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Sunday, August 14, 2022

Sarah Muscroft a UN official Demoted after tweeting support for Israel


A United Nations (UN) official has been demoted after posting a tweet condemning "indiscriminate rocket fire of Islamic Jihad provoking Israel retaliation."

Sarah Muscroft, who had held a senior position in the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, provoked a wave of online controversy with her tweet, during which she praised the ceasefire that marked the end of Operation Breaking Dawn.

The Times of Israel reports that she later published a retraction reading: "One of my previous tweets was ill-informed and I have deleted it. I sincerely apologize for my poor judgment. All civilians — everywhere — must be able to live in peace," which proved insufficient to assuage those accusing her of failing to hold Israel responsible for the damages caused in the operation. She has since deleted her account entirely.

Requests for comment have been answered with an automated message that Muscroft is on leave. Officials from her office commented that she "will be assigned a new role."

i24 News reports that Israeli officials, who wished to remain anonymous, had been aware of the incident and followed it "with great interest," and called it an illustration of UN "hypocrisy" towards Israel.

1 comment:

Circle said...

Why do the Israeli officials want to remain anonymous?
Shouldn't they publicize this?