
A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ... the family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it ....
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it ....
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us.....
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This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה
''דף ט''ז ''לא בשמים היא
Page 16 Mesectas Temurah
''It Is Not In Heaven "
B’nai Yisrael forgot three thousand halachot during the
mourning period following Moshe’s passing. In light of
this loss, B’nai Yisrael said to Yehoshua:
“Ask for guidance
from Heaven, so that you will be able to re-learn all of the
forgotten halachot.”
Yehoshua replied:
“Lo ba’Shamayim hee” (It is not in
Heaven [Devarim 30:12].)
In other words, once the Torah was given at Mount Sinai, it was no longer possible to clarify
its intended meaning by means of prophecy or through
the Heavenly instruction provided by the urim v’tumim
(priestly chest plate). Following Matan Torah, halacha
was to be determined, in each generation, through Torah
study and interpretation of Torah by the Sages.
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''דף י''ז ''קרבן תודה
Page 17 Mesectas Temurah
''Thanksgiving Offering "
A Korban Todah (Thanksgiving Offering)
was sacrificed together with 40 loaves of
If an animal designated as a Korban
Todah was pregnant and gave birth, the
cow’s offspring was included as part
of the Korban Todah.
However, it is not
required to offer an additional 40 loaves
together with the calf.
This halacha was
taught by Rambam in Hilchot Temurah.
''דף י''ח ''עדות תנא מבית המקדש
Page 18 Mesectas Temurah
''Testimony of a Tanna"
Some Tannaim had the privilege of living during
the end of the Second Beit HaMikdash era.
Pappeyas was one of the Tannaim who testified
about an incident in which he was involved that
occurred at the Beit HaMikdash.
The Mishnah relates that Rabbi Pappeyas testified about the offspring of a Korban Shlamim
(Peace Offering), which was also offered as a Korban Shlamim.
Rabbi Pappeyas
said that he, himself, was in Jerusalem during Pesach and had a cow designated
as a Korban Shlamim that gave birth. He offered the cow as a Korban Shlamim on Pesach, then offered the offspring as a Korban Shlamim on Sukkot.
Rabbi Pappeyas remained alive after the destruction of the Second Beit HaMikdash
and was counted among the elders of the generation after the churban.
''דף י''ט ''קרבן פסח
Page 19 Mesectas Temurah
''The Paschal Offering"
The Korban Pesach (Paschal Offering) requires a male sheep.
A female sheep may not be offered as a Korban
What should be done by a person who accidentally consecrated a female sheep as their Korban Pesach?
That female sheep should to be
left to graze until the animal becomes blemished
and is unfit to be a korban. Then, the sheep can
be sold, and its proceeds used to acquire a fitting
Korban Pesach.
If the sheep does not become
blemished until after Pesach, the money from the
sale of the sheep should be used to acquire a
Korban Shlamim (Peace Offering).
''דף כ' ''המלך מגיע לבית המקדש
Page 20 Mesectas Temurah
''The King's Arrival at the Bais Ha'Mikdash"
Yechezkel excitedly
held his father’s hand
as they approached
the Beit HaMikdash to
bring a Korban Shlamim
(Peace Offering).
they reached the
Beit HaMikdash, they
encountered an unusual
sight. Soldiers and guards
were spread across the
mount and horsemen
galloped in front of a magnificent golden chariot.
“The King! The King!” Yechezkel enthusiastically
shouted. “The King of Israel is arriving at the Beit HaMikdash.”
Yechezkel’s father went to find out why the king came to visit the Beit HaMikdash
on a regular, ordinary day. One of the kohanim told Yechezkel and his father that
the king came to offer a Korban Chatat (Sin Offering) to make amends for a sin
he had committed.
Yechezkel said:
“The king will certainly offer a male goat, since a king who
sins is required to offer a male goat, while all others are obligated to offer a
female goat.”
The kohen replied: “The king will actually offer a female goat,
because the violation for which he is offering the korban was committed before
he became king.”
''דף כ''א ''ההבדל בין ירושלים לשילה
Page 21 Mesectas Temurah
''Difference Between Jerusalem & Shilo"
Before King Solomon built the Beit HaMikdash,
a mishkan (Tabernacle) existed at Nov, and
before that, at Shiloh.
On this daf, the Talmud states there is only one
difference between Shiloh and Jerusalem:
the era of the Shiloh Tabernacle, “Kodshim
Kalim” (offerings of the lesser holiness) and
Ma’aser Sheini (Second Tithe) were allowed
to be eaten anywhere in eyeshot of the
Tabernacle, even in places beyond the formal
city limits of Shiloh.
By contrast, in the era
of Jerusalem's Beit HaMikdash, meat from
such sacrifices could be eaten only inside
the city walls; one was forbidden to consume
sacrificial meat in the suburbs of Jerusalem,
even in places close enough so that one
could see the Temple from there.
''דף כ''ב ''קרבן תטאת שאבד
Page 22 Mesectas Temurah
''The Lost Sin Offering"
The halacha states
that if an animal that
has been designated
as a Korban Chatat
(Sin Offering) and subsequently got lost and a
replacement animal
was offered in its
place, the lost animal
would be sentenced
to die.
But what constitutes being lost?
If the animal was lost from its owner but not lost to the shepherd to whom it was entrusted, the animal is not considered lost.
All the more so, if it was lost from the shepherd but not lost to the owner, the animal is considered lost.
The Talmud is uncertain about, and leaves unanswered, whether an animal is considered lost when the owner and shepherd can no longer identify it, but there is a person someone else in the world who could identify the animal upon seeing it.
But what constitutes being lost?
If the animal was lost from its owner but not lost to the shepherd to whom it was entrusted, the animal is not considered lost.
All the more so, if it was lost from the shepherd but not lost to the owner, the animal is considered lost.
The Talmud is uncertain about, and leaves unanswered, whether an animal is considered lost when the owner and shepherd can no longer identify it, but there is a person someone else in the world who could identify the animal upon seeing it.
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