowed to go to college.

Anonymous said...

RSR Hirsch's Tora and D. eretz has being revised andlied about especially these days. It's a disgrace that even rabbis are deliberately misinterpreting his shiteh and watering it down to nothing, They're a bunch of shameless liars.What he wrote is clear and the religious world is unconfortable with him so they lie about him.

Anonymous said...

@Salted. Yo're not serious about less than a minyan in Germany. You shouldn't write stuff about this rabbi who obviously distorted the facts.

Dusiznies said...

I don't see any problem with all that...
basically the State of Israel ...is a Makom Torah with over 50,000 bochrim learning there .... that's more boys learning Torah than the entire Jewish history ....
bringing stories from kibbutzim that celebrate their own holidays does not make them less of a Jew than you...
i can bring you wife swapping stories from Monroe and williamsburg!

The next time you write anything about the Tzaddik Hador Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l ...I will expose you to my readers ...Mr. GAYkill!
if you want to curse ...curse your Rebbe ...who cursed Gedoilei Yisroel while they were alive and after their deaths r"l ...
interesting to note that Harav Kook z"l was never mevazeh anyone...
But Rav Henkin wrote about the Satmar Rebbe, that since he cursed Gedoilei yisroel, one doesn't have to give him any Kavod even though he was a Talmud Chochim ....Bemokom Chillul Hashem, ein Nosnim Kovod L'Rav"

Anonymous said...

@12,29 Yo're a poisoned rat face running from subject to subject throwing your excrement around so maybe something will stick. You couldn't prvoe anything from this Rabbi Berr so you run to kibbutzim, then yoiu'll run to something else, meanwhile Shavuot was celebrated by millions of religious Jewsin Israel in a holy way, but you don't talk about it because you're a rodent looking for the bad and never the good because this is what they taught you,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great story about how chilonim celebrate Shavuot in kibbutz.At least they recognize the holiday and there's a chance they'll eventually become observant. Only in Zionist Israel can this great story happen with nonobservant wonderful Jews, not in America or Gateshead or Lakewood,It's an exciting story and please give us more.

Anonymous said...

Salut for the inspiring comments of dancing and harvesting ,We didn't know that the non religious recognized this holiday at all.I had tears in my eyes and was choked up, thanks again regime rat,

Unknown said...

There are only 2 kind of Jews ... The Observant & not yet observant ...
The not yet observant are becoming observant in Eretz Yisrael from the highest echelon of society ... Media anchor spokesmen like Zvi Yechezkely, to actors like Maya Keremerman or Linor Abargil, former Miss Israel & Miss Universe who are dressed modestly & do not wear $5,000.00 human hair wigs but simple head scarf covering their hair ...
This phenomenon has yet to reach the USA in its proportion ...
This is unfolding now in front of our eyes ...
There is no doubt that the Hebrew language in Eretz Yisrael can facilitate all this ...