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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

“Top Boy” In Yeshiva Starts Shidduchim, Discovers He’s Not Jewish.... Lubavitcher Rebbe Predicted this Many Years Ago

 Recently, one of the top bochurim in a well-known Israeli yeshivah began the shidduchim parsha but was stopped in his tracks when he suddenly found out he wasn’t Jewish, Kikar H’Shabbat reported on Monday.

The bochur, whose parents made aliyah from Ukraine a number of years ago, had already begun shidduchim when his mother revealed to him that although his father is Jewish she is not. (It is unknown why she chose to wait so long to reveal this fact to her son.)

The bochur, whose entire world is Torah and the daled amos of halacha, was devastated. Brokenhearted, he confided in one of his Rabbanim from his yeshivah, who turned to HaGaon HaRav Yizchak Yosef.

HaRav Yosef used his influence with senior Dayanim to expedite the giyur process for the bochur so he can return to his shtender and resume shidduchim.

In a video below watch and listen as the Lubavitcher Rebbe predicted this over 30 years ago. He was lamenting the fact that the Roshei Yeshivas never got involved in making sure all their students are Jewish as they are busy with Torah,  mocking them stating "they are teaching their chiddushim to goyim"


Zako said...

"There are more gentiles who don't know that they are in fact jewish, than Jews who don't know that they actually are gentiles."
(Author uncertain)

Mendel said...

Where’s the video of the Lubavitch rebbe

Alter Nayess said...

One top yeshiva bochur's goy status was completely concealed until the Steipler got agitated & raised his voice in protest (to the future shver when he asked for a brocho that the shidduch should be oyleh yoffeh), that WHY IS THIS GOY SET TO MARRY A BAS YISROEL??!! They then looked teef teef into his yichus to discover he is takka a goy.

Dusiznies said...

I added it

Voice of reason said...

This is true ruach hakodesh, at least 30 years later we finally found a reason y some rebbe was right to trash Rosh yeshivas, for ppl that enjoy controversies they pick and find every stupid story happening anywhere

HaBAD in a glass house shouldn't throw stones said...


Take a look at the video, how the father repeatedly blasts HaBAD!!!