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Thursday, December 9, 2021

Letter of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Permitting Wigs [shaitels] ...Being Auctioned by Genizim


Fundamental Responsum of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Permitting Wigs [shaitels] for married women. New York, 1962

Handwritten & Autographed!

The fundamental and popularly-quoted responsum of the Posek Hador and author of Igros Moshe Harav Moshe Feinstein writes regarding wearing wigs: “Most of our Rabbis, including those that we rely on for the fundamentals of deciding halachah, permit it.”

After delivering this verdict, he explains the rationale of permitting a married woman to wear a wig and sharply addresses the letter writer who wished to act stringently and forbid his wife from wearing a wig.

“His honor may not prevent his respectable wife from wearing a wig, for even if his honor would like to be stringent, he may not impose his stringencies upon her, for this is her law. Since she is following the law according to the majority of opinions…he may not rule stringently on her account.”

New York, 1962. 2 Leaves. Page size: 28x21.5 cm. Published in Igros Moshe, Even Haezer Vol. 2 Ch. 12.

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1 comment:

YSV the Root of All Evil said...

TSC are the sons of Rabbi Mayer Beller, Menahel under Margo at Torah Temimah, and now Menahel at Yeshiva of Spring Valley.

Let's see how long it takes for Eckstein to be ordered to remove this report from Yeshiva World.


A Bergen County, New Jersey, company today admitted its role in price gouging a chain of New Jersey grocery stores in connection with the sale of KN95 masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, Acting U.S. Attorney Rachael A. Honig announced.

TSC Agency LLC (TSC), a logistics and freight forwarding company based in Mahwah, New Jersey, pleaded guilty by videoconference before U.S. Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen to an information charging it with price gouging in violation of the Defense Production Act.

According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court:

In March 2020, TSC and two partners purchased 250,000 KN95 filtering facepiece respirators from a foreign manufacturer. TSC and one of those partners then sold 100,000 masks to a chain of New Jersey grocery stores at prices in excess of prevailing market prices. TSC sold the masks at a price of $5.25 per mask, which amounted to a markup of more than 400 percent from its acquisition cost. Prior to the spread of COVID-19, TSC had no history of selling personal protective equipment.

A violation of the Defense Production Act carries a maximum fine of $200,000, or twice the gross pecuniary gain derived from the offense, or twice the gross pecuniary loss sustained by any victims of the offense, whichever is greatest. Sentencing for TSC Agency is scheduled for April 13, 2022.

Acting U.S. Attorney Honig credited special agents of the Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge Peter Fitzhugh in New York, with the investigation.