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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Rebbelich Going Into Panic As Chassidim Refuse to Kiss Their Hands Because of Corona

Rumors have it that the Rebbelich are perplexed by this new plague, and are trying to figure out ways to continue having the Chassidim kiss their hands....

Chassidim have decided that it's enough that they have to share their Rebbe's soup, luckshin and bubbelich! 

My sources say that kissing the hands of a Rebbe that had his hands kissed by hundreds, and we have no idea where those hands were before, is a breeding ground for hoof and mouth  disease.

In Israel, Chief Rabbi Lau asked that people stop kissing the mezuzah, stating that  R' Shlomo Zalman Auerbach z"l never kissed the mezuza ..he would just raise his hand toward the mezuzzah!

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Anonymous said...

they can kiss their asses instead. on second thought, the satmar brothers can kiss my ass.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn’t even allow that from those filthy pigs