Sunday, November 24, 2019

Satmar Rebbe's $5 million To the 150 Anti -Tzioni Mosdos Amount to $33,000.00 ...Not Enough to Support Even 2 Melamdim ....

Satmar Rebbe, R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum came in a private jet to Israel and was escorted by hundreds of Zionist Police in a motorcade to Yerushalyim .......
Thousands of Frum Jews were inconvenienced when streets were shut down to accommodate the motorcade .......
Rav Chaim Kanievsky travels to the Kotel in one car....

The Rebbe made a big deal about his $5 million that he distributed to the 150 anti-Zionist institutions who claim they don't take money from the "medinah."

According to my simple math calculations that is approximately $33,000.00 per institution.... which will barely cover the salary of two teachers .......
How will the moisdois cover the rest of their budget .....? guessed it .....the "tumedika medina."

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