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Friday, August 19, 2022

Al Franken the Disgusting Self-Hating Jew Lies that Trump Made an "antisemitic Comment..ADL Silent

 Al Franken, the disgraced former comedian-turned-senator, falsely claimed on Twitter that President Trump made disparaging comments against Jews.

In addition, the responses to Franken’s tweet make it clear that many people took him seriously. Astonishingly, the tweet exposes that Franken, a Jew, is bigoted against his own people.

The real question is, where is the ADL? Once again, the group who claims its mission is to protect Jews from antisemitism, has chosen to protect liberal antisemites and throw Jews under the bus.

The ADL is always eager to bash right-wingers who demonstrate hate, even against non-Jewish groups. But they rarely if ever condemn leftists who viciously hate Jews.

Franken was responding to news about Trump’s former CFO Allen Weisselberg pleading guilty to tax fraud. It appears that Weisselberg will cooperate with prosecutors against the Trump foundation as part of a plea deal.

Franken (disgracefully) wrote the following on Twitter: “After Allen Weisselberg pled guilty today to 15 counts of tax fraud & implicated the Trump organization Trump posted on Truth Social – “Can’t trust a guy named Weisselberg -know what I mean?”

Franken was falsely insinuating that Trump was disparaging Jews, saying his former executive cannot be trusted because he is Jewish. However the tweet was a complete hoax.

Franken’s hoax tweet is reminiscent of actor Jussie Smollet, who staged a hoax beating of himself and falsely claimed to police that he was beaten by right-wing extremists. As a result of his disgraceful behavior, Smollet was convicted and sentenced to a prison term.

Making matters worse, many Twitter users took Franken seriously. Here are some responses to his tweet:

Oh I get it. He’s JEWISH. Well, this was how I felt all through Hebrew school, but then I grew up.

The hate just keeps boiling out of him.

Still racist, Donnie? Always.

Yeah…we know what you mean.
You mean can’t trust him to lie for you.

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