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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

A Wedding in Israel where only 10 people showed up


One Israeli couple - Anat and Lior Solomon - held a CHUPA wedding ceremony on August 3.

The bride's parents died not so long ago, first her mother, followed by her father, and only 10 people attended the wedding, the closest ones.

The wedding was boring, the hall was large and empty. The bride wept. That's not what she wanted to have.
One of the bridesmaids - Jafa - at ten o'clock in the evening published a note on Facebook: "If you can - just come to the CHUPU right now, no money needed, no gifts needed, just come to fill the empty hall and fulfill the commandment of joy the bride and groom". And she indicated the address of the hall "Harmony in the Garden" and the names of the newlyweds.

And this is what came of it:

More than two thousand Israelis on the first day of the working week, after the working day at ten o'clock in the evening or later read a Facebook post, got into their cars and went to the "Makhlef Gedera" junction 10 km from Ashdod.
They drove from different cities to an unknown girl and a guy... Just to cheer them up !!!

At the entrance of the hall where the ceremony was supposed to take place, at half past eleven at night strangers began to appear one after another. They took envelopes, wrote congratulations and wishes and put money and checks in them! People came even with small children who had no one to leave! They came and they went...

All these complete strangers came to fill the ceremony hall, witness the Chupa ceremony, greet the bride and groom with applause, sing wedding melodies, they brought gifts (money) and bestowed the young couple with their best wishes.
The bride and groom cried from feelings of gratitude and warmth...


Anonymous said...

We are mamish one large family, Kol Yisroel areivim ze laze. BH

Anonymous said...

Please bring more such beautiful stories. Help to accumulate zchusim for klal Yiosroel

Anonymous said...

Mi k'amcha Yisroel. We need more stories like this.

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe. August third was 3 days before tisha b av! Unless it was another year.

LES AYM said...

It's from August 2015, and yes I know DIN occasionally brings old stories, cause they're still special to share with his readers.


Anonymous said...

Where I was in Yeshiva about 17/18, there was a local small wedding hall primarily used by non standard weddings - older couples, Gerim, Balei Teshuva etc.
A group of us made a wedding Gemach to dance at these weddings, coming after evening seder (the yeshiva allowed us to leave 30m early) and dance till close to midnight.

We enjoyed ourselves, and made these nebechdik affairs into the joyful weddings they deserved. Win win.

Anonymous said...

Yes, surely 2 people know more than 10 people, but nice story anyway.

Anonymous said...

So why publish a story thats 7 years old. It questions your credibility.

Dusiznies said...

This is not a news site this is a blog. I publish what I feel is relevant. I thought that posting this story is very much relevant.
With your understanding, why learn Tanach, it happened 3,000 years ago?
My readers don't come here for News that they can get from CNN, New York Slimes, Der Goy etc