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Tuesday, August 9, 2022

"DovBear"A Frum Leftist Blogger Gets Into a Heated Twitter Exchange with Turx of Ami


As you all know, I'm not a fan of Ami Magazine, and I cannot believe that I'm defending one of its writers who goes by the pen name "Turx"

 Turx took the conservative congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene on a tour of Boro-Park, to give her a feeling of how religious Jews act and behave and to give her an education on Jewish matters. 

 Greene a shiksa, supports Christian Nationalism as do most Christians. And like it or not the US is a Christian Country founded by Christians.
Greene is not the sharpest blade in the drawer, and she shoots from the hip without filter and has made some outrageous remarks vis-a-vis Jews; she has always walked back her comments. Greene actually introduced a bill in congress that "prohibited assistance to the West Bank and Gaza that directly benefits the Palestinian Authority" 
Because of her outrageous comments, Turx saw fit to befriend her and give her the "other side of the story" 

 DovBear the a "frum" far-leftist blogger who lives in Canada, is a Zionist and defends Israel. But he did hate Trump with a passion and hates the right wing conservative political party. In a Twitter exchange he attacks Turz for giving Greene a tour 

A Twitter war has erupted among Orthodox Jews, over conservative congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.

It began when an outspoken leftist Jew accused MTG of being an antisemite, in part because she supports Christian Nationalism.

The blogger, known as “Dov Bear”, sarcastically wrote on Twitter: “Why is Trump, our super best friend, toying with elevating a self proclaimed Christian nationalist who attends Nazi events and spreads anti-semetic lies?”

He also insinuated that Ami Magazine’s Turx helped MTG spread “propaganda”, saying: “Did @JakeTurx see this coming? What did he and MTG discuss during the propaganda tour of Boro Park?”

In response, Turx suggested that Jews who rampantly label people they don’t agree with as “Nazis” and antisemites are actually stoking hatred.

Dov Bear accused Turx of “blaming antisemitism on the Jews.”

At one point Turx defended his position by saying: “For years I’ve been abused, harassed & bullied by leftists – who seem to know zero about me or my positions – and I’ve never responded in kind. I can handle y’all. But when Jews act this way against strangers, don’t act too surprised when some of them conclude all Jews are jerks.”



Anonymous said...

> DovBear the a "frum" far-leftist blogger who lives in Canada, is a Zionist and defends Israel.

Very incorrect. DB is a huge critic of Israel. He fools people by saying "I support Israel" and the next line is "but..." and then he regurgitates all the anti-Israel Arab propaganda and lies he can find.
It's the same with his so-called Orthodoxy. Sure, he's Orthodox "but.." and then try to find a positive word about the Torah in his blog.

Anonymous said...

The Left are cowardly bullies. They announce that if you disagree with them you're a misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, racist Nazi and then when you call them on it they deny it.

Anonymous said...

We at Lev Tahor would like to thank you for defending a writer of our beloved savour and protectors publication.

Anonymous said...

Same as din regarding orthodoxy