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Abbas YM"S |
Word for word, straight out of the Satmar propaganda machine!
People have asked me why do you keep attacking the Satmar SHIT"eh? So here is my answer!
Unbelievable..... here are some quotes from the book:
“The Zionist movement did not send any assistance, financial or otherwise, for the victims of Nazism and it did not allow any other side to provide any kind of aid. The Zionist movement concealed the information that came from within the ghetto walls and concentration camps, news that shed light on what was really happening. If it had to publish anything, it did so by questioning that information and diminishing its importance.”
“Zionism adopted the Nazi selection principle, when it went to save Jews from the slaughter. It made itself the ultimate arbiter regarding Jewish life, deciding who deserves to live and who deserves to die.”
“The Zionist movement did not make any effort to convince Western countries to take in the Jewish refugees escaping the horrors of the Holocaust. It even placed obstacles I the way of efforts made by Christian groups or by non-Zionist Jews or a number of countries that saw fit to find a solution to this humanitarian problem.”
“All of this wasn’t enough - the Zionist movement led a broad campaign of incitement against the Jews living under Nazi rule to arouse the government’s hatred of them, to fuel vengeance against them and to expand the mass extermination.”
From Mahmoud Abbas’ book “The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism” (Billsan Publising House, Ramallah, 2011), based on his doctoral dissertation.
There's only one truth, and there are many lies, Baavonoseinu Horabim, what Abbas wrote is the truth, and what a shame and Shande it is,the Malach Elokim the Satmar Rebbe ZYO, wrote in his holy PROPHETIC Seforim the TRUTHs having witnessed them first hand, the fact that Abbas.also writes those truths only validates those facts, by trying to hide those facts through repeating lies doesn't change those facts, and the zionists are sticking their heads in the sand, hoping that others would likewise do so, Abbas YMS, has his bitter agenda, and Hashem should and will help us, but those comments that you quoted, are unfortunately true 100%.
"People have asked you why etc etc"
Yes we know you're a self-hating creature who was born to some dirty whore and in your case her partner was probably a skunk
Yes we know that you're a great fantasizer
To my readers
I have left the above two comments intact, so that you can now see the fruits of what Satmar sowed for 7 decades....
"Frum" Jews saying and actually believing the Arabs!
Woe, To this generation that must witness this tragedy..
Now...Satmar, the leftist Chilonim and Hamas parrot the same ideas and words!
To carry your deranged way of thinking further, let's equate Abbas & Natanyahu, your hero, both ate boiled eggs for breakfast......... !!!!!!!!!!!(also Basar Bechalav, the basar was treifa........., now you can go even further with your dumb equations, fit for a person with serious mental & psychological issues, deriving from major Sinas Hashem Vatoraso Hakdosha Veshomreha Betahara.
to dusizneias editor: Its obvious from the first 2 comments that satmar is nothing but a sect filled with brainwashed, hateful, despicable pieces of shit. A bunch of deaf, dumb, and blind sheep led by 2 insane men who could be the poster children for birth protection. You and I will never change them, their hatred is embedded so deep. Just wish the sillies and moronies would just kill each other already and make the world a better place. Sad, because some of them happen to be sincerely nice people.
Dear din. I usually don't comment on blogs but here I couldn't control myself.
All these statements from abbas are true there all historical facts. Any intelligent holocaust historian will confirm them.
And I'm not a satmar nor do I agree with them
I'm just a yid looking for the truth!!
To my readers
Anon 1:56, 3:20, 3:57 and 6:35
all have the same IEP address!
1:56, 3:20, 3:57, 6:35= One & the same.
Your stuff is getting old and stale, Seymour.
Now let's talk tachlis. As previously mentioned, you don't have a life. Let somebody talk to your mom because for you it's an issue of kibbud Aym & you don't want to insult her.. Too many women like her don't want to see their darling sons married, no girl is good enough for them.
So what's the tachlis?
You used to be a handsome young man with neatly pressed slacks. Now , look at you. Shapeless baggy pants with frayed 1950s suspenders.
How much longer are you and her gonna sit alone at the Friday night's Shabbos table eating matzoh ball soup then the yellow tzimmis?
Then you pick up your now empty plate and motion to her, asking " Can I have some more , Mom?"
I mean, c'mon.
Too many mamma's boys hanging out with iron-fisted mothers who wear old ladies cheap perfume and carry a $12.99 Genuine Cowhide when they go shopping.
I mean, c'moM already.
Think it over, Seymour.
Tomorrow is a chaga... Take a coupla hours, go to the park, bring your Frisbee 'cause you never know who you'll meet.
Was invited by my Bessarabian friend for tomorrow's turkey and promises me... well.... why don't I let him say it himself in his charming Yiddish... This is for the '3" of you upstairs.
