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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Artscroll Encouraging Its Readers To Look At Pictures of Women

 Gedoilim of this generation encourage frum magazines and newspapers to block out photos of women.... 
So how come Artscroll wants you to buy a book that has "hundreds of photos of women?"
Isn't that"Lifnei Iver" at worst and "mesaayeh lidavr aveirah" at best?
Asking for a friend!

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galicianer said...

Can you show me in this ad where it says that men should buy it?
So now that you can't, how do you justify your lifnei iver of Lashon hara, etc.?

Anonymous said...

Standards are really slipping at Fartscroll. No matter how much Scherman claims he stays away from anything controversial, first were the seforim from child molester Moshe Eisemann & molester advocate Malignant-wits, then the Musser sefer (!) from the Energizer Goniv Leib Pinter and now the Rebbitzen's bio who she was arranging fishy gerus on women with misbehaving Jewish men.

H said...

@ 8:46pm Do you allow your wonen to read? Whatever happened to keeping them in the kitchen and tied to the bed.
Whatever next? Jobs? Education?