Sunday, December 19, 2021

"Der Groiser Chuchim" Mordechai Ben David claims 'coronavirus is flu,' says it's 'Pfizer's money mill.'


I don't know too much about covid, I'll admit. But MBD is not the sharpest bulb in the lamp. He is not known for being a "chuchim" he has more "mazel vee sichel" but that doesn't stop people from interviewing him.

Popular singer Mordechai Ben David, commonly known as MBD, claimed that COVID-19 is "just flu" and that the media is fear-mongering.

"Coronavirus is flu," Ben David said in an interview with Radio Kol Hai's Menachem Toker. "In my opinion it's just money, it's Pfizer's money mill. The media is trying to instill fear in us, so that everyone will get vaccinated out of fear."


Sam green said...

Thst and thy wanna install socialism

Pinny Shitzlip said...

The Yated has recently gone from run of the mill anti-vaxx + pro-virus to completely off the wall a la Philly-Agudah, with attacks on those who dare wear a mask.

Anonymous said...

How's his friend Berland doing?

Anonymous said...

MBD is one hundred percent right
DIN you win the woke competition

anonymous said...

You're certainly not the one to judge on chochmah.

Joe Magdeburger said...

I follow science, not "the science". And U am very concerned about Covid the mental illness, as opposed to the viral illness, and the use to which has been put to attack democracy.

Anonymous said...

Was waiting for this to bite DIN. He's scared of the virus but his political stance (i.e., pathetically pro Trump) allies him with vax and covid deniers. Eventually those forces have to clash.

One Yid said...

If we can all agree that some people were terribly hurt by the vaccines. Some with life altering conditions.

Why is it so hard to believe that the big pharmaceutical companies are not hiding things and pushing this merely for profit. You can do an online search for past fines levied against the big drug makers. They have been very bad boys. MBD who is known as a real mensch was stating the obvious.

lessor said...

Right and Nobody died.......

Happy Tree said...

Why does anyone care what Cousin "It" of the Adam's family masquerading as a pious jew says.
Hope you all have more important things to worry about then some 70 year old man with a rather tarnished history making foolish comments. Any conversation with this individual of over 90 seconds should indicate your not dealing with Albert Einstein.