" Ah geSHMUK'eh indig gebrootin oif ah FUK'ldigi flamm fire... S'vett SHMECK'en goor git, ah-yuh..???
Any resemblance to anything else is sheer coincidence,, This is EXACTLY the Bessarabian accent.
Get yourself a new gig, Sy.
You're a played out Boruch Sheomar batchelor tzitzis'nik bottling around with a manly domineering old lady..
You're a has-been. Your time came and went a long time ago ,dude, only you don't know it..
Just eat a light dinner of pot cheese and knubbel tonight, 'cause manyana it's your big ain simcha ela b'bossor fress-fest with mammele.
Don't forget to invite your kuzinke, Delilah, who'll bring a box of your favorite bubble gum to kei.... and kei... and kei...
Cheers... and Happy Thanksgiving Day... There I said it... Should I say it again..?? I will...
the Derby...
I'm anon 635 and only posted one comment so either your a liar or getting wrong info
".....All these statements from abbas are true there all historical facts. Any intelligent holocaust historian will confirm them.
And I'm not a satmar nor do I agree with them
I'm just a yid looking for the truth!!.....
No you're not, true authentic, Torah'nik. You're a hypocrite, liar and mama's bukk. You nest and infest here day and night with your hoots & howls, don't learn Torah, an apikorus and shameless baryoni who refuses to listen to your Reverend's order to stay off the Internet and you srooche to Timbuktu.
I'm going to take my aunt Magda's sage advice..." When you see excrement in the gutter, avoid it or ignore it, and by NO means ever step in it."
Thanks, Tanti.... I'll take your advice..
the Derby..... Long live the State of Israel... Hatikvah.... Aliyah in numbers.... Am Yisrael Chai...It's shteching out the eyes of the confounded chnyuks..
8:13... Hey, it don't matter.... So you're the twin sleazy piece of donkey crap as your buddy.
and stink as two...
Ooopsss... ! Iker Shochachti...
To the true authentic Satmar dupa smoocher.....
Never got an answer from your perpetually stiff puckered mummy lips...
To wit:
So how did figure out which Ho' is genuine and which is fake? Ma bayn Ho' le' Ho'?
If anything is obvious, it's that you are the one who's brainwashed, hateful, despicable and a dumb piece of SHIT! Your entire education and knowledge is taken from the newspaper's, media and the mega public relations executives of the Zionist atheist establishment which are full of unlimited lies! And in the other hand ALL other Jews follow the CLEAR writings of the Torah and chazal
... and what's up with your mother's moustache anyway?
Matzoh balling mamma-boy boychik's own words about his SHITa bearing bunch, w-HO-se lies he propagates, but can't stand them anyway:
On the other thread:
".....Bande, empty lowlifes, menuvalim, using nivul peh, as a first line of defense, aggressive Gvar Alim, Bullying as a way of life....."
Don't worry Tante Magda.... I'm not stepping into it... But Tante, tell us, w-HO's dooo-ing it?
" w-HO-se doooooing it? The lunatic w-HO-se mother threw him out on the street. Where else can he dooooo it?"
Tante, what would I do without you?
Derby....Having a late cheese danish
Notice how Seymour calls others liars.
Thinks he's Gerald Ford , who used to flatulate, then blame it on his secret service agents.
Ubber mitt'n KNYAACK !!
Can I have, burp, another matzoh ball, Ma?.. Burp, boyp..
You're the liar
You write you don't agree with Satmar
and you say that every word of Abbas is true..
You obviously don't read this blog... you're only looking at the pictures, because if you did ... you would see that what Abbas wrote was Nazi propaganda and then hijacked by the late Satmar Rebbe
we went over these points many times...
To 8:13 the Liar
Link to this
And you will see that the Abbas/Satmar take on Zionism is a fake
It seems that you rely on the fact that when you show a link, most people will take that at face value, and not even bother to use that link, and believe you that what you imply is correct, however our experience with you, has proven time and again, that you can't be trusted, and linking to that blog, confirms our suspicions, that its not what you're implying, suffice to say that most comments refute the bloggers point of view all in all, its MEISEH LISTOR, MISHOM RAAYEH LEIHEPUCH, but in keeping with your Zionist Shekarim, you've been proven that you can't be trusted.
I don't rely on anything, and I am not expecting people to take anything at face value...
when I provide a link, I want people to see that there is another view that actually makes sense...
It seems that Rav Weissmandel Z"L had madeup most of his allegations vis a vis Zionisim ...
He was a tragic figure that now knows the truth!
Its tragic comedy, to read your comments, criticizing and defaming tora giants, tzadikim, rabinim, roshei yeshiva, whose smallest finger had more of everything holy and right than your whole bag of bones, The omissions of the minutes from those zionist despots is to you more relevant than Rav Weissmandls clear words.... How ignorant and foolish can you get!,but of course, the only opinion that you reckon with, the only people you believe, are the ones that say what you want to hear. So here to these UNBIASED guys............
He who was deeply involved, with his heart, soul, and practically gave his LIFE, to Hatzalas Yisroel, and dealt with those zionists, almost on a daily basis, was THE ONE that knew exactly what the zionists stand was, there can be no better EiDUS than him, unfortunately what he said and wrote is 10000000000000% true & accurate.
This is nothing new to me. I've already posted and responded to our resident lunatic about the imagined note to R' Weissmandel which became the generation after generation sordid lie. No one is denying the anguish and dedication of R' Weissmandel. However, as one reads other books and sources, there are things that he didn't know at the time.The events aren't exactly as he saw them. PLUS... His book was published posthumously after his death, and edited by family and rabid fanatical anti-Zionists, and we really aren't certain what he wrote himself. That said, he was putting heavy blame on not only Zionists but American Jews.
It's a fact, now being revised, that he & family were being transported together to either Aushwitz or another death camp, when he broke a plank in the cattle car and jumped out en route. His family perished.
All of these facts will never alter the minds of lunatics and delusionists who want to hate, hate, hate regardless of facts.
the Derby....
There isn't yet a full moon out, yet our resident lunatic, yemach shemo'ing Jews who disagree, including frum ehrliche and holy rabbonim, mamma's boychik, "true authentic Torah"'nik who rebels against his rebbe's Internet ban.... is howling and singing " Shayn Vee Die Levanah" nonstop.
This hypocrite wrote this regarding the other Zatmar faction whom he despises.
Give a listen:
"....Bande, empty lowlifes, menuvalim, using nivul peh, as a first line of defense, aggressive Gvar Alim, Bullying as a way of life....."
H'o Ho'
Even though we have no Hava Mina, that anybody or anyone or anything can or will change your (one track off track off the derech mind???), the Pasuk says Kal Baeho lo yeshuvun VELO Yasigu Orchos Chayim, and Chazal tell Shana Minus Demascha, still we see that those comments from the Erliche Yidden penetrate your TAMENE mind, for you quote them verbatim,... But you're wrong wrong wrong, besides that Rav Weissmandl wrote it in his Sefer, its also recorded on Tape, he had publicly quoted those PUTRID words 'RAK BEDAM TIHYE LAANU HAARRETZ', !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whether he wrote he taped it or wrote it... Makes no difference... there isn't an IOTA of evdidnece to back it up. It never happened, period.
Now when you're ready we can start talking about the "LEADERS" who refused to allow emigration and refused to allow Zionist emissaries to speak to the people. There is a signed, SWORN affidavit about such a cheirim by your Teflon Rebbe...
No point to debate further... The truth is IN... Your delusions and lies are yours and those of your "Bande." .. And guess what?... You own them now , Seymour.. They're yours...!!!
the Derby....
Still need info on that F Train running along B'dway & Marcy in Williamsburgh.. Offering "hakoras hatov" for any info... Will not deny that it happened, if and when it does, and will make an annual party for you with balloons...
I need one with 10 cars that holds about 1600 people....
DERBY !!!!?????
Yes, Tante Magda, what now???
Derby, he's trying to drag you into his crude dooooo... Careful, careful... Don't.
Thanks Tanti.... But it's an obstacle course, you gotta skip, hop, dive and do figure 8'ts to avoid it... It's all over the place, Tanti....Look at how it screams " HAAAAAAAAAAAAARRETZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It screams to surpress it own stink, guilt for not having a pre-war program to save Jews., nay, to talk them out of it... Hallucinating cheap shameless $3 Bimbos screaming now in flaming hypocracy..BEDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAMMMM..!!!!!!!!!!!
Derby.... They got GUUUUUUIIIIILLLLLLTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excerpts from,
Der Sinah
by Seymour, Batchelor in residence at Lunar College . Discoverer of the Zion Crater.
Originally published as... Die Shkorim die Spione der Juden... a true Torah authentic diary.
"....Bande, empty lowlifes, menuvalim, using nivul peh, as a first line of defense, aggressive Gvar Alim, Bullying as a way of life....."
" Bitches, whore, shitbox "
' Yemach Shemo..Yemach Shemo..Yemach Shemo..Yemach Shemo..Yemach Shemo..Yemach Shemo..Yemach Shemo..Yemach Shemo..Yemach Shemo..
Yemach Shemo vezichro..Yemach Shemom...
Tirtzeh Kol Toov in for Derby
Now i see the anti tzemach AKA tzig AKA ex-spinka student he's the source we should believe in?
And btw the REBBE the RASHAB's take on Zionism was also a fake according to the REBBE king moshiach and beloved disciple of Sorbonne SHLITA
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