Saturday, December 1, 2018

VIznitzer Rebbe Tells Yeshivishe Bochur Who Asked For A Bracha "First Cut Off Your Chupe" (Hair)

By the "maramorsher" peasants, it's not about how much you learn, how frum you are, if you have great middos....... naaaaaa!

Judaism is all about the "Chupe" 

A nice naive Yeshivah Boy asks for a bracha .... and what does he get in return?
A smack in the face! 

Where is the mitzvah of "ve'ahavta le'reiacha kamoicha?"

We wonder why our kids go off the derech!!


Frum but normal said...

So easy to tell someone to take off his hair,let us see that fat slob (pig) take off at least 40 pounds said...
