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Monday, December 27, 2021

Chareidie News Blogs Don't Disclose that Walder Killed himself or that he raped Men & Women

 So it didn't take long for Chareidim to whitewash rape and molestation! The typical "yoilie" who gets his news from these blogs will never know that there are sexual predators that will target his children and maybe even his wife.

Soon the roaches will come out to defend him. Even in death he refused to give his victims closure. 

The chareidim are probably thinking "What good is it to talk about this now that he is dead and cannot harm anyone anymore" But that is flawed thinking and will lead to thousands of people to leave frumkeit. 

While I am typing these words, three Roshei Yeshiva are sitting in jail for molesting their students and no one is saying a word. In Israel they won't disclose the names or the yeshivas that they worked in, because of the severe "loshon hara" laws. It is important to publicize Walder's crimes so that that the other Roshei Yeshiva know that when word does go out it will be severe!

Meanwhile I am waiting for the bastards to come out of their caves to defend this menuval!


Anonymous said...

who are the other three roshei yeshivas in Jail. Yes. it is important to know and confront this terrible avla that they continue to sweep under the carpets.

Unknown said...

"Meanwhile I am waiting for the bastards to come out of their caves to defend this menuval!"

Who are you referring to?

Avi L Shafran said...

I just got off the phone with Lipa Margulies who wants to issue a joint statement with the Agudah that DIN, UOJ, Yudel Shain & all the usual suspects are conspiring with Chiloni media to spread "sheker vechuzev" on this this feineh yungerman ztl.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to think that some Hareidi Yiddishkeit is one big cult. See Vin news
"JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Chaim Walder, the popular children’s author accused of inappropriate moral behavior in recent weeks, has been found dead near his son’s grave in Segula cemetery in Petach Tikva."

"Popular author" really? He's still popular?
And 99% of the comments are defending him.
Look at the vaccine related threads on collive. Most comments and votes are from antivaxxers.

I wouldn't be surprised if Hareidim will soon also be flat earthers.

Avi THE FERD Schnall said...

I will have to gallop over to Gov. Murphy in Trenton to have him fly the NJ flag at half mast for Walder.


Then I will put another feather in my filthy Borsalino & brag how it's thanks to me that Murphy shills for unzerrah.

Yaacov David Shulman said...

They refer to him with "zal." Why not "hagaon hatzaddik mofet hador"?

Anonymous said...

Col like many other sites filters their comments. It's NEVER a real reflection of anything else but the site itself.

Ma Rabbi said...

The man is gone. Chazal say not to speak badly of the dead.

Anonymous said...

Ma Rabbi,

the cherem against talking bad of the dead is only for motzee shem ra, not for something true.

(Pirush of R' Yaakov Kaminetzky in the Kadmonim)

Maria said...

American law provides that innocent until proven guilty. Shouldn't you say "accused of rape." There have been people tried and found guilty who turned out to be falsely accused...
No-one knows the truth, even victims don't know if he did it to others.

Anonymous said...

what does yollie mean?

Didan Notzach? said...


Chabadsker in Saudi Arabia

Anonymous said...

Exactly why he has hundreds of victims, don't say anything, don't go to the police, just let him rape and destroy. Apparently everyone in Bnei Brak knew buy no-one did anything. No-one would support the victims, aderaba victims would be ostracized is they said anything. Not one person went to the police to stop this monster.

Anonymous said...

The reason is out of respect for his family who are innocent

Anonymous said...

Maria, the Tzfas beis din examined much evidence & ruled Walder is guilty.

Anonymous said...

I am a typical Yoily Chareidy, and i know whats going on without having to hear what this anti chareidy yoily website has to offer.

Kalonymous the Great said...

Chareidi who take this view are hypocrites, they on teh one hand rail agaisnt the seculars, publicly humiliate and insult them, attack modern, secular sexuality, but when they do it themselves, suddenly it is all about silence, and not speaking loshon hara etc.
they are giving a free pass to adultery, rape, buggery and homosexuality - in other words - Chareidi S'dom and Amarah.