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Showing posts with label neturei karta arab suicide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neturei karta arab suicide. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Neturei Karta Animals Menachem Aval The Family of the Arab that Hung Himself

Despite the fact that the Ministry of Health stated that the autopsy on Egged bus driver Yousef Hassan Al-Ramoni showed that he hung himself, and that there were no findings that indicated the involvement of any external agent in the act of hanging, nevertheless, the Palestinians blamed Israel for his death, and used it as an opportunity to riot, and attack Jews.

The fact that Jews were hurt in these riots meant nothing to the Neturei Karta animals. Instead, they chose to pay their respects to the Palestinian family who hung himself. This by the way, encourages Arabs to riot and blame normal deaths on Jews!

This is the family who claimed that “he was lynched”. 

Arab media  called him a “martyr who was murdered by Jews”, and by visiting them, these Jewish beasts are in fact bolstering this ludicrous statement!

It goes without saying that this was done less than 24 hours after the Har Nof Massacre, when two Palestinian terrorists murdered five people in a Har Nof Shul- including the four Kedoshim as well as one Druze hero police officer who risked his life trying to eliminate the terrorists.
Yemach Shmom V'zichrom