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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Satmar/Iran Nuclear deal is designed to let the Ayatollah cheat his way to a nuclear arsenal


Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Wednesday fired back after State Department spokesperson Ned Price claimed the nuclear deal with Iran, that the Biden administration seeks to return to, is predicated “on the most rigorous and intensive verification and monitoring regime ever negotiated. If we were to get back into this deal and if Iran were to attempt to violate it, we would know."

In a lengthy Twitter thread responding to Price, Cruz wrote, “Complete horse manure. The Iran nuclear deal is designed to let the Ayatollah cheat his way to a nuclear arsenal.”

“These so-called ‘most rigorous and intensive’ inspections failed in the last deal - and will be even weaker this time,” he warned.

“Let's review the actual facts. These ‘most rigorous and intensive’ inspections missed that Iran was hiding a Nuclear Archive to build nuclear weapons. Israel exposed that in 2018,” noted Cruz.

“These ‘most rigorous and intensive’ inspections missed Iran had a secret nuclear warehouse at Turquzabad. Israel exposed it, Iran sanitized it, so when the IAEA finally visited they found man-made uranium traces... though of course Iran destroyed the evidence, so these ‘most rigorous and intrusive’ inspections never figured out where that man-made uranium came from. They do know it "must have come from another UNKNOWN location,” he added.

Cruz continued, “These ‘most rigorous and intensive’ inspections missed that Iran had a secret nuclear site near Marivan. Again the same thing: Israel exposed it, Iran razed it, and though the IAEA still found man-made uranium traces they couldn't prove what Iran did.” 5/X

“These ‘most rigorous and intensive’ inspections never dug into Iran's nuclear Varamin site. They inspected it after Israel exposed the Nuclear Archive. Guess what they found? Man-made uranium traces. Maybe that's where Turquzabad materials came from!” he added.

Finally, said Cruz, “And the new deal's ‘most rigorous and intensive’ inspections are even weaker! The Director General of the IAEA has already said that Iran's nuclear progress allowed by the Biden admin this year means the Agency probably can't verify Iran's activities.”

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