Wednesday, August 14, 2019

242 Olim from North America arrive in Israel .... Not One Chasid .. Few Yeshivish!!

I'm watching this 2 1/2 hour video with tears running down my cheeks.... 
Watching how the words of our prophets are coming true in our lifetime..

Watching Grandparents, Great-Grandparents,Parents, Teenagers, Children, toddlers and even newborns ...
Teenagers far from being frum looking forward to join the Jewish army to defend our homeland, all coming off the plane ...looking forward to spend the rest of their lives surrounded by other Jews, in a Jewish country with a Jewish Flag....
after over 2,000 years ...

And suddenly I realize....
not one "Heimishe" person ...not one!
Not one Chusid ... not one ...
and suddenly I'm  sad.....

There something very wrong with our chinuch .....something very very scary .....

Rabbonim are worried about what the New York Board of Education is implementing in our moisdois ha"toirah ...

Our moisdois in Chutz Le'aaretz will all be lost ...yes .. 
all ..... yes.....
if we don't embed and infuse our children with "Ahavas Eretz Yisroel"...
 the BOE is going to be the least of your problems .....

Don't you see that it is Yad Hashem sending you this plague? 
Can't you see the message from Above?
You don't ... because  you don't care about Israel....

You instead choose to listen to the lies of the liberal left, you choose to listen to the Reform & Conservative Rabbis with their frum cohorts the Satmar and Yeshivisha Roshei Yeshivas ....

How do you say with a straight face in bentching
על הארץ ועל המזון
"Blessed be Hashem for the Land and the Food!"

How do you repeat that lie so many times a week ...??
Are you really thanking Hashem for the "land"?
You liar ... how do you utter this lie when you have absolutely no intention or even thinking about coming to live in Eretz Yisrael ....???

How do you say with a straight face the על המחיה 

והעלנו לתוכה ...ונאכל מפריה 
"You shall bring us to (eretz Yisrael) so that we can eat its fruit ?"
How do you say that?????

There are even poiskim in Chutz Le'aaretz, Gedoilei Hador, that advise American Jews not to buy Israeli fruits because they may not be "maasered"  tithed....
Crazy .....Stuff!!! 
Not only don't move to Eretz Yisroel ...but don't even eat the fruit . !!!!!!

How about ....
Buy it and learn the halachos... of maaser.....?
but "not to buy fruits grown in Eretz Yisroel?

How low did we go? How far removed are we from the land Hashem gifted to all of us, that even our poiskim are so deeply embedded in the Tumeh of Chutz Le'aaretz ...

How do you end that bracha with:
ונודה לך על הארץ  
" I'm thanking YOU for the land"
You bald faced liar!! 

Are you really thanking Hashem for Eretz Yisrael???

I understand not everyone can make Aliyah ... but at least make sure that your children feel the love of Eretz Yisroel! 
At least don't speak like the meraglim .....

Ignore.... the badmouthing of Israel even if it's your own Rebbe, or Rav or poisek,,,,, Ignore them!!

Who do you think were the meraglim??
They were the "rebbes" they were the Sanhedrin...they were our leaders and poiskim!

Meforshim say that they even had noble and altruistic intentions..
they wanted to learn Torah and be close to Hashem; they didn't want to work ... they didn't want to work the land!

Sounds familiar?

Do you know in last week's parsha, Moshe Rabeinu chastises the Jewish people and reminds them of all their sins ... but did it in "remazim" with riddles, with "hints" only ...not to embarrass Klal Yisrael
the only sin that Moshe didn't hint.... didn't speak with a "remez" ...but spoke directly ....explicitly ... dugree ...
without any hints or remazim ...
was the Chet of the Meraglim ...
Because he knew that it there will be leaders of Klal Yisroel in the "achris ha'yomim" , some 3,500 years later that will bad mouth Eretz Yisrael ......

If he had spoken in remez in riddles or in hints 
the rebbelich in their Shalosh Seudois Toirelich, would say that Moshe didn't mean that you cannot bad mouth Eretz Yisrael and its inhabitants ..he meant something totally different..

So Moshe spoke directly ... without beating around the bush telling them that this aveirah of speaking ill of Ererz Yisrael will not be forgiven so easily ..
 Now fast and cry every single year on the anniversary of the sin of the meraglim ...

Moshe spoke to ALL Jews not only Rebbelich, Roshei Yeshivah and Fake Poiskim ....
 he spoke to each child, to each pusheter Yid ... they shouldn't get misled by their leaders ...
Every Jew can open a Chumash and see what Moshe said .... you don't need to wait till Shalosh Seudois!

Moshe knew that the rebbelich, the Roshei Yeshiva will quote all kinds of gemmarras and midrashim .....
But out master and teacher Moshe wants you to ....
Ignore them! 
Know that they are not the solution they are the problem...
Any Rabbi be he Yeshivish, Chassidish, Conservative, Reform or even liberal progressive....
if he discourages Jews to make Aliyah ... Ignore him!
They are from the meraglim...absolutely!

Why is it that in our heimishe moisdois we teach our children that  after 120 years they should come to Israel in a box ...????
What is wrong coming when you are alive and well???

Isn't that idea right out of the mouth of Bilam..
That he wished to die like a Jew but he refused to live like one!

Watch real Jews ... yes even the girls with pants on .. ..
watch their Ahavas Eretz Yisroel....

I want to know .... and think about this ....
How many Gedoilei Yisrael did Lakewood produce????
How many Gedoilei Yisroel did all Heimishe Yeshivois combined,produce ....?????

The answer is ZERO!!!!

The future of Klall Yisrael is Eretz Yisroel ...

Walk into any Bais Medrish in Israel, be in Yerushalyim. Bet Shemesh, Zfas, and yes even in Tel Aviv, and you will find Thousands of Yiddealach all Gedoilei Yisroel ...
Constant Learning ....24 hours ...

You don't like the Zionists???
Fine ... come here and change it .....

According to the gemmarah in Kesubois ... yes that one ...
the one with the "Shalosh Shvuois" yes that same page ..
The gemmarah states that:
"Anyone living in Chutz Le'aarerz is like living without a G-D!!! "

For generations not all of us had that opportunity...
Read the efforts of the Chafetz Chayim, The Vilna Gaon, the Baal Shem Tov trying to make Aliyah..
How fast would they have been here if the had airplanes in those days .....?

The Midrash states that Moshe Rabeinu was even maskim to come into Eretz Yisrael as an animal...

Wow! Moshe was ready to come to Eretz Yisrael as a squirrel ...and yet we ... who Hashem gave us another chance in 1948 and made sure to have the infrastructure in place to gather in the exiles ... refuse to come as humans! 

 Today B"H we have a country that has bli eyen hara over 6 million Jews living here .... No more excuses ....

Wake Up My Brethern Wake Up Before It's Too Late 

I will not publish any negative comments on this post that for the meraglim in your own families, save that for the meraglim of your shuls, save that for the Meraglim in the Rebbeshe Batei Midrashim ...

242 North American Olim are arriving in Israel on Wednesday on a special Aliyah flight chartered by Nefesh B’Nefesh, facilitated in cooperation with Israel’s Aliyah & Integration Ministry, The Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel (KKL), and Jewish National Fund-USA.

The new Olim are from a variety of backgrounds culturally and demographically – hailing from 22 US states and two Canadian provinces. They also include 21 medical professionals, three sets of twins, and a 28-day-old baby, who will officially become the youngest Oleh to make Aliyah with Nefesh B’Nefesh this summer.


concerned said...

I watched much of it as well. Couldn't stop watching the enthusiasm and excitement...
Doing מצות ישוב ארץ ישראל מתוך שמחה!!!

BTW I did see one Chareidi yungerman and one Chareidi girl... but your point is well taken.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your general message. A good start would be to teach ivris in American Yeshivas, I mean real conversational Hebrew, like learn Torah in loshen hakodesh... But I also want to point out as someone in the know, most of the Yeshivish olim don't come on the Aliyah flights. They are already learning here and just change their status to Israeli via the "Guided Aliyah" program. (These Olim make up a very significant percentage of all North American Aliyah.) So just because you don't see them at the ceremony doesn't mean there aren't Yeshivish Olim. Visit Ramas Beis Shemesh or Ramas Eshkol in Yerushalayim and you'll see what I mean. But yes, there is still a long way to go!

-An American Oleh living in Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh

Anonymous said...

For your information It's easier to practice orthodox Judaism in the US than in Israel.

A friend once commented that only two countries in the world beat the living daylights out of orthodox Jews.
And Israel

Huh? said...

How can Chasidim fly on such a flight? Where is the mechitzah on the plane??

Nor is there a mikveh.

Do they let the Rebbe fihr tisch in first class?

Dusiznies said...

In my entire life I never heard such an idiotic remark ....
I live in Israel meshiginar ....
Who "beats the living daylights out of orthodox Jews?'
Yes when some "orthodox" terrorists block traffic the cops come in and arrest them ....
and if the Bochrim get violent then they deserve it ... they should be sititng and learning!

Frum_schmekel said...

Wow, very profound!

Lebidik Yankel said...

I object. Orthodox Jews are coming to Israel in record numbers. I see all around me young Jewish Charedim making aliya. Just they don't come on these flights. They do it quietly, under the radar. How many Brisker and Mirrer talmidim settle here in EY every year!

Dusiznies said...

Lebidik Yankel

First of alll

!) I wrote "Chasid" and "heimish" ............
Chassidim are not coming ...
here and there a family or two ... but bederech klall they aren't coming

2) Don't mix "briskers" and "Mir"
Briskers by in large, at least those from the UK and the US ...go back after 10 years .. absolutely ..

The Mirer guys learn here for two years and then run like lions were chasing them back to where they came from ...

3) finally, it's true that a lot of Frum people and Heimishe people make Aliyah and they are not on these NBN flights...
So I ask "why not?"

Why not encourage the "Shmutz Le'aaretz" guys to at least think about it ???
Why not publicize this great mitzvah

Are they ashamed??
That's my point!!!!