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Monday, December 13, 2021

The Ger Civil War Heats Up As Gerer Rebbe Sends 15,000 bullies to Harass Shlomo Elbaum R' Shaul Alter's Lawyer


When Ger in Brooklyn threw out over 30 teenage girls from the Gerer High School, because their parents had the audacity to go to Rav Shaul Alter's tish, Rav Alter's followers took the hanhala to secular court in Brooklyn and the courts placed a stop order on the hanhala. 

They felt that going to Bais Din was a waste of time since Bais Dins in New York are long drawn out situations and cannot issue "Stop Orders."

When R' Shaul Alter came back to Eretz Yisrael after his huge successful trip, the Gerer Rebbe's followers livid with rage and jealousy started a relentless harassment campaign against the Shaul Alters. The Gerer harassment campaign against the Shaul Alters were not only perpetrated by grown adults, children were taught to scream "yemach shmo" on other children that were previously best friends, and even to cousins.

Well the Shaul Alters had enough of this crap, and hired a lawyer, Shlomo Elbaum, a Gerer Chasid to file a harassment and a stop-desist order, in the Zionist secular court.

Elbaum said that he and his client seek “to change the unbridled incitement, setting fathers against sons, sons against fathers and brothers against each other.” He added that “the judge said that this is a desecration of G-d’s name, and for such baseless hatred the Temple was destroyed, and this is what the petitioner and his client wish to cease.”

Moreover, “taking things out of context and the attempt to publicly accuse the petitioner of attempting to modify the pure chinuch are a classic and typical example of the wild incitement instigated by the Higher Committee of Ger chasidim who continue daily to defame in every possible way the community led by Rabbi Shaul Alter, via telephone, presentations, pamphlets, speeches and lectures.

So the Gerer Rebbe sent 15,000 Gerer brutes to protest in front of Elbaum's house in Bnei-Brak.

Yes, we will be fasting this Asara Be'teivos


Mendel said...

And situations like this that are many in the frum chareidi/chasidish world is what will build up the reform movement

Zako said...

To Mendel:
Who cares about the reform ?... Anyone weak enough to find easier, or more comfy, to turn into a reform doesn't need this type of excuse.

Gerrorist said...

"children were taught to scream "yemach shmo" on other children that were previously best friends, and even to cousins"

Note that the Chiddushei Hari"m was choilek on the masoires Kadmoinim of saying ymach shmom on meshumodim. He felt even for a meshumod it's too veit.

ger forever said...

these people are worse then meshumodim because they play the part but are rotten from inside