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Saturday, March 7, 2020

Nazi Flag Display at Sanders Rally

The display of a Nazi flag by a man at a Bernie Sanders campaign rally in Arizona drew condemnation from Jewish American groups on Friday amid ongoing worries about Democratic candidates’ security at public events.

Images of a flag depicting the Nazi swastika symbol that was displayed at Sanders’ Thursday night rally in Phoenix began circulating online after the incident. 
“Good people, regardless of how they vote, should call this out in no uncertain terms,” Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in an interview, adding that “I worry we’ll see more of this” given the anti-Semitism that emerged, particularly online, during the 2016 campaign.
The American Jewish Committee tweeted in response to reports of the Sanders rally display that “Nazi flags are symbols of pure hate and have no place anywhere in America, much less in a rally for a Jewish presidential candidate.”
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1 comment:

frum but normal said...

this filthy communist America hating swine, is a thousand times bigger danger to American Jews than ten thousand Nazis,this traitorous sewer rat should be hanging from the gallows instead of running for President