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Thursday, March 12, 2020

In Israel: No Chasunahs, Shuls, Batei Mdrashim or Any Gathering With More Than 100 People Allowed

Israel is limiting public events in closed areas to 100 people as part of increasingly strict measures to curb the spread of the new coronavirus in the country, PM Netanyahu announced Wednesday evening.
The ban includes Shuls, Batei Midrashim, and weddings, the Health Ministry director-general Moshe Bar Siman-Tov elaborated.
On Tuesday, Israel limited the gatherings to a maximum of 2,000 people, a substantial decrease from the previously allowed number of 5,000 people.
The new instructions means that studies in universities might be postponed
Netanyahu also said that younger people are not in danger from the virus, but older people are, and thus its spread must be prevented.
“If you get sick and you’re in your 20s or 30s,” he said, “you’ll get better. But if we can’t prevent the spread, we’ll infect the older people — and they’re in much greater danger… I’m talking about their lives…We have to look after dad and grandpa and grandma.
“With God’s help and everybody’s cooperation, we’ll beat this,” he said.
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