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Friday, November 15, 2019

AG Letitia James Kicks Jews in the derriere After Jews Pandered and Groveled at her .......

New York Trump Hating Attorney General, Letitia James just kicked the dumb Jews that financed her campaign in their asses ...
Frum Jews think that throwing hard earned Jewish money pandering and groveling after Goyim,  will make life easier for them .......

Goyim and even Shvartza Shiksas hate Jews .....
wake up guys before it's too late ...

Now for the story ....

The Attorney General that was just recently elected and backed by Frum Jews, Rabbanim and Askanim because they thought that she would look away if a frum Jew raped or molested their fellow Jew, is now suing B&H the largest privately held frum employer in the entire world for allegedly skipping on paying Sales tax on discounted items...
She has pulled out her ugly fangs to try to destroy a Frum Jewish Firm that gives Parnassah to thousands of Jewish families ...

This practice of not paying Sales Tax on the discounted part is done by all major companies such as Amazon, Best Buy.
The law is vague and has never been tested ....

Its very common for some manufacturers to drop their Map Price of an item with for example $500 and force the retailers to charge the customer with $500less for the item, take for example the Nikon D850 (Searched as Nikon 1585) Camera it currently has an Instant rebate of $500 from $3296.95 to $2796.95.
So normally B&H would collect Sales Tax on $3296.95 but now since the Manufacturer sets the sell price as $2796.95 B&H would collect Sales Tax only on $2796.95
The Attorney General argues that since the manufacturer reimburses B&H with money for the forced discount it is as if the Sell Price was $3296.95 and not $2796.95.
Now let's look at the INDISPUTABLE FACTS.
Amazon does Same:
Best Buy does same
Samys Camera does same
The fact is that B&H, Amazon, Best Buy & Samy’s are all right, the sell price was $2796.95 and NOT $3296.95, why should B&H collect Sales Tax on $3296.95 when the customer paid only $2796.95 ?
Does the AG think that people need to pay Sales Tax on money they have NOT paid for the retailer?
The 2’nd question is why was B&H Targeted when no one else was targeted?
It smells like rotten shmaltz herring...
We the people of NY should contact the AG’s office and let her know what we feel and she should drop the lawsuit immediately.
Again the 2 major questions are:
1. Why should people pay Sales Tax on $3296.95 when the Sell Price was only $2796.95?
2. Why was B&H Targeted and No one else?
We need answers.


cyrano said...

Please note that there are no criminal charges being brought nor are there allegations of any criminal wrongdoing on the part of B & H. It is a civil enforcement action brought by the AG.

The AG is most assuredly bringing this action against b & H rather than against the retail giants such as Amazon and Walmart because B & H is a much more vulnerable target. It cannot afford the legal teams that those giant retailers have at their disposal to tie up the case in court for decades.

Candid Camera said...

There isn't much point in bashing AG Tish James as the culprit here. Maybe she is a vicious anti-Semite or maybe she isn't. She had no choice to file the lawsuit because a moyser brought an action under the Whistleblower law. Read the AG's (superceding) complaint carefully. Someone who obviously works inside B&H is the moyser because they provided communications sent from B&H to various manufacturers proving B&H was trying to get around tax remittance obligations. The manufacturers would not play ball with B&H to help them evade tax obligations. Only a B&H insider who has access all or part of the workday in the back offices would be able to secretly access such paperwork & make a copy of it. I might have suspected that jerk customer service manager Alan but I don't think he's smart enough to have pulled this off.

galicianer said...

In other words, a bully.

Realist said...

Or PUTZ! as in ur previous comment.

You Go to B and H said...

There is a heimishe loser who keeps an apt near B&H because he kvetches it's too hard for him to commute an hour away. He actually may have been pulling this even when he still lived in Willy only minutes away.

Never mind that he leaves his veibela to struggle a gantze voch aleins mit di alla kinder. But is he also getting something on the side that he refuses to gei a heim????

He is not Satmar but he has a meshugass of always trying to impress & be mechanef the Satmar oylam. This is ironic because R' Yoelish was makpid about going home to the wife. He's a faker in various ways that the Satmar chevra haven't caught on to (yet). But they did catch on to the apt az episs iz nisht kusher. They are murmuring about it behind his back.

Anonymous said...

Rabbeinee Yoiel ist duch makpid precisely so that they don't get that 'something' on the side. Going home far Shabbos is for Sachdis shoichtim in Latin America that even a za weekly mehalech to Kennedy airport zei zeinen mecheeyev. If the B&H shvantz lives in Staten Island or Spring Valley he has to go home every night. In 1987 R' Efraim Greenblatt drove from Memphis to see a shlachthoiz in Alabama. The heimisher shoichtim dort who didn't go home regularly were all mit shiksa zoinos. They gave him death threats to keep his mouth shut. He outed them anyway.

Chassidei Leon Goldenberg said...

maybe a smart move would be to keep the Midtown showroom but start doing internet & most other sales out of a place like Scranton PA which is already a commuter option for many in NY-NJ

not all States interpret the law like NY that rebate difference is taxable

as Agudah Fresser honcho Leon would say, tell the Socialist Cuomo that the frumma are on the move, finished with NY

Anonymous said...

the faker with the manhattan dira. let me guess. he's the one who pretends to be a groissen baal tzdukeh? and his boys are the schoolyard bullies in cheder?