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Monday, March 16, 2020

Could I be responsible for Israel's destruction?

After three deadlocked elections, it looks like Blue & White thinks it will take control of Israel.  Their policies are destructive to Jews living in Israel.  They jeopardize everything that Israel has built over the last century and potentially could destroy the state.   

I and many of my Jewish friends are frustrated that the Likud and Religious Zionist parties didn't get enough votes to form a governing coalition.  

We, who comfortably live outside Israel ask,  How could this happen?  Why did this happen?  After all that Netanyahu has done for Israel in trade, energy development, security, and international standing shouldn't it be a no-brainer that he easily get reelected? 

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My wife ranted that it was people like her progressive relatives in Israel who voted for Blue & White who caused this electoral failure  I listened quietly as she lectured me and her friends, but I was quietly thinking-- It's my fault.  It's my fault that Netanyahu didn't win.  

I haven't made Aliyah.  My family hasn't made Aliyah, 
The 500,000-1,000,000 religious American Jews who contentedly reside in America haven't made Aliyah.  It appears that we care about Israel, but not enough to inconvenience ourselves to move there.  If all of us lived in Israel and voted, there would be no question that Israel would have a healthy government.

What I find hard to understand is that Jews are attacked in Flatbush and Williamsburg New York, even Los Angeles and they still won't move.  These same religious men were victims of the "knock out game" a few years ago also.  

I recently watched a youtube video of a religious woman beaten in a Target store by an antisemitic thug.  It's getting worse, but only our best are moving to Israel.
Logically, a wave of Jews should be moving to Israel-- not just because America appears to be fracturing into ethnic identity groups who see the Jew as an interloper, but because as the Jewish population in America assimilates, we risk intermarriage and permanent loss of our children and grandchildren from our people.  

Let's face it, it's not the Arab armies surrounding Israel, but our own materialistic and selfish impulses that threaten Israel's future. 

 It is why Netanyahu didn't get a clear mandate.  

As long as we refuse to help our brothers in Israel with our physical presence, we are all at fault.

Note:  My wife and I recently notified our children that we plan to make Aliyah in December 2020.  


Zako said...

These Blue&White, democrats, pro-terrorist, leftists and self-hating morons are the punishment for our lack of achdus.
With achdus, we are a million times stronger.
It doesn't take much effort.

Abe said...

“ I and many of my Jewish friends are frustrated that the Likud and Religious Zionist parties didn't get enough votes to form a governing coalition”

Why? Because secular and non-chareidi religious yidden are fed up with Chareidi parasitism. Charedim, because of their demographic threat will pose an existential threat, not the Arabs!
First thing Blue & White need to do is cut subsidies for the Yeshiva parasites who refuse to support their families, refuse to join the army and refuse to learn elementary math and science.
Enough is enough!

zako said...

To Abe:
"Charedim, because of their demographic threat will pose an existential threat, not the Arabs !"
You gotta be totally out of your mind.
How can a Yid even talk like you do.

Arabs are 20% of the israeli population. No army draft, but full health care. Multiple wives is legal for israeli arabs. Arab kids are brain-washed, since kindergarden, to hate & destroy you.
What "demographic threat" are u talking about ?

Abe said...

Zako 7:50 AM,

Arabs work, pay taxes. True some of their kids are brainwashed to hate us. Some not. But no Arabs demand that I not drive or prohibit public transportation during Shabbat. Or prohibit introduction of Chametz into hospitals during Pesach. Or protect pedophiles and bash victims. Or engender Arab hatred with illegal settlements.
Or .. Or .. dozens of other halachic perversions and improprieties. Arabs are not inducted into the army for security reasons, ( Although some Druzim serve admirably).
Indeed, secular Israelis want to prevent a theocratic Chareidistan.
I hope Blue and White follow through on finally reining in Chareidi maltreatment of secular Israelis.

Zako said...

To Abe:

Ok, I see, you are one of those pro-Obama pro-Iran pro-BDS activists, and I'm not gonna waste much time arguing with you.

"Protect pedophiles and bash victims" ? Let's now count the pedophiles and the victim bashers among your beloved "secular" friend (facts that are hardly ever mentionned in the medias)... or better, go visit the prisons and check the chareidi/secular proportions. You might be surprised.

"Engender Arab hatred with illegal settlements" ? Not a single settlment is illegal: the entire Judea & Samaria are Hebrew Land since over 3000 years. Even the Romans tried to kick the Jews out of Israel 2000 years before the UN-funded palestinian terrorist gang tried to do the same. Up until 1960, NOBODY ever talked about a "palestinian" state, nation or people, NOT EVEN IN THE ARAB/ISLAMIC WORLD ! There has never been anything such as a "palestinian" leader, a "palestinian" government, a "palestinian" currency, "palestinan" culture or authors, ecc... this whole "palestinian" thing was purely produced out of thin air.
The "hatred" against Jews and/or israelis does not need to be "engendered": it is profoundly cultural with or without the settlments.

"Arabs are not inducted into the army for security reasons" ?
Wow... really ? And why ? For what "reasons" ?

"Secular Israelis want to prevent a theocratic Chareidistan" ? Fine, so your "secular" friends can go live in Vienna, or in Beverly Hills, or in Stockholm... and they will get plenty buses on Shabos and plenty chometz on Pesach. Meanwhile, this tiny country called Israel has always been the land of Jews and Tora even if Obama, the BDS and some other antisemitic democrats think differently.

Zako said...

To Abe:

You say : "But no Arabs demand that I not drive or prohibit public transportation during Shabbat."
The saddest side of the story here is that almost every single Arab around the world understands much better than you why there should be no cars and no public transports on Shabat. Their own faith induces that they generally admire and respect all the Jews who keep kosher and Shabat.