Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets .... Temurah 30,31,32, 33, & 34,

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף ל' ''מחיר כלב       
Page 30 Mesectas Temurah
"The Exchange of a Dog" 

The Torah forbids the donation of the proceeds from the sale of a dog to the Beit Hamikdash

For example, if an individual acquired an ox in exchange for a dog, that ox would not be fit to be offered as a korban (sacrifice) on the miz’be’ach.

Does the same law hold true regarding donations to a synagogue? 

Is it permissible to utilize an item in a synagogue ritual that had been acquired in exchange for a dog? 

Both Rabbi Yerucham, one of the great Rishonim, as well as the Rema (Rabbi Moshe Isserles) ruled it was prohibited to perform rituals in a synagogue with any item
acquired in exchange for a dog.

Press "read more" right below to see rest of the dafim

''דף ל''א ''בשר טריפה לכלבים       
Page 31 Mesectas Temurah
"Feeding Non-Kosher Meat to a Dog " 

On multiple occasions, the Gemara in Masechet Temurah presents a debate as to whether an animal, designated as a korban, that turns out to be both blemished and treifah should be redeemed or not. 

In such cases, it is arguably inappropriate to redeem the animal because, even after slaughter, the meat could still not be eaten by people; it could only be served to dogs.

Why would the Talmud encourage giving treifah meat to dogs? 

According to Rashi’s commentary in Masechet Pesachim, it is a mitzvah to feed treifah meat to dogs, as a reward for their not barking or causing trouble for B’nai Yisrael during the Exodus from Egypt.

Why would the dogs in Egypt have an unusually strong need to bark? 

According to legend, the plague on the firstborn afflicted dogs as well. The dogs were profoundly sad over the loss of their firstborns and wanted to bark. However, God decreed that the dogs may not bark, so as not to cause trouble for B’nai Yisrael as they fled from Egypt. 

''דף ל''ב ''רבי יוחנן       
Page 32 Mesectas Temurah
"Rebbe Yochanan" 

Rabbi Yochanan, the greatest Amora of Eretz Yisrael, lived during the second Amoraic generation. 

Rabbi Yochanan became one of the primary leaders of his time. His halachic rulings were revered by the Chachamim in both Eretz Yisrael and Bavel (Babylonia). 

Rabbi Yochanan established a yeshiva in Tiberias and served as its Rosh Yeshiva for many decades. Shimon ben Lakish was one of Rabbi Yochanan’s students, eventually becoming a long-term disciple, friend and brother-in-law.

Rabbi Yochanan had numerous students, including: Rav Ami, Rav Assi, Rav Hiyya Bar Abba, and many others who were the preeminent Torah scholars of their generation and heads of various other yeshivot. 

''דף ל''ג ''אפר החמץ בפסח       
Page 33 Mesectas Temurah
"Ashes of Leavened Bread During Pesach 

If any chametz (leavened bread) was found during Pesach, it was to be burned immediately. 

Once the chametz had been burned, was it permissible to benefit from the ashes, or was it prohibited to benefit from the ashes of chametz, just as it is prohibited to benefit from the chametz itself? 

Tur Orach Chaim Chapter 445 relates that Rabbi Yehudah and the Chachamim debate the answer to the question on this daf

Rabbi Yehudah contends that after the chametz is turned to ashes, it is permissible to benefit from them, while the Chachamim maintain that one may never benefit from chametz, even after it is reduced to ashes.

''דף ל''ד ''ספק שהתברר       
Page 34 Mesectas Temurah
"Clarity After Doubt 

An individual came to the Beit HaMikdash with a “Korban Asham Talui,” (a sacrifice offered by a person who was uncertain whether or not they had committed a violation that would make them liable for karet, i.e., a penalty of Divine punishment, cutting off of the soul). 

The kohen received the individual with the designated animal, checked to ensure the offering had no blemishes, and proceeded to perform shechita on the animal. The kohen then collected blood from the designated animal. 

Just a moment before the kohen was to sprinkle the blood on the miz’be’ach, it became clear to the individual, without a shadow of a doubt, that he had not committed the aveira (transgression) in question.

Once there is no longer any doubt about a person’s past behavior [there was no sin], the blood of the Asham Talui must not be sprinkled on the miz’be’ach, because the owner of the korban is no longer obligate to bring it. 

In such a case, the korban is burned, and its blood is not sprinkled.

Daf 34 is the final daf of Masechet Temurah.


Anonymous said...

That gif, what a good boy!

Anonymous said...

a bit behind with the daf.

Anonymous said...

kal v'chomer a donation from funds received from an unclean source. Such as blood money, drug money, selling X-mas decorations, ponzi schemes, nursing home shenanigans, business done on Shabbos, etc etc.... yeah go tell it to the rabbis. Just like M.I.T. knowingly takes money on the lowdown from Jeffrey Epstein, the rabbis aren't turning away money from non-kosher sources. If so it would be wise to re-examine the board of directors of BMG and the names on the yeshiva buildings. How many of these rich men have inappropriate sexual relationships??? (extra-marital mistresses, or outright no marriage a all but living together).