Despite the fact that the Ministry of Health stated that the autopsy on Egged bus driver Yousef Hassan Al-Ramoni showed that he hung himself, and that there were no findings that indicated the involvement of any external agent in the act of hanging, nevertheless, the Palestinians blamed Israel for his death, and used it as an opportunity to riot, and attack Jews.
The fact that Jews were hurt in these riots meant nothing to the Neturei Karta animals. Instead, they chose to pay their respects to the Palestinian family who hung himself. This by the way, encourages Arabs to riot and blame normal deaths on Jews!
This is the family who claimed that “he was lynched”.
Arab media called him a “martyr who was murdered by Jews”, and by visiting them, these Jewish beasts are in fact bolstering this ludicrous statement!
It goes without saying that this was done less than 24 hours after the Har Nof Massacre, when two Palestinian terrorists murdered five people in a Har Nof Shul- including the four Kedoshim as well as one Druze hero police officer who risked his life trying to eliminate the terrorists.
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Yemach Shmom V'zichrom |
Hakadosh Baruch Hu yeshalaim secharam!
All of these fools and that mamzer in monroe - Aron - will all get their come-uppance. Go ahead, you satmar low lifes, tell me that I am mevazeh a gaon. I am mevazeh a piece of dog shit, who has no respect for anyone not satmar.
Let's just say that they Chas Veshalom succeed in chasing the jews out of Eretz Yisroel, Do you think it'll stop there. Truthfully I don't want to be thrown out of Monsey becuase they've already thrown the jews out of everywhere else.
Omdim Aleinu Lechaloseinu should also refer to these pigs.
Allow me to insert my 2 cents from a yeshivishe viewpoint.
When the NK behaymos went to Iran that was grounds to put them in cherem which was carried out by Israeli & British batei din. In the case of Iran there was no imminent danger of Jews being killed as a result of NK stupidity.
In this case however, NK are directly encouraging East Jerusalem Arabs to attack Jews that are close by.
I don't see now why any posek would not consider NK to be rodfim.
WHatever bad stuff you can pin on R' Aron, he does not stoop this low.
I thought this was a family friendly website where you don't have to attest you are age 18+?
So what's with DIN allowing that crass nivul peh in the first comment?
The owner of this blog, is a lowlife if there ever was one, a one track minded moron, obsessed depressed, hating himself for being born Jewish, and being that he can't undo that fact, he ALWAYS sides with the most lenient easiest interpretation of Judaism, and of course puts him in the KAL SHEBEKALIM camp, nivul peh is according to him not an AVEIRA, if its used against tora true yidden, on the contrary its one his few (and new) MITZVOS, he'll always mix together HODU MIT KUSH, The Gaon Vekadosh rav AARON the holy Rebbe of SATMAR, is one of his favorites to degrade, for instance what is the connection between the Neturei Karta to the Rebbe, nothing at all, but this lowlife has a one track mind,MESHUGA LEOSO DAVAR, his substance abused mind, nothing else comes to his mind, his sick and twisted mind, his MIDOS MEGUNOS come to the surface, constantly ranting roiling, and all because he hates his wretched existence, we who occasionally surf the web, got to know him quite well, he's an open book, and a closed warped mind.
As a matter of fact,this low life piece of human garbage Aron,has a lot in common with these NK animals,because he just blamed the Jews going up to har habayis for the murder of these four kedoshim,just like this piece of filth blamed the parents of the three Bachorim murdered a couple of months ago.
We really should not be surprised by all this,after all this insanity runs in the Teitelbaum family,his great uncle the first Satmar rebbe actually blamed the Zionist's for the murder of the six million during the holocaust
Blaming those who go up to the Har Habayis is a world of difference from the criminally insane behavior of Neturei Karta.
Your ridiculous hysterics don't change that.
Mamzerim, lowlifes, animals etc etc
What are you talking about?
There's a poster upstairs here , the 'true authentic Torah' lunatic/hypocrite'liar/delusionist and 'Reverand' psaks against Internet-challenged galach preacher who hasn't been locked up yet, don't ask me why, maybe he has protektzia from somebody.
Be alert to your surroundings and carry mace as you walk the streets, because he and others like him are liable to bop you one,simply because they're hostile psychotic sociopaths.
the Derby... A better sermon:
Joshua fit' the battle of Jerico... and the walls..a come..a.. tumbellin' down..
Cong: Yes, Rev, they does, they does.. Hallellujah..!!!
Said lunatic/hypocrite gave us some of his mindless contradictions, as follows:
"....don't know from which torah you saw that condemning another group of Jews to hell is muttar...".... Jekyll
But Hyde says : yemach shemo...,will be in worst part of gehennom...,and other such lovelies.. etc, etc, because those he attack are Zionists.
" Writing nivel peh," Jekyll.
But Hyde writes: Shitbox, Bitches, Bull Shit, Bitches..
Now, I have no problem with these words myself, but this hypocrite attacks others for 'nivel peh' he himself uses.
On an earlier thread he, Jekyll, writes about giving respect , LOVE, and to be dann lekav zchous..
But as Hyde, he does no such thing..
His "Daas Torah" or Reverend, as he calls him, ordered him off the Internet, unless for parnossah.. so he , Hyde, simply ignores it for himself and curses Jews ad hominum DAVKA on the Internet.
Jekyll: Leitzunis, leitzunis here ..
As Hyde he ignores Thillims' " Uv moshav leitzim lo yoshov."" So much for litzunniss.
He, Jekyll, sometimes writes trying to sound sane...
But he, Hyde has melted down here and in public more than once.. Upstairs it's happening again...
the Derby...
"....what is the connection between the Neturei Karta to the Rebbe,..."
Do you really, really think that we, talmidei chachamim, klugge rabbonim, the amcha zhlubbs and working pippiks believe this?
This goes into your DELUSIONAL category... Or else, how do Litvishe yiddelach , olim from generations ago, poor Jews who had nothing but herring and lekach'lech and were Ovdei Hashem become so violent and insane? ( not all) Who, for example, taught them? MMMMMMMMmmmmmm?????????
the Derby....Amram Blau with not a shabby looking geyoris, I'll say.. He had what the humorists Dzigan & Schumacher called "'ahn eigel' .. ( good eye)
Imagine if our local rabbis did the same.. Man O Man...!!!
What's so hard to understand?
Why is it permitted only for the Zionist establishment to discuss with the Palestinians and the plo whatever and whenever they decide in regards to peace issues AREN'T THE PALESTINIANS MURDERERS? IF THE ZIONISTS ARE NOT TRAITORS WHILE DEALING WITH PALESTINIANS THAN WHY ARE NK NOT ALLOWED TO DO THE SAME
lunatic... what are you "ploppling about?
"the name of Israel doesn't belong to the State of Israel"?
Are you drunk?
Lie down and take two aspirins!
Don't get all worked up about this ... Max..your Rebbe is insane...
don't take it personal ...
Psst... 8:33... Come closer....... HERZL..!!
You're having a meltdown again, true Torah Jew...
Interesting... You try to alter your writing style a bit, here and there so you won't be recognized.. Oh, but you srooche to Sakmar.. Unless, you're sweating with a crony..
Derby... You're platzing on us.. Why are you so depressed and unhappy??
Derby, that was really low class of you to mock Rav Blau for marrying a giyoress.
And what a stinking hypocrite you are who joins the ranks of those opposed to the shidduch like your beloved Rabbi Yoelish Teitelbaum!
I wasn't mocking R' Blau...On the contrary.. !! I was pointing out how a fanatic in whose neighborhood in Mea Shearim , signs call for modesty and tzniyus, how they avert their eyes at approaching women.. How such a Neture Karta man still had the 'eigel' to notice a beautiful woman.. BTW.. I remember the opposition to that..
As to your 2nd off-the-wall statement ... What the heck are you ranting about??
the Derby....
Then you are stam speaking shtussim.
Are you really saying that someone very concerned with tznius should marry an ugly woman davka or else Derby will make you a conversation piece, vehoyisa leshama lemoshol velishnina?
I wasn't "ranting" about anything. The Satmar Rov tried a different approach to destroy the shidduch from the Yerushalmi.
He offered the giyoress 25,000 Lira to not marry Rav Blau. I don't know what that sum in 1965 would be worth in today's US Dollars but I am guessing it is not chump change.
Busybody aka peasant alert....
I have a life... I don't give a crap about your pesky details about Sakmar , nor do I know of them, nor do I care..
All I said, and if you can read, read again.. That Amram Blau had an eigel...You didn't like that.. so I responded... Now you're blathering drip-drops that I couldn't care less about... No, he doesn't have to marry an ugly woman and VOILA... He didn't...
the Derby...
Got your number.
Catch you being rude and you get all flustered & start bristling
Again... Amram Blau had an eigel. Guys in Sheorim were jealous that he picked a stunning beauty... Kinah... So the whole crowd of tznius obsesses with fading signs in 2 languages suddenly all have eigels and know a sexy woman when they see one... Just pointing out... I'm not bristling.. I think you are, though 'cause you didn't like what I wrote...
Tnziyus groupies , all suddenly aware of a beauty, ex-actress. ex..??? woman suddenly... and jealous of him...
the Derby...
What's with these Zneeas fanaticks marrying beautiful women, I remember in Monsey during the 1970's lived a Fanatic Rabbi, who shall remain nameless because he died young, and he too married a beautiful blond giyoras!....
I better stop, my wife reads this blog....
Yeah... Tzniyas obsessees almost always have a cool eigel for a hot chick.. So Peasant gets all "hot" & bothered 'cause I wrote tznius & Amram Blau's geyoirus in one sentence...
He's like: What's one thing got to do with another? Nothing, except how come the other Meah Shearim' niks knew what she looked like?
the Derby
It's only an inyan where you have aino hagunim like Tropper who chase women through "kiruv".
Otherwise it's inappropriate talk.
What's going on with that lowlife shvantz Tropper anyway? He reneged on his written, notarized promise to leave Monsey and he has been hanging around in Tuvya's pontificating out loud. One week the jerk was darshaning about the shalsheles hayeshivos from Lita.
Bederech klal I agree that people's wives are not anyone else's business. But if something is really, really unusual, you can't blame people for being curious.
Like what's the deal with that not run of the mill yeshiva in Israel where the rosh yeshiva is married to a Black woman?
Those Karta putzes arms locked with the Arab, all they need is some cheerleader pompoms & to kick their legs up in the air.
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