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Monday, March 9, 2020

Benny Ganz's Partner In a Coalition Wants To Abolish "Law of Return"

Joint Arab List Aida Touma-Suleiman stated on Sunday that one of the conditions her party will present to support any coalition would be the repeal of the Law of Return.
The Joint Arab List, an alliance comprising the Arab or mostly Arab parties: Balad, Ra'am-Ta'al, and Hadash, won 15 parliament seats in the March 2 general elections. Although coalition talks have yet to begin, it is widely believed that the Arab lawmakers would most likely support Likud challenger Blue and White leader Benny Gantz for prime minister.
The Law of Return, passed in 1950, gives every Jew the right to come and live in Israel and to gain Israeli citizenship.
In an interview with Israel Radio, Touma-Suleiman reiterated the demand, originally presented by the Higher Arab Monitoring Committee, saying, "I don't think the Law of Return is needed anymore. Anyone who wanted to return to Israel has already done so. Those who chose to live in the US or France have already made their choice.
"The law is unnecessary. At the time, it greatly wronged my people, but now it's time to rethink it – and many other things."
She further stressed that the Joint Arab List "will not support anyone who supports the [Trump administration's] 'deal of the century.'"
Asked whether she recognizes Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, Touma-Suleiman replied, "We have been excluded from the civil collective of the State of Israel. We were marginalized and ignored. If that's what you call a Jewish state then yes, I want to change it. I suggest that you decide among yourselves what is a 'Jewish state' first. "
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Zako said...

There are no less than 57 muslim and/or arabic states, countries, republics, kingdoms, and emirates troughout the world. If that women doesn't like Israel, she can just leave and pick any of these marvelous paradises.

Magdeburger Joe said...

These are the moderates who sit in the Knesset. She and her buddies do not want Israel to be a Jewish Stae. We would have the same rights that Jews had in Syrya, Egypt, Libya and other countries we fled from. If Benny Gantz takes these vipers into his coalition, he will put himself on record as being as anti-Zionist as Neturei Karta. This vile woman, thank G-d is showing her true intentions now. Be forwarned!