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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Ezra Friedlander thinks a "newly constructed wall" in Liska is a place to "daven'

They say that "truth is far better than fiction." You cannot make this stuff up!

A couple of Liska Chassidim (they only have a "couple") constructed a brand-new wall in a town that murdered its Jews, and they want you to spend your hard-earned money not to "chas ve'sholom" take a trip to the "wall"in Yerushalyim, that is over two thousand years old, and where millions of people pour their broken hearts out, but to an abandoned town in Poland whose residents shipped innocent men, women and children to their deaths!

This Ezra is the guy on Nadler's payroll that voted for the Iran deal, a deal giving murderers a license to fulfill their dangerous vow to "wipe Israel off the map" 
Now he wants you to go to a "newly constructed wall"

Rumor has it that the those doing their pilgrimage to Kretsier and Uman are running scared that this new wall will take away much of their crowds. 

1 comment:

fyi said...

"an abandoned town in Poland"

"Hyligeh" Hungary