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Saturday, August 27, 2022

Texas Keeps Dumping Busloads of Migrants in New York ...Dem Hypocrites Going Berserk as 14 hotels now used for housing


A busload packed with nearly 50 migrants arrived in the Big Apple from Texas Saturday amid outrage at Gov. Abbott’s continuing plan to dump border crossers from Mexico and Central America in New York City.

Another busload is expected later in the day, according to reports.

The most recent arrivals are mostly young men and several women, now part of the 1,500 migrants sent to the city by the Texas governor to draw attention to the flood of migrants crossing daily from the southern border — a figure that is expected to surpass two million in this fiscal year.

City officials have long been outraged by Abbott’s actions, which have also seen busloads of migrants sent to Washington, D.C.

“He’s weaponizing asylum seekers,” Manuel Castro, commissioner of the New York City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, told Fox News. “It is shameful, and it is our moral obligation to condemn the use of human beings for political purposes.”

City Comptroller Brad Lander called Abbott’s strategy “inhumane” and “disgusting.”

The migrants are being housed in 14 Big Apple hotels because the city’s shelter system was overloaded amid the growing crisis at the southern border, The Post revealed Thursday.

“Texas is filling the gaps left in Biden’s absence at our border,” Abbott wrote on Twitter Saturday. “We’ve made over 19,000 arrests, seized over 335.5M lethal fentanyl doses, & sent over 7,400 migrants on buses to DC and over 1,500 to NYC. While Biden ignores the crisis, Texas steps up.”


Send them to their Hasidic buddies said...

Send them to Alexander Rapaport of Masbia in Boro Park, and legislator Aron Wieder in Monsey.

Joe Magdeburger said...

The federal government should freeze all funds to so called sanctuary cities. Too bad most Republicans end up folding instead of fighting.