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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Is God unhappy with Mankind?

(*This article written by a gentile....)

St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican City in Italy is deserted. The Pope, supreme Pontiff has cancelled all meetings and engagements in Vatican City. The world is cut off with Rome.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has temporarily banned Umrah pilgrims from all over the world. A day earlier, the Kingdom also restricted its citizens and residents from visiting Makkah. Although the Makkah entry restrictions announced are precautionary temporary steps, the Holy Kaaba is a deserted place.

Yes, for the first time in the history of mankind the circling of Kaaba has been stopped. The circling to Kaaba was an old practice even prior to the expansion of Islam. The Pagan Arabs used to circle it before entering their homes. Muslims make 7 anti-clock, circles to complete a Tawaf. A strange fact that makes few believe that anti-clock circling of Kaaba strengthens the magnetic grid of Planet earth. The fact that believers in One God are circling holy Kaaba 24 hours / 365 days, non-stop, makes it a unique place on earth where God is worshipped non-stop. There is no other similar place on earth where God is worshipped non-stop. And now there is not a single soul around it except cops on guard.
And Bethlehem has been locked down too. The Church of Nativity, built on the site that Christians believe was the birthplace of Jesus, was also closed on Thursday for worshippers.

In modern history, it is the first time that worshipers to God are not allowed where they should be.
 Is God unhappy with mankind?
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 According to legends and believers in God, a time will come when the supplications, prayers and worship by mankind will be rejected by God. And when will such a time come?
The sages among mankind believe that God will be unhappy when justice will be denied, when atrocities against mankind will increase, rulers will usurp their powers and suppress their subjects, courts will shun justice. Judges will indulge in favoritism. He will be even unhappier when the people will remain silent spectators and watch atrocities on others around them.
Does this imply if God is unhappy, 
He is punishing mankind? 
The Holy Scriptures from the Old Testament, Bible to Quran, have verses warning about the punishment of God. History tells us of the storm of Noah that drowned His earlier creation. 
But those who firmly believe in God also believe that God is most kind. 
So, what He will do if He is unhappy? 
Is He going to punish mankind? 
What will be the punishment of God? Believers in God believe that if He is unhappy, He will turn away from mankind. And if He turns away from mankind, Satan will take over. Satan will be helping all wrongdoers. And only God can stop Satan.
The only way out for mankind is to care for mankind. 
Humanity will suffer when justice will be denied when courts and judges will work for favoritism and lack integrity. Hindu Upanishads state, “‘There is nothing higher than justice. So, a weak man hopes (to defeat) a strong man by means of justice as one does through a king’ (Radhakrishnan, 1992:170)[13].
Let some people stand for the right and injustice against humanity. These people alone will save mankind from catastrophic calamities. And only for such people, God will not turn away from mankind.


Anonymous said...

Wh0 would have thought about Corona a few short weeks ago?

For those who spurn the idea of Aliyah, a strong message has been delivered. This is not prophesy but "apparentcy". Though we don't know all the reasons behind Corona, we DO need introspection because as the Tochecha says , " Im Teilchi Imi B'Keri" is interpreted by Rambam and others to mean that nobody dare think that a negative event is just happenstance and coincidence.
Hashem is hinting that all our galut $$$$ can be wiped out in a matter of a few weeks, C"V. All they need now is to shut trains and means to get to work , thereby wiping out businesses and employment of everybody. The Democrats are talking about nationalizing certain businesses, and if they win the presidency , it's all over. Money in the banks are on eggshells. Just sayin'. A friend told me just last week that his parents lost 1/4 million dollars on good stocks, bonds, blah, blah, blah. .

Working online??
Good luck. I know nothing about computers , only that the system could choke up and freeze due to overwhelming demand. Am I wrong? I don't think so. You're not going to outsmart Hashem who has limitless tools to block the avenues of escape and destroy Google and networking.

Our health, money , homes and personal liberty are in grave danger.
Whether or not there is over-reaction and panic is not the point. The point is there IS a panic reaction and that itself is spiraling downward toward chaos.
Who says you'll be able to get out of galut when you choose?
Airlines and points of entry are rapidly shutting and closing. You don't need to be a prophet to see it. Heck, even Israel won't let you in. Sounds familiar? British mandated Palestine shut the ports for those who tried to get in.
When a calamity hits, everybody suffers, righteous too.

So Eretz Yisrael has also been hit, you say.
When the Flood hit, though EY was not directly hit, the Flood waters DID flow into it. Just because holy places and people suffer doesn't mean they're on the same plane with the others. It's a test, a nisayon. Aliyah can also change the political landscape in Israel. Our votes could overwhelm the leftists who with the Arab anti-Zionists slate are threatening to destroy the Jewish identity of our one and holy Holy Land.
On the other hand, laugh off the above and continue waiting on line for toilet paper and water.
For how long? …

the Derby

Anonymous said...

Now it's announced that the Arab Joint List will support Ganz and form a leftist anti-Jewish State government. The Arabs will get posts and positions even in the security and intelligence departments.
The frum crowd shares blame in this fiasco.
So many chilonim were turned off by the wild demonstrations on the streets, destruction of property, interrupting peoples' lives and livelihood because of a sham draft protest. Few rabbonim protested this outrage publicly. Who knows how many supported this chillul Hashem privately . Some tacitly supported this gangsterism .. Are you listening, Lakewood & Chaim Berlin ??? The Israelis soured on the chareidim and voted Blue & White because of it. The chareidi parties offered nothing but negativity and stupidity in how to fight the battle of chillul Shabbat.. . What a disaster this could be... Hashem Yeracheim.

Cha Cha de Chazzente….. Come to shul